153 – Olympics Opening (9)

Of course, Eugene expected that Japan would have prepared at least one special measure to defeat him.

No, to be more precise, what is even more strange is that the Japanese national team really did not take any measures against Eugene.

That’s because among the national teams participating in this Olympics, Japan was the first to notice Eugene’s power, and the first to make a fuss on the Internet, saying that he must be wary of him.

From the beginning, the Japanese side made a fuss that Eugene might join the Korean national team, and as a result, he was able to join the national team smoothly.

As such, Eugene never once felt let down when dealing with the Japanese national team.

Simply in terms of skill, the players of the Japanese national team can never surpass Eugene, but in ‘Thousands’, the game can be decided by numerous factors such as unique skills and areas of thought.

For example, in the Thousand League, Eugene had a past where he almost lost to a streamer who couldn’t even reach his feet in terms of physical strength due to being caught up in a strange unique skill that would blow him into another space.

So, he never lets down his guard.

No, even if it is not such a problem, at least in the war against Japan, being careless is something that is never allowed.

Historically speaking, most Koreans do not want to lose at all costs in a game against Japan.

Even if they had to lose all other games, they had the mindset that they had to win the game against Japan.

Well, when viewed objectively, it was an extremely irrational behavior, but Eugene knew very well why people behaved that way.

Because Eugene was also Korean!

Honestly, wouldn’t it be normal for a Korean to want to beat his opponent at least in a match between Korea and Japan?

That’s why I decided to do my best and finish it quickly.

It doesn’t matter what strategy Japan prepared to attack them.

After all, technology and strategies are meaningless in the face of overwhelming power.

So before the Japanese team could even show off the strategy they had in store for him, he decided to just throw it away.

So, just like he did in the past during the placement test, he summoned the giant sword Atram from the air using [Master of the Sword] And dropped it, the so-called orbital bombing operation!

During the placement test, just dropping a single giant sword from the air was enough to cause more than half of the 50 players to be eliminated on the spot and leave the other half in a near-dead state.

However, in the placement test, my mastery of [Sword Master] Was not enough, so I was only able to implement one giant sword, Atram, but now it is different.

Now, I am very used to the materialization of swords through [Master of the Sword], So I can summon as many as five giant swords at the same time!

Also, unlike the placement test, rather than simply dropping the sword from the air, the sword’s mass was increased as much as possible using the intention and even accelerated by gravity, so its destructive power was so powerful that it could not even be compared to then.

And this is the result.

At this point, 5 seconds after the game started, one of the Japanese players was dead and three were in a near-death state.

If he had known that Eugene was using this strategy from the beginning, he would have prepared a countermeasure somehow, but when he suddenly saw a nuclear bomb falling on their heads, his brain stopped for a moment.

‘This… I lost.’

And as a result of her intention, seeing the Japanese national team being completely destroyed in an instant, captain Akane closed her eyes tightly.

At the last moment, by using their unique skills with all their might, they were able to avoid being wiped out as soon as the game started, but the damage was still too great.

Even if all five members of the Japanese national team gather together to attack Soma, there is no guarantee that they will be able to capture him. How can they possibly defeat him when four of the five are already incapable of fighting?

Akane, who sensed that her game was already in jeopardy, unconsciously made a devastated expression, and her appearance was broadcast live around the world on her TV.

[The facial expression Akane, the current captain of the Japanese national team, is making haha]

– The expression on the face of losing one’s country kkkk

– That must have been the expression on the faces of the independence fighters who were tap dancing in front of the pro-Japanese group ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

– Japanese kids are such bastards that ignore their subordinates haha

– This is the pride of Korea, these people haha

– ? : There is a way to definitely catch the sword… No matter how much of a swordsman you are, today’s match will not be easy… (Actually said)

– Haha

– Soma is he a god Soma is a god Is Soma a god Is Soma a god Is Soma a god Is Soma a god Is Soma a god Is he a god

– Large and small

– Light Soma

– During the Olympics, Somajwa is in constant worship mode? LOL

[I’m translating the Japanese kids’ reactions and uploading it haha]

