Aoba Office

Chapter 1157 No. 006-Another Me (8)

"Ms. Zhuang, are you okay?"

"Well...I, I felt sad at that time. I felt that this child didn't learn well. After finally being obedient for more than a year, he started acting up again. I was anxious at that time, very anxious. But he He refused to listen to anything. His father was angry when he saw him like this and refused to let him return to the company. Later, some girls accused him of rape, and some girls came to him and said that they were pregnant with his child... In those years, The more I look at him, the more I feel something is wrong. He was such a good person, but he wasn't like that before. Even if he was not good at work, he didn't like to work, but he didn't get into trouble like that. Several times. In 2005, it should be 2005, he said that he wanted to go to country A. His father did not agree and wanted to set new rules for him and cut off his money and his card. They argued several times, and once again they got angry and scolded his dad for not daring to interfere with his affairs. He also said a lot of things in foreign languages, scolding his dad... me... us... his dad. He hit the ground and his eyes were swollen. He looked like that. He was really not my son, not Anan. Ah Nan would never be like this. Wuwuwu... "

"Did you and Mr. Zhou suspect that he had a problem since then?"

"Well, no, no. We were very sad at that time. We thought that our son was a bad learner. We also thought that he was a bad learner. After he left that day, he didn't come back for a long time. Then one day He came back. It should be in September. He has been away from home for a month or two. After he came back, he still wanted to go to country A and they still had a quarrel. They kept quarreling. Then...October, October 4th, that day...they quarreled again that day...his dad suddenly, suddenly fell to the ground...I called an ambulance, but he was motionless and didn't react at all. . I called an ambulance and sent his father to the hospital for emergency treatment. He... I later found out that he went directly to the company and told people that his father was dying and that he wanted to take over the company. The finance department didn't dare to give him money. , several managers didn't dare. When his father...his father died...he didn't even arrange the funeral, he just wanted to handle the inheritance and transfer everything. Pulling, he also grabbed my hair and choked my neck... The way he looked..."

"He was violent towards you?"

"Yes, yes... he hit me... I... I looked at him like that, he wanted to kill me... He wanted to kill me... When he looked at me, I felt... My heart was beating so hard. It was abnormal, you know? It was beating so hard! I felt like I was about to die. I agreed... He... He took it. After receiving the inheritance, he started selling. The company was sold, the house was sold, and then he took me with him... At that time, I took me with him, and he asked for my documents. I went through the formalities... His look... He didn't want to take me out, he wasn't ready to honor me, support me, and take care of me, he just wanted to keep an eye on me... I can't describe what he felt. He wanted to kill me, but he didn't do it... He brought me here. He bought a house here, let me stay, gave me money, and didn't care about me at first. ...He raised me like a pig. Then, he suddenly...he suddenly...I didn't know what happened, so he sent me here...he told the doctor here that I was crazy. I gave this side money and asked them to look at me...I...I, I don't know what happened...I..."

"When did you start to suspect that he was not your son? When he used violence against you, or after he got here?"

"...It' was before...he...he would come back sometimes. I...I slowly discovered it. Little by little, little by little...what he likes to eat, his speech, and his living habits... ... He, he is not my son... He is not... My son doesn't eat broccoli, doesn't eat corn, likes to eat well-done steak, he likes to eat pork, but doesn't eat duck... You can't tell it at home, but when he goes abroad , His habits... he decorates the house, decorates the house, buys some things, all of them are not normal... and the songs he likes to listen to, the celebrities he likes... I heard him scolding. The star on TV then mentioned Christina. I didn’t know her, but I looked it up. She was a foreign female singer who had died a long time ago. He also liked what she said. He also cursed black people and yellow people. The president, what he said... what he said was not normal. He hired a nanny, and the nanny whispered to me and asked me if our country was using textbooks from the last century and learning everything from their country. It’s from the last century. Do you understand what I mean?”

"Do you think the ghost that replaced your son is a ghost that has been dead for a long time and lived in the last century?"

"Yes! Yes! And...he bought a painting of two people, a woman and a little boy, maybe a mother and son, and hung it in the house. He also bought me clothes, which were similar to the clothes on the woman. , and the same style of clothes, which are the kind of clothes seen in old movies. He also bought those clothes, clothes from that time. And the things in the house... I don't know very well, but the nanny said, They are all old things. She is still strange, she finds it interesting... That feeling... I am going crazy... I am going crazy... I dare not say, I want to escape, but my son... I am here. I told the priests in the church over here, but they didn’t believe me. They told me that there was nothing I could do... I couldn’t do anything... I couldn’t do anything... After I was sent here, I couldn’t do anything even more. Oh...I...wuwuwu...please, help me, save my son, please..."

"Ms. Zhuang, we sympathize with your situation. When we contacted the nursing home here, we already heard about a situation. Mr. Zhou has not sent money here for more than a month. He stopped paying for your stay. There’s no way for anyone at the nursing home to contact him.”

"Huh? Well... they, they asked me... what happened to my son? What happened to my son? Did something happen to him?"

"Don't worry. What I want to say is that the sanatorium is being passive to you now. You will be relatively free in the sanatorium now. Do you still remember our contact information?"

"Last time, I..."

"This is our phone number. We have also left a phone number for the staff of the nursing home. You can't go out for the time being, but you can contact us at any time. We will stay here to investigate your son's situation. As far as we know now I know that your son refused to answer the phone and is not at home. We have not found his location yet. You can call the police as his mother and ask the police to assist in the investigation.”

"I know, I know...I'm going to call the police now, call the police now!"

Add ten more~

Good night everyone~

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