152 – Olympics Opening (8)

Currently, the person who is considered the most important target for the Japanese national team is none other than Eugene.

Well, no matter how you look at it, it couldn’t be said to be anything new.

Because it was the Japanese national team that paid attention to Eugene long before any other country in the world, even before the U.S. Strategic analysis team.

In fact, the Japanese national team was already gathering information about Eugene in various ways long before he was called up to the national team.

In addition, it was a bonus to contact Powell Software, the developer of ‘Nightfall’, and Moonlight Company, the developer of ‘Destiny Over’, and have them submit biometric information and detailed data related to Eugene.

The reason was simple.

Because just as the Korean national team was keen to get revenge for the ‘New York tragedy’ that occurred four years ago, the Japanese national team was also showing signs of wariness towards the Korean national team.

Four years ago, at the New York Olympics, the Japanese national team won against the Korean national team, but it was only by a single margin.

If we had been a little unlucky, or if there had been some unknown variable, it could have been the Japanese national team that lost that day.

It was completely absurd for the Japanese national team not to take countermeasures against Eugene, who is the ace of the current Korean national team and could also be the biggest variable in this Olympics.

That is why they prepared countermeasures over a period of one month.

About the strategy to achieve victory against the rare monster called Eugene.

“First of all, I can confidently say that our Japanese national team will win today’s match against the Korean national team.”

Interview time right before the match between Korea and Japan starts.

In the midst of a gathering of media and reporters from around the world, the coach of the Japanese national team said this with a truly confident voice.

“Of course, the Korean national team is by no means an easy team. If the Korean national team were truly a formidable team, they would not have been able to win yesterday’s game with a score of 2-0 against the Russian national team, which can be said to be the best in the world. However, even if the Korean national team is like that, they will eventually have no choice but to kneel before our Japanese national team.”

“Are you saying that the Japanese national team is superior in terms of skill to the Russian national team?”

In response to a reporter’s question, the Japanese national team coach shakes his head left and right.

“No way. Although they lost to the Korean team, the Russian national team is still the most powerful team in the world at this point. “If we were to face the Russian national team head-on, the Japanese national team would not have a very high chance of winning.”

“Then what exactly did you mean by what you just said?”

“We, the Japanese national team, have been paying attention to Kenju since he stood out with his live performance of ‘Nightfall.’ Therefore, I can confidently say that I have more information about Geomju than any other national team in the world.”

“Has the Japanese team come up with a plan to defeat Kenju from the front?”

In response to that question, the coach of the Japanese national team smiled somewhat bitterly.

“Well. Looking at it objectively, there is no player on our national team who can win in a one-on-one head-to-head match with Sword Lord. Even if you searched all over the world, there would probably be at most two or three players like that.”

The Japanese national team coach’s weak words made the reporters present look at him with somewhat surprised eyes.

This is because before the game starts, all kinds of bravado is put on display, both for the morale of the national team and for the fans watching the game.

“… So how are you going to achieve victory against the Korean national team? “If you can’t beat the sword master one-on-one, doesn’t that mean you actually have no chance of winning today’s match?”

“No, it’s different. Because just because you can’t win in a one-on-one head-to-head match, it doesn’t mean you can’t win in a match.”

“… “That is.”

“The Sword Master is obviously extremely strong. However, just because he is strong does not mean that he can achieve victory unconditionally. Our Japanese national team can definitely win today. That is, as long as the strategy we have established works as is.”

The Japanese national team coach’s eyes were sparkling as he said those words.

“I can assure you. In today’s match, our Japanese national team will be the first in the world to inflict defeat on Kenju.”


Today’s Korean national team presented a slightly different lineup than yesterday.

Yesterday, with Eugene and Chunhwa as the vanguard, the remaining three were players with unique abilities who could support them as much as possible.

But today, Chunhwa was removed from the starting lineup and Xia was put in his place

This was none other than coach Kim Jong-seong’s strong argument that the Japanese national team, which would have thoroughly studied Eugene’s countermeasures, would have already prepared all countermeasures related to Chun-hwa, so they had to be caught off guard.

