Aoba Office

Chapter 1029 No. 058-Ghost covering eyes (1)

Although we know that there are big problems with Ye Qing's approach, none of us can stop Ye Qing because we have no better way to replace Ye Qing's current way of doing things.

In this regard, I have the greatest responsibility. In an ideal situation, I should be able to complete some tasks and deal with those ghosts on my own, without Ye Qing having to give me extra help.

I can't do this, and Ye Qing will have to bear a greater burden.

Gu Mo, who likes to hit me, didn't speak this time. He just stayed silent with Wu Ling and Nangong Yao.

Obviously, there is nothing they can do to improve my strength in a short time, or provide me with help and share the pressure for Ye Qing. They cannot appear in my dreams like Ye Qing.

My ability is very convenient and powerful, but it also creates a disconnect between me and other people. Except for Ye Qing, no one can cooperate with my actions now.

Ye Qing actually didn't cooperate with my actions. He just helped me at the critical moment so that I wouldn't die.

After hurriedly finishing the game, the few of us went home.

When Wu Ling waved goodbye to me, he comforted me, "This is not your fault. You just have to follow your own pace. Don't be anxious. Even if Ye Qing is really in the worst situation, you will still have a chance to recover in the future."

I was speechless for a moment.

I have already dreamed about Ye Qing, and I can't say it out loud at this time.

Gu Mo rarely patted me on the shoulder without mocking me. The expression on his face was a little sad.

Although Nangong Yao didn't say anything to me and his expression was calm, he didn't seem to be in a high mood.

Speaking of which, the current situation is exactly the opposite of what Aoba experienced before. At that time, it was Ye Qing who was helplessly watching his friends disappear one by one. Now, it is his friends who are watching Ye Qing step by step towards the abyss.

It's best not to get to that point. Before Ye Qing completely loses control, my ability can solve all the troubles and make our lives peaceful.

I nodded towards Wu Ling and waved goodbye.

After returning home, parents rarely complain.

Our family has never experienced demolition, and they have only heard about the trouble of demolition in the past. Those are all the troubles encountered by the demolition households. Now they feel that the demolition office is also very troublesome.

Although I am really busy at work, I don't stay home at night just to work overtime. It was a bit embarrassing to hear my parents say this now.

After chatting with them for a while, I went back to the room.

The sense of urgency from yesterday was gone, but there was still some pressure and worry about Ye Qing's condition. I stood in front of the bookcase for a while and took out the new file.


Incident number 058

Event name: Ghost covering eyes

Client: Lin Hui

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: Programmer

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XX, No. XX, Kangjiazhai Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 137XXXXXXXX


On November 18, 2009, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 05820091118.wav.

"Hello, Miss Lin. Please relax, you are safe with us. Can you tell us what happened to you?"

"Well, okay...I, I met a ghost...I mean..."

"Don't worry, drink some water first and speak slowly. You can start from the beginning. When did you feel something was wrong?"

"Gu... almost, almost half a year ago... Half a year ago, I started to have problems with my eyes. I studied computer science and will graduate this year. I usually face the computer all the time, and the job I found also means I face the computer all day long. When I'm resting, I'm either looking at my phone or my computer...I usually don't pay attention...I, I really...I ugh...I find that sometimes I see a layer of gray. I think I am. There was something wrong with my eyes. I was scared to death. I was afraid that I would go blind... I went to the hospital for a check-up. My family was not here and I didn't dare to tell my classmates. I went to see him together. He did various tests and the doctor said that I just overused my eyes, had myopia, poor vision, and eye fatigue... Anyway, there was no disease, just eye fatigue. They gave me eye drops and asked me to take more rest... but I still saw it sometimes... I happened to be looking for a job, and after checking several times with no results, I almost resigned myself to my fate..."

"Hmm. Has the situation changed since then?"

"Yes, something has changed! I was working on the computer at the company, and suddenly I couldn't see. It was pitch black. I, I was petrified... My colleague patted me, and I felt like I was sleeping. At that time, I was suddenly woken up by someone, and I could see things again. My colleague asked me why I was so dazed, but I didn’t even blink or move... I thought there was something wrong with my eyes at that time, so I called a specialist again. I went to the eye hospital, and the doctor still said it was fine. I paid special attention to rest after that, and I don’t know what happened... and then the next few days..."

"What happened to you the past few days?"

"I...I...huh...that's right, it's also when I'm at work...I had a lunch break and I didn't finish something, so I left colleague asked me to bring me some bread...I've been writing code . Still the same as before, everything suddenly went dark... I thought it was again... I wanted to wait for a while and put some eye drops... When I was about to open the drawer, I felt someone pressed on my eyes... ...There was a pair of hands pressing on my eyes... I really didn't think much about it at that time. I thought it was my colleague who came back and was joking with me. I laughed and wanted to call him by his name. Okay... I reached out to pull those hands first, but before I could reach my wrists, I shut my mouth... Phew..."

"Ms. Lin, please speak slowly."

"Well...I, I felt something was wrong before I even pulled his wrist...I touched my eyes again, and I found that those hands were cold...just, they didn't look like human hands. , It didn't look like a living hand... I was so scared that I was shaking... I don't know how long I stayed like that. My colleague called me and the feeling disappeared. He asked me why I was so dazed. It's not that my eyes hurt, I covered my eyes with my hands... I went to the bathroom. My face was white at that time, my whole face was white, and my hands were still shaking... I really touched it, it was not an illusion! Really, there are really hands covering my eyes! I can't see anything, I just see darkness! Is that a ghost covering my eyes? Is it what others call a ghost covering my eyes? Got it...I was targeted by a ghost..."

"Please calm down, Miss Lin. You said you noticed abnormalities in your eyes half a year ago, and it wasn't until recently that you touched the ghost's hand. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's right. Does this mean that I'm going to die? That ghost is going to kill me?"

"Don't worry. This also shows that the ghost is not powerful. We can see the residual yin energy of the ghost in you now, but we do not see the shadow of the ghost. The ghost is not scary, we can solve it. What we need to know now is the identity of the ghost. Did you do anything special six months ago? Have you ever seen a dead person, been to a cemetery, a crematorium, or passed a murder scene?"

"Half a year ago... No, there shouldn't be... I don't know either. I was still in school during that time and didn't go home during the summer. I lived in school and was looking for a job... I interviewed in a lot of places and went to a lot of places. Places...I don’t know if those places are..."

"Do you still remember your trip?"

"I remember some of them. I still have my resume and emails. I submitted some of them at job fairs, so I may not remember them all."

"You can first give us what you remember, and we will start from these places and start the investigation. During this period, you can use the amulet made by our firm. This should protect you from the harassment of that ghost."

"Oh, okay, okay."

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