Aoba Office

Chapter 1072 Big Adventure (2)

There were a lot of them, and they had all been drinking. They were very noisy while walking on the street, with several men fighting and making trouble. This street is not a big road in the first place. There are many small vendors on the road at night, occupying the road.

Carrying my drunk sister on my back, I didn't want to bump into those people, so I quickened my pace and reached the intersection ahead, catching up with the traffic light.

My sister patted my head again uncomfortably, "Don't run, you'll make me uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay." I coaxed and slowed down.

After crossing the zebra crossing, my pace slowed down. The green light jumped to red, the red light jumped to green, and I happened to continue crossing the road.

When I stood on the sidewalk again, I felt something strange in the air and couldn't help but turn around.

The group of students was still on the sidewalk before. There were girls looking at the trinkets sold by the stalls, and the boys were in groups, arms around each other.

My eyes swept across these people and landed on the boy at the end of their line.

It was the boy named Yu Jiaming. He was walking at the end, with a considerable distance between him and the people in front. He was looking down at his mobile phone with a puzzled look on his face. He pressed the phone screen and put the phone to his ear.

My heart skipped a beat, and I saw the expression on Yu Jiaming's face change from confusion to horror.

The noise on the street did not disappear, but a rustling noise penetrated into my ears. Soon, a buzzing sound was added to the noise, and the surrounding sounds became distorted and blurred, sometimes near and sometimes far away, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

I seemed to hear the sound of blood rushing in my blood vessels, my heartbeat, my lungs expanding and contracting, and air being sucked in and out. The sound of the current signal in the traffic light, the roar of the car engine, the friction of the convenience store door switch...

All the sounds became extremely terrifying.

I gritted my teeth and held on, but I couldn't even blink my eyes. I saw Yu Jiaming still holding the phone in his hand and falling forward straightly.

With a bang, everything returned to normal.

There was a commotion around them, and Yu Jiaming's classmates also realized something was wrong, and one or two of them screamed.

A crowd gathered and I heard someone calling for an ambulance. I knew Yu Jiaming was dead. I didn't see his spirit, nor did I see any ghost there.

"Brother..." my sister shouted in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." I said restrainedly.

Not that it's nothing.

Something happened, a weird supernatural event happened, and a life was lost in the blink of an eye!


A scream broke out from the crowd gathered over there, and then several girls screamed and the crowd began to disperse.

As soon as they dispersed, I saw where the crowd had just gathered. In addition to the fallen Yu Jiaming, there was also a boy kneeling on the ground, vomiting. However, there seemed to be something wrong with what he came out with, and everyone around him acted very frightened.

The kneeling figure soon fell down and lay motionless on the ground.

When I looked at it from a distance, I felt even more creepy.


What is it?

I held on to my sister tightly and wanted to leave, but I didn't dare to leave without permission.

I still don’t know what it is, and I don’t know if Yu Jiaming’s brief contact with us brothers and sisters talking to each other, and whether our brothers and sisters’ own “physiques” will cause trouble.

I searched everywhere, but saw nothing around the group of people.

Not a ghost, no yin energy, no body.

The various sounds I heard at that moment before may be because I suddenly felt the same as Yu Jiaming, or maybe I noticed it when the thing arrived.

Too many questions came to my mind, making it difficult for me to make a judgment and making me hamstrung.

"Brother? Aren't you leaving?" My sister was still a little confused and was not frightened by the commotion to wake her up.

Cold sweat dripped from my forehead, and I felt chilly when the night wind blew.

I didn't see anything suspicious until the ambulance arrived and took both of them off the ground.

I exhaled, not daring to relax, and called my sister.

The sister on the back just made a nasal sound and moved her head.

I turned around and saw that she was asleep on my shoulder.

My eyes caught the red rope around my sister's neck. Aoba's amulet is still in good condition.

I felt a little relieved and carried my sister home.

After I got home, I didn't dare to tell my parents what happened on the way. I just helped my mother, wiped my sister's face, and tucked her into the quilt.

Her parents were still a little worried about their sister. They also knew about Yi Huan's death.

"Today's children..." The mother started chatting, inevitably talking about the bad air, bad water, bad food, high pressure, unhealthy... causing problems for each of the children.

