Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 304: refugee

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The two behemoths jumped directly onto the spaceship and strolled on the outer shell of the spaceship. With each step, their sharp claws brought up a string of strange water-like light sources, which obviously affected the invisible energy of the spaceship.

At the same time, the two then manifested a huge shield to defend against the spaceship attack.

But seconds passed, and the spaceship still didn't respond.

The two looked at each other, and Bucky tilted his head at the spaceship: "It seems that no one is home..."

However, before the words fell, the outline of the spaceship suddenly glowed with golden light, like flowing water, and with the flow of light, a dark gray spaceship showed its original shape.

I saw that this giant ship looks like a big fish, but with sharp edges and corners, the rigid geometric design does not see a trace of roundness, simplicity, and grandeur.

I have to say that the shape of this spaceship is more in line with Xie Zhi's aesthetics. The spaceships of engineers and hunters are too "round", and the simple design with clear water chestnuts is obviously more hard-core technology.

Bucky shrugged: "Well, I was wrong, it seems someone is home."

The two waited for another three seconds, but there was no other response from the spaceship. Xie knew: "Look at that mouth-like place, it might be the entrance, I'll go in and have a look first..."

Bucky interrupted directly: "Do you want me to play by yourself? It's boring."

"Let's go then."

The two flew directly to the area of ​​the spacecraft that looked like an open mouth. From the perspective of structure, it looked like a passage for receiving the aircraft.

This is indeed the case, the two saw the door ahead, a transparent blue energy door, composed of countless hexagons, like a honeycomb.

And through the energy gate, you can see the huge area behind, which is a bit like a landing pad, but there is not a single aircraft.

When the two approached, the energy gate retreated by itself and opened.

Just in case, Xie Zhigu showed a spherical shield, wrapped the two of them and passed through. There was no sudden closure of the energy gate during the process. Obviously, the controllers in the spaceship cooperated very well, and there is no trick yet. mean.

After the energy gate was closed again, the relatively normal metal gate ahead opened.

At this time, Xie Zhi communicated with Xiao Yu, and found that the communication of the Taiji ring was not affected, so the two of them didn't care, went directly and walked along the corridor.

And the interior decoration style of the spaceship is also angular, that is, the light source is not very bright, in order to save electricity?

The road was unimpeded, and every door would open automatically, but the two of them stopped suddenly because they found something on the ground, not that they had never seen it before, but they had seen it before, it was very common on the earth, but it appeared in a suspected alien The boundary of the human spaceship is special.

Bucky picked up the thing and raised his eyebrows: "Baseball? How can there be such a thing here? A collection obtained by aliens from the earth?"

"Maybe aliens like this sport, let's go."

Just as he was talking, the gate in front of the corridor opened, and a person stood behind the door.

That person has green skin, bald head, texture on the head and face, multiple ribs on the chin, and pointed ears. Apart from these, other features are very similar to humans, and judging by the body shape, if you take By human standards, it was a woman.

On the contrary, the clothes he was wearing, the combination of leather and fabric, looked a little old and damaged, obviously worn for a long time.

But at this moment, the alien's fear was undisguised, he lowered his head slightly trembling, and spoke, his voice was indeed like a woman's, and he spoke in English: "Please... don't hurt us, we are willing to surrender."

These words stunned the two gentlemen, and it was the first time that they surrendered immediately.

And this female alien's fear is not fake, nothing else, with the Tai Chi ring, now she is very sensitive to fear, and the yellow yin-yang fish will respond.

Xie knew: "Surrender... If you have no malicious intentions, of course we will not hurt you, but why are you staying in the outer layer of the earth?"

The alien woman tremblingly said: "We are just...refugees, taking refuge here, we have no malice towards the earth, really." Love me e-book

"Alien...refugees? Don't tell me this ship isn't a battleship."

The alien woman hurriedly waved her hand and said, "The spaceship is not ours, it's the Cree's cruiser, and we're just living here temporarily."

"Kree? Who are you? What's your name?"

"We are Skrulls, and my name is Hakuna." (The name of Talos' wife is really unknown.)

The two approached, and Hakuna lowered her head, and her body trembled even more.

Xie Zhi wouldn't believe her before she figured out the situation, but his tone slowed down a lot: "Don't worry, we are good people if you don't play tricks. Master, where is the master?"

"She... died."

Xie knew: "Well, what a coincidence, it seems that this is a very long story, it's okay, we have plenty of time."

Hakuna carefully glanced at the two: "I'm sorry, I beg you two adults, can you activate the invisible state first, because after a long time, there will be... danger, the Kree people are looking for this spaceship..."

Bucky said: "So how long is the minimum time limit for turning off stealth mode?"

"I don't know, I really don't know. Dr. Marvel warned us that we must be careful at ordinary times. Even if we waste energy, we usually don't close it. It was discovered by the two adults today. There is no other way, so..."

Xie Zhi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No matter how urgent you are, it shouldn't be too late. Call all of you out, no one is missing. I'm sure you're not in danger. You can naturally restart the stealth mode."

Hakuna nodded again and again: "Okay, please follow me."

She seemed quite anxious, and hurriedly led the way. After leading the two into a hall, she said, "I'll ask my people to come out."

After she finished speaking, she half opened her mouth, and a horn-like sound came out of her throat, echoing in the spaceship.

Xie Zhi and the two were a little surprised by this place, because in the hall, apart from the incomprehensible foreign equipment, there are also many things from the earth, such as tables and chairs, computers from the 1990s, toy dolls, pinball machines, football machines...

Bucky said: "There are old game consoles in the alien spaceship, this style is not suitable enough."

"Look at that." Xie Zhi pointed to an unknown mechanical device in the distance, and saw a glowing blue cube on the device.

Bucky narrowed his eyes slightly: "It seems to be that thing, strange, I haven't seen it before, why does it feel familiar."

At this time, multiple hatches in the hall opened, and some people walked in. They were all aliens like Hakuna, not many, including Hakuna, there were only eighteen.

However, these aliens vary in size, half of them are adults, half of them are children, and most of them are still wearing the clothes of the earth people, and those clothes are also old.

From the look on their faces, they were indeed nervous and terrified.

Xie Zhi sighed, although he still didn’t fully believe in But the fear shown by these people in front of him was not fake, the Tai Chi ring reacted to fear again, if Xie Zhi is willing, he can now You can absorb the fear of these people, these people are really scared to death, especially those children.

No matter what the real situation is, at least for the poor people now, Xie Zhi didn't plan to cheat some poor people.

"Turn on stealth mode."

Hakuna hurriedly told an alien adult to do it quickly.

"So, tell me now..." Xie Zhi raised his hand, "What is that glowing cube?"

Hakuna said: "Marvel calls that thing... Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

PS: Thank you book friend "Mu Yuhun" for your reward! Thank you for your support! really fragrant...

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