Aoba Office

Chapter 1028 The Complete Puzzle

After arriving at the office, as usual, I told Shouzi and the others about yesterday's situation, as well as Wu Ling's analysis.

"If you put it this way, he can really use your ability to follow you through time and space?" the thin man said in surprise.

"Well, that should be the case. But the price should be high." I replied.

I'm afraid the cost is not "very big" but "quite large".

Every time I see Ye Qing in a dream, Ye Qing will be depressed for a while or even seriously injured.

"It's good news that Ye Qing can take action at a critical moment when he doesn't lose control. If he loses control, you may not be able to escape." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

"If he loses control, I won't be able to escape whether he enters the dream or not." I smiled bitterly.

The gap in strength cannot be made up by relying solely on ability. At least when the strength gap is too large, it is useless no matter how unnatural the nature of my ability itself is.

The thin man added: "We can't escape, and the entire Minqing can't escape, right? A ghost like Ye Qing will definitely become a terrifying demon. However, if Brother Qi dies, he will also become a terrifying demon, right?" ”

The thin man looked like he was watching a good show.

"If Ye Qing kills me, he will destroy my ghost as well." I said calmly.

This is what I really think.

The people in Aoba know all about my abilities and I can't hide it from them. This kind of information asymmetry makes me unable to please them at all.

Cooperation is my only choice. Their choices may not be so limited.

The daily chit-chat is over.

We made announcements of voting results, made a new round of publicity boards, contacted the neighborhood committees of the six workers and peasants villages, and formulated persuasion plans for certain problematic property owners... We started a busy day.

By afternoon, my phone was ringing.

It was Wu Ling who sent a text message, saying that some information had been found.

This cheered me up.

Wu Ling made an appointment to meet at a meeting place. To my surprise, she said the others had better come along. The location is not a hotel suite, but a private room in a small hotel.

On Wu Ling's side, three people from Qingye acted together, and they arrived at the private room early.

After a few words of greeting, Wu Ling got back to the topic.

"I inquired about a situation. The virtual Buddha I told you before has indeed passed away. But he has a descendant who has absorbed the power of his physical Buddha, which is almost equivalent to another him."

As soon as Wu Ling's words came out of his mouth, they were so shocking that we were dumbfounded.

This is mainly because the concept of physical Buddha is so famous.

I remember that two years ago, the physical Buddha in a large temple was taken out and a Dharma ceremony was held. Many Buddhist masters and celebrities were invited to participate, and the news media also reported it extensively.

To most ordinary people, it is just a corpse specimen of a famous person.

Two years ago, I was just an ordinary person.

After being exposed to supernatural events, I did not connect these with bits and pieces of real life.

When Wu Ling mentioned it at this time, I felt a little scary.

"Is the physical Buddha really that magical? Is he immune to all evil?" Guo Yujie asked curiously.

Wu Ling nodded and shook his head, "Only if there are thoughts left behind after death will the corpse become a physical Buddha, otherwise it is just an ordinary corpse. The virtual Buddha was not an ordinary person during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that a physical Buddha is left behind after death. That successor , is not his disciple, but accidentally encountered the physical Buddha he left behind, and absorbed the thoughts left on it - there may be a faint spirit. However, there are also rumors in the circle that the successor may also be the virtual Buddha. People whose thoughts have invaded their bodies. Have you ever encountered Master Tianyi? "

Master Tianyi lived for more than two hundred years by stealing the corpses of his disciples. He was a real old monster.

After Wu Ling finished introducing the virtual Buddha, he told me the information related to the content of my dream.

"Lin Qi, someone has also discovered the impact of your dreams on reality. In the past two days, many people have been talking about this matter and want to find you." Wu Ling first told the not-so-good news, and then continued, "Those people Among the two memories, the past memory is that Xu Buddha's views have changed. In the past two years, he has dedicated himself to destroying ghosts and monsters to improve his strength; the new memory is that Xu Buddha went to After arriving at Qingcha Village, there was no news soon, and no one has seen him since. "

When I heard this, I was a little startled. For some reason, the image of Ye Qing slumped on the ground, weak, suddenly appeared in my mind.

Wu Ling's eyes were dark, reflecting a little light from the indoor lights. Being looked at by those eyes made my whole body tense.

"In their past memories, Xufo's latest target should be Minqing. According to the consensus in the circle, Minqing originally belonged to the territory under our jurisdiction, Qingye, and Master Xuanqing also had a hand here. Unless it is us Ask for help, or we must all die, otherwise no famous colleagues will set foot in this area. Another exception is that people from Minqing City invite them or pay to hire them, and they can also come to Minqing City. Generally speaking, before coming, they would say hello to us or Master Xuanqing. Although we have disappeared for many years, Master Xuanqing has always been with the cultural relic dealers. After they parted ways and started catching ghosts and exterminating demons, he became a lone ranger and refused to be hired. He never said hello to Master Xuan Qing," Wu Ling said lightly.

I suddenly felt short of breath, and it seemed like there was a lot of cotton wool stuffed in my lungs, blocking my normal breathing.

"I didn't know Master Xuan Qing, so he entered Minqing. After entering Minqing, there was no movement. I think there is only one possibility." Wu Ling continued, "His target is Ye Qing. The entire Minqing, There is probably no ghost more powerful than Ye Qing now."

The whole box fell silent.

The thin man and the others couldn't help but look at me.

Nangong Yao asked: "Did something happen that we don't know about?"

I said with difficulty: "I went to the office last night and Ye Qing... was very weak."

Wu Ling’s information became the last piece of the puzzle, and the whole thing formed a complete picture in my mind:

It must have been after Xu Fo entered Minqing that he targeted Ye Qing without our knowledge and was discovered by Ye Qing. Ye Qing used my dream to kill the virtual Buddha in advance, but the action of killing the virtual Buddha with the help of my dream consumed too much of his strength and made him sluggish.

Last night, Ye Qing took advantage of my dream again. This time, he should use the method of devouring other ghosts to make up for his lost power and repair his soul.

Of course, another possibility cannot be ruled out, that is, Ye Qing was attacked by the Virtual Buddha and was injured. It's just that the injury disappeared after he changed the past, and was replaced by the impact left by the loss of strength.

After realizing this, I realized that the most dangerous person now was not me, but Ye Qing.

Not only was Ye Qing's situation in danger, his behavior was also dangerous.

The expressions on Wu Ling's and others' faces also proved that my guess was correct.

"This is not a good sign." Wu Ling murmured, "If you go too far on the road of ghosts, you will lose yourself more and more."

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