It was just a casual chatter. I stayed with my mother for a while, until my father asked her to stop, and then I went back to my room.

I returned to the room and immediately contacted Shouzi and the others, as well as Wu Ling.

"I don't know what it was, but I heard that voice. It wasn't an auditory hallucination, I really heard it. That feeling... was a bit like Gu Mo's ability, but it was different. What I heard was the voice of a dead thing. Sound." I was confused as to what was going on.

Of course, Slender Man and the others couldn't give an answer right away, and Wu Ling was also confused about my description.

"Voice?" Wu Ling asked, and seemed to turn to ask Gu Mo.

I heard Gu Mo reply: "I didn't hear anything. Everything was peaceful just now, nothing."

"Then, the scope should be that small area." Wu Ling said.

"Is this good news?" I smiled bitterly.

"That's right. At least it's not a spirit that covers the entire city." Wu Ling replied.

Aoba's people didn't encounter the thing face to face, so they couldn't figure out what happened.

Shouzi put forward a hypothesis, "Could it be Brother Qi and your abilities have changed in some way?"

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

"It's time for you to sleep." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Of course she didn't really want me to go to bed.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't escape today.

After witnessing a supernatural incident with my own eyes, and seeing one person dead and another whose life or death was unknown, I was definitely going to dream about it.

I have no resistance to this now, but this time I was more or less vigilant before entering the dreamland.

Lying in bed, I prepared for the dream to come.

But I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't fall asleep for a long time, and naturally I didn't dream either. It was around three or four o'clock when I drifted off to sleep, and was finally woken up by the alarm on my phone.

There is no dream.

I stayed in bed for a while. It wasn't until the alarm ended and rang again that I got up from the bed.

After such a night, I am of course exhausted both physically and mentally.

My sister is still hungover, but her parents are up.

They also asked me if I drank too much last night.

I didn't drink much last night, and I wasn't drunk at all. The reason I'm acting like this now is entirely because I'm thinking about what I saw last night.

When we arrived at the office, Slim Man and the others thought I had been fighting some ghost for 300 rounds in a dream. When they heard that nothing happened, they looked at me suspiciously.

"Brother Qi, are you confused? There are too many things going on recently and you are too nervous?" asked the thin man.

I shook my head.

The feeling last night was definitely not an illusion. I clearly felt that something unscientific and a supernatural event happened right in front of me.

The phone rang at this time. It was Wu Ling calling.

"Lin Qi, I went to Nangong to monitor some data last night." When Wu Ling opened his mouth, it was confusing. But the meaning of her last sentence was very clear.

She said: "Nationwide, there was a slight increase in the number of ambulances and police cars last night. The increase was caused by young people, and they were all young people who had just had a party or were at a party. Nangong I found a phone recording..."

As she spoke, there was a cacophony of crying and shouting on the other end of the phone:

"Someone died! My friend died! Come here quickly! Woohoo..."


"Come quickly, ask them to come quickly..."

"Miss, where is your friend? Where are you now?"

"In her house, inside her house!"

"Stop looking!"

"Holy crap! My tongue is chewed up!"

"Please come quickly, please..."

"Hey! You guys-"




"Uh, uh... ugh!"

"Holy crap! No way... No way... Ah Hao..."

"Wow ah ah -"


Da da da da…



"Miss, are you still there? Are you okay over there?"

"You guys, I told you to come quickly... This way, this is No. 8 201 of Maple Tree Community, please come quickly, please..."

"Okay, I have notified the team here. Sir, what happened to you over there? Is someone injured or is there a sudden illness?"

", there are two people, one, one ate his tongue, and the other just fell, just now...was penetrated by a clothes hanger, passed through the mouth...Please, hurry up Come on!"

"Ah, okay, I have already notified the driver that the car will be dispatched and will arrive at Maple Tree Community soon."

"I said... I said, the two of them refused to kiss just now, and the game is over..."

"Hey, what do you want to say?"

"It's's just too...don't you think?"

"Ugh...stop, stop talking. No, I can't stay any longer..."

"Let's all go out, let's all go out..."

It took a lot of my brain cells to think of an ingenious way to die that would not be blocked..._(:3」∠)_

Although there are no supplementary or additional updates today, the number of words today is particularly large. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Please ask for a monthly pass~

Goodnight everybody.

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