– Below is a translation of the Japanese 5ch live broadcast room haha

– No, Akane-chan, you clearly said you were confident as a swordsman opponent…

– Sasuga Kenju wwwww The land of Aniki wwwww Jabs’ evil plans are crushed head on wwwww

– As expected, no matter how hard the jabs struggle, they can’t win against you…

– As expected, Kenju wwwww is showing the evil jabs the hot taste of the Great Kanto Earthquake wwwww

– Did the Japanese team just get the fear of the B-29 bomber in their genes? Wwwww

– Honestly, it’s not easy to beat Korea head-on. Wwwww The men on the Korean national team are risking their lives because they don’t want to go to the military. Wwwww

– If they lose to Korea this time, wouldn’t it be okay to send the Japanese national team to the Self-Defense Forces as wellwwwww

– Do you think such a thing is possible for Japan, a self-proclaimed democratic country (laughter)? Wwwww

– With this, Japan’s ambition to win the championship has come to an end wwwww

– Jeonseung is now in danger of being eliminated in the group stage, but I still can’t figure out the topic. Wwwww

– I will give Akane (active JK national team member) and a few more players, so why not give Korea Kenju to Japan? Apply for a Pokemon trade

– ㄴwwwww

From noble mtl dot com

Recommended: 136 / Not recommended 29

– Brother’s country kkkk

– Yeah, fuck off, even if you give me five national pretty girl representatives, I will never change with Soma haha

– Fuck the Great Kanto Earthquake haha

– B-29 hahaSomajwa dropped Little Boy Pet Man on Japan haha

– ㄴ Fear written in the genes haha

Koreans were excited to see Eugene, and Japanese people fell into despair when they saw Eugene.

Strictly speaking, today’s match between the Korean team and the Japanese team has just begun, and even if they lose in this round, there are still countless opportunities left for the Japanese team.

However, at this moment, everyone watching this game felt it.

As soon as the game started, the Japanese team was beaten so harshly by Eugene, the weight of the game had already tipped in favor of Korea, and it could never be brought back.

“No… I’ve been working really hard for the past two months… “

Akane, the captain of the Japanese national team, looks at Eugene with an expression that is completely dejected.

“… In order to beat you, it was incredibly difficult to first thoroughly analyze all the videos of the Sword Lord appearing, then research your habits, and devise and practice a strategy to beat you based on that… “

“So what should I do? “If I screw you up, you should have won.”

Akane let out a sigh at Eugene’s harsh words, and then she looked directly at her.

“… Great. We lost this round. But, I have one favor to ask.”

“Ask? “What is it?”

“The golden sword was used during the friendly battle with Cheonhwa. “Use that sword to end us.”

“… “What?”

“I can’t help but lose to you, but I still don’t want to suffer a trivial death. It would be better if you at least use that golden treasured sword that defeated Cheonhwa before to kill us-“

But unfortunately, Akane’s words ended there.

[Master of the Sword – Embodiment]

[Heavenly Sword]

That’s because countless sharp swords began to unfold around Eugene, and soon they revealed their blades and began to be thrown at Akane at incredibly fast speeds.


The total number of swords fired at Akane was 30.

Akane, who was currently in a near-dead state trying to block the orbital bombardment from before, was unable to block the rain of swords fired by Eugene and eventually died!

And looking at that, Yuria, who was sitting on Eugene’s shoulder her, looks at him with an expression that seems to be somewhat fed up.

“… No, it’s a battle we won anyway, so isn’t it okay to ask for that much? If you are the current master, it won’t be that difficult to take out your junior.”

“I have to kill them anyway, so why should I listen to such lame words? If I don’t do this, it’s a waste of time and I’m going to die.”


Yuria was once again impressed by Eugene’s humanity, and she said a silent prayer in her heart toward Akane’s body her her her body her.

I sincerely hope that in her next life, she will be born as a Korean, not a Japanese, in order to avoid something like that.

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