Aoba Office

Chapter 1073 Big Adventure (3)

The phone recording that Wu Ling played almost ended here, followed by the sound of footsteps, the sound of broken glass, crying, vomiting... almost all noises, and it ended completely after more than ten seconds.

Wu Ling said: "This matter has nothing to do with us."

I was still immersed in the confusion and fright. When I heard Wu Ling say this, I was stunned for a moment, "You mean..."

It's not that I can't understand what Wu Ling means. As she said, this matter had nothing to do with them. It was only after I met them and looked for them that they were willing to check it out. Nangong Yao has a unique talent. Therefore, in just one night, not even one night, just a few hours, he found such a rescue call, and the matter was basically cleared up.

In Aoba's previous situation, when they opened an office, no one would come to their door, and they probably wouldn't mind their own business.

Otherwise, there are too many things that can be managed in this world. Even many of the commissions they accepted have not been completed, and they do not keep a close eye on them to get to the bottom of it.

This is a question of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

I can understand what Wu Ling means, and I can probably guess what she is going to say next.

I was hesitant myself.

This matter is not closely related to me. I don’t know any of the people who died. I was just unlucky, or rather unlucky, to stumble upon this matter. If possible, I would also turn around and leave.

To put it bluntly, I don’t play games like truth or dare, and no one around me plays it. This thing, whether it is a newly born spirit or another new thing, it cannot hurt me. At least, it won't hurt me in the short term. When it evolves to a certain extent and can involve me and my family and friends, I don’t know whether I am alive or dead. At this time, there is really no need to worry.

However, even after witnessing the entire incident, I couldn't forget about it so calmly.

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and Wu Ling continued what he had just said.

"Although it doesn't matter, I think this is a bad sign." Wu Ling said this, which was beyond my expectation.

"What's the sign?" I didn't understand.

"Signs of the deterioration of the world. I have told you many times. Before, everyone in the circle felt that the world was deteriorating, and many people noticed something was wrong. But the speed of deterioration and the scope of the impact, It's too fast and too big. Do you still remember what happened in Nangong? Game software is popular, and related spirits are born in this world. It has great power and is also subject to great restrictions. The birth is consistent with the rules of action. It is born because of the game and follows the rules of the game. It can play tricks, but it cannot violate the general rules.”

Of course I remember what Nangong Yao went through, and it’s still fresh in my mind. I myself was pulled in and played a "game". That "game" was indeed powerful. It allowed an ordinary little girl to casually kill Master Tianyi, who had lived for two to three hundred years. She was also very capable of understanding reality and designing a copy of the game.

However, as Wu Ling said, it can use the rules of the game to kill people and exploit loopholes in the rules. At the same time, it is also restricted by the rules. Nangong Yao once forced it into a corner. He is a technical player who relies on strength. I got lucky and relied on my ability to eliminate it in one fell swoop.

It's not easy, but it can't be said to be too difficult.

Master Tianyi suffered the disadvantage of not knowing the rules. He exchanged places. If Master Tianyi discovered the nature of the "game", he would definitely not die so unjustly.

"In addition, there is only one of it, an independent individual." Wu Ling added a little more.

I nodded subconsciously.

The spirit of the "game" is an independent individual with independent thoughts and personality, so whatever it wants to do, it can only do one thing at a time.

I suddenly understood what Wu Ling meant.

"This 'game' is not. In fact, the last spirit, the spirit that used Miss Chen's body, is also different from the previous spirit." Wu Ling suddenly mentioned what happened on the rainy night not long ago, "We have A lot of investigation was done. There were many victims at the same time that night, and the deaths did not stop until it found the office. In other words, although it was an independent individual, it was able to do many things at the same time. , within its capacity, it can affect many people.”

My face looked very ugly.

This is a quantum leap in pure power.

And this qualitative leap is definitely not due to differences in spiritual "talent".

To put it bluntly, that "game system" is definitely not some "talentless" spirit. It is not like the spirit of Shanzitun, which was born due to the thoughts of a villager. Just look at the situation in the global gaming industry. Even if Nangong Yao fought it hard and consumed a lot of its power, there was no reason to make it "weak" like this.

The spirit of Heavy Rain may have more depth and breadth than the "game", but now this spirit, a spirit based on truth or dare, how can it be compared to the entire video game industry in terms of "talent"? Even if electronic games are divided into different terminals, and PC, mobile phone, PS, etc. are isolated respectively, there is no reason for them to be smaller than one party game.

Then, what is different is the whole world.

That "game" was unfortunate, but I solved it before the world deteriorated further.

The spirits behind are very lucky, the world is favorable to them, and they are more powerful than their "predecessors" as soon as they are born.

"Do you think the situation will be worse?" I asked with a headache.

I used to hear and mention it often that the world is not good. The prospects for a bachelor's degree are no longer good. A bachelor's degree is no longer enough to keep up with the good world that existed 20 to 30 years ago. Furthermore, civil servants, employment environment, marriage, family and children...

People's hearts are no longer old, and they miss the good times of the past. This is probably something that many people agree with.

But these are all fleeting and meaningless moans.

The situation Wu Ling described was a real disaster.

Global warming, rising sea levels, nuclear crises, and asteroids hitting the earth are things I may never see again in my lifetime. I never thought I might see a worse end of the world.

I was very uneasy and at a loss.

Wu Ling's voice was still very calm, "Today we will contact the owner of the phone call and the other victims' friends to see what the whole thing is about. We will also contact other people in the circle People. I will call you again when the time comes. Please be more careful."

Wu Ling reminded me like this, so I can only remind Shouzi and the others as they are.

But to say "be more careful" is, at most, not playing truth or dare.

Although we are worried about the future, we don’t need to worry so much about the present moment.

The people at Qingye are surprisingly efficient. When I got home from get off work in the evening, Wu Ling sent me a recording. This situation is a bit like looking at Aoba's files.

I clicked on the audio file and heard Wu Ling's familiar voice, and another voice belonging to a young woman. Wu Ling said that it was the friend of the victim they found, a witness to the incident, and the person who called the ambulance.

The girl spent most of the time shaking and choking, her voice full of fear.


"... We had a party last night. We graduated as seniors and have settled down... We are in the same club and have been really close for four years in college... I, my family is local and the place is big, so I invited them Come on, it was like this before... ugh... drinking, playing cards, singing, and ordering takeout... We were like this before... after drinking too much, we said we would play games together. I didn't have much at home, so we played truth or dare. . We are just playing casually, and we are not that serious. We just spin the empty wine bottle and whoever it turns to will be punished."

"At the beginning, I just did sit-ups and push-ups, and asked if I was in love and how many boyfriends I had. In fact, we are so familiar with many of the questions and we all know them. We all know it, and we haven't done anything excessive..."

"What happened to the two people who had the accident?"

"In that round, Brother Kang turned the bottle to Ah Hao and asked Ah Hao and Xiang Xiang to kiss in public. The two of them were originally lovers and had been dating since their sophomore year. We just watched the fun and let them perform. They kissed, but Brother Kang kept making noises for at least thirty seconds, and we continued to make noises... Wu... Wu Wu... Us, we just played together... They... They didn't agree, Xiangxiang is sorry..."

"Except for those two people, everyone else has completed the game?"


"Then what happened?"

Keep asking for monthly tickets~

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