Of course, in Cheonhwa’s opinion, that was just bullshit.

“… No, if you came up with a perfect countermeasure against me, there’s no way you couldn’t have come up with a countermeasure against Sia. So why on earth did you leave me out of the lineup? Did Eugene by any chance make a personal request to the director?”

To be more precise, there was a very high probability that Shia whined to Eugene that he wanted to play in today’s game.

Even if he pretended not to do so on the outside, Eugene was actually trying to accommodate Sia’s most requests.

And Eugene, who received such a request from Sia, went to coach Kim Jong-seong last night and ‘asked’ him to nominate Sia as a starter…

That was the hidden story of this incident that Cheonhwa was currently guessing.

“Hmm, I can’t believe I received a favor from that guy, Eugene. No way. As the coach of the national team, I only made the right choices to help the national team win.”


Cheonhwa looked at Director Kim Jong-seong in such a way that he could not believe it at all.

But then, Cheonhwa witnessed a sight he could not believe.

‘… Hair?’

It was none other than the absurd sight of a few strands of hair miraculously emerging from the top of director Kim Jong-seong’s head, which had long since become the Sahara Desert.

How did this happen? Until recently, the top of Director Kim Jong-seong’s head was an empty plain, so how on earth?

And if it feels like that strange incident has some kind of connection to Eugene, is it because of Cheonhwa’s simple feelings


“… Hehe, don’t look at me like that. Because it’s burdensome.”

While Chunhwa was on the bench wondering about this mysterious thing that could not be explained by the power of modern science, the game began.

[The game will start soon.]

[The map for this match is ‘Ruined School’, and the format of the match is ‘Death Match’.]

[Goal: Defeat all players on the opposing team.]


As the countdown went up, the Japanese team players exchanged signals with their eyes.

What the director said in the interview just now were not empty words.

The Japanese national team analyzed Eugene’s playing style and abilities over a period of one month, and as a result, they succeeded in drawing meaningful conclusions about how to beat him.

‘Abandon the idea of winning in a one-on-one fight. And take as much time as possible. Until we have the means to defeat him.’


Eugene’s unique skill his, [Master of the Sword], The realm of thought, [Festival of the Sword], And the mysterious sword with the beam all had tremendous power, but that did not mean they were without weaknesses. ﹥


According to the simulation results of the power analysis team, if this method is used, there is a greater than 70% probability of catching Eugene.

In order to defeat the Korean team in this game and to surpass Eugene, I have been practicing for the past month with the feeling of coughing up blood.


So you can win.

No, I will definitely win.

Although this is a bit of an apology for the Korean national team, the Japanese national team is expected to win this game!


[Game starts]

So the game began, and the Japanese national team began moving to their designated positions, showing off the movements they had learned through hundreds and thousands of practices.

“Practice! Just do what you practiced! If you do what you practiced, you will definitely be able to catch the sword-“

Akane, the captain of the Japanese national team, was shouting so loudly, ending up silencing him.

[Master of the Sword – Embodiment]

[Giant Sword Atram]


From the sky, a huge sword reminiscent of a huge building was falling towards the ground.

Not just one, but five!

Kwaa aa alright~!

One second after the game started, as many as five swords larger than most buildings fell, and the ground literally turned upside down.

Additionally, as soon as the game started, three players from the Japanese national team were in a near-death state and one died!

As everyone in the audience gaped at this ridiculous result, Yuria, who was sitting on Eugene’s shoulder, smiled and said.

“As expected, the little boy strategy seems to work best for the Japanese. No, in this case, it should be called a great earthquake strategy… ?”

“… Okay, so please don’t say that out loud. “I’m playing a game right now?”

And when Eugene looked at Yuria like that, she let out a sigh without even realizing it.

No matter how I thought about it, Yuria’s Korean patch seemed to have been applied too perfectly.

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