Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 303: idle

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The car was crackling and burning, with the dead Howards sitting in the driver's seat.

When the Winter Soldier smashed the camera on the side of the road and drove away on his motorcycle, "Maria" moved, twisted his neck and sighed: "Being 'twisted' by myself, this kind of experience probably no one has ever experienced."

"You can brag about this for the rest of your life. No one has ever played it like this." 'Howard' opened the door and got out of the car, releasing two semi-finished clones.

Yes, the play is over, and it went smoothly.

After all, this is not the first time. The two of Pirates of Dream World have rehearsed once in the dream, and there is no shortage of rehearsals before this operation.

Xie Zhi moved the two bodies and said: "We have prepared too much. In fact, the brainwashed version of you is stupid. I still have room to play, but your phrase 'Howard'. On the surface, the expression is contrived and slightly exaggerated."

"That's because your worldly eyes are ignorant." Maria's figure changed, and she returned to Bucky's appearance.

Putting the two cloned bodies on the driving seat, Xie Zhi clapped his hands: "Don't be unconvinced, Principal Gu, please comment, does he know how to act?"

And following Xie Zhi's voice, a refracting mirror suddenly appeared in the air, as if the air was made of multi-faceted prisms.

And those "glasses" were moving, and both of them felt familiar, but without him, the pattern of glass movement was also like a kaleidoscope.

Then, a person stepped out from the moving glass mirror, it was Gu Yi.

Gu Yi smiled indifferently: "I don't understand acting skills, so I won't comment."

Xie Zhi crossed his arms on his chest, raised his eyebrows and said, "Wow, this move is really cool, but you have already been discovered by me, there will be no next time."

Gu Yi was not surprised at all: "I know, after all, you still have the power of space in your body, and this kind of space-based spells can no longer hide the truth from you."

Xie Zhi heard the words a little depressed: "Yes, I almost forgot, there is nothing that Principal Gu doesn't know, but I think, you will have no friends like this."

Gu Yi smiled and said: "Yes, although they are friends at different times, they are still friends. In certain times, you and I are also friends."

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "But let's forget about this reality."

"Understood, then it's nothing, see you in the future." Gu Yi raised his left hand, raised two fingers, and there was a double-circle metal ring on the two fingers, and then she kept drawing circles with the sword finger of her right hand.

Amidst the chirping sound, a rotating ring resembling golden cremation appeared out of thin air, and in the ring, it was not this place.

Xie Zhi and Bucky looked at each other and praised, "What's the name of this trick? Portal?"

Gu Yi answered irrelevantly: "By the way, there is one thing to remind you that some things in this world cannot be taken away, they can only be left in this world."

Xie Zhi tilted his head and said, "What do you mean?"

"You'll know when you see it."

Yan Bagu stepped through the portal, and then the portal shrank and dissipated, like burnt fireworks.

"Mysterious and mysterious?" Xie Zhi curled his lips and looked at the car that was already on fire: "It's over, go home, oh, I have to beat the brat."

Many years later, Tony Stark still couldn't figure out one thing. On the night of his parents' car accident, why the second elder would suddenly appear at home, dragged him up when he was sleepy, and beat him up violently.

The old man kept yelling: "Perfect life? Still have a headache? Let you pretend to be a fool! Shameless..."

The mother gritted her teeth: "I owe you family! It's settled! Now it's Yuyu's education gift! Kid, don't be too arrogant! Hey, brat, how dare you hide..."

Then Tony passed out, it wasn't punched, it was like his mother poked her with her finger.

After waking up the next day, since my body was sore and I had a pair of panda eyes, it was obviously not a dream.

Judging from the time of the car accident, my father and mother should have passed away at that time. 678 reading novels

After much deliberation, he could only wonder if he had been drinking a few pills the day before, and had hallucinations when he was beaten up...

Ren looked at the old couple in the dormant cabin, tilted his head and said, "Could it be possible that we will take them with us when we travel in the future?"

Xie Zhi shook his head and said, "Let's avoid it."

Ryan said: "Then how to deal with it, it won't be buried, and it will be dug out after many years?"

Bucky said: "No, no matter what, they are old friends. Although their lives were saved, I still feel a little guilty for letting them sleep for many years, not to mention beating up their son just now."

Xiao Yu was taken aback, wondering, "Why are you beating other children? Are you free?"

Xie Zhi said embarrassingly: "We can't talk about beating. We are elders. We should care about the children's education. That child is too crazy. You have to know that the sky is high and the earth is big, otherwise you will suffer big losses in the future... Then what, I have an idea."

Said Xie Zhi and pointed to the moon in the sky: "Send it to the moon. Don't worry about burying it anywhere on the earth. In case of accidents, we will be in vain. There is no one alive on the moon. To be safe, we will arrange some sentinel robots." Take care, how is it?"

Bucky nodded and said, "Okay, no one will pass by the moon for at least many years. Even if they go, the moon is so big and they won't be able to find it. Well, it's safer to put it on the back of the moon."

Just do what you say, release a Sentinel black antelope, everyone enters the spaceship with the dormant capsule, becomes invisible, lifts off, and goes straight to the moon.

On the way after flying out of the atmosphere, Bucky and Xie Zhi suddenly said at the same time: "Stop!"

After speaking, the two looked at each other inexplicably, and said in unison: "You also found out?"

Youde stopped the spaceship, and Xiaoyu said, "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Bucky pointed in one direction and said, "There's something over there, I can vaguely feel something, a little familiar, a little weird, hiss... I can't tell."

"Yes, I feel it too, but I know what it is." Xie Zhi looked in that direction and narrowed his eyes: "It's... space energy, you can't go wrong, although it's different from mine, it should be the same thing in nature um, that thing is still moving."

Youde called up the image and said: "Is this the range you are talking about? Nothing, radar scan... still nothing."

Xie Zhi said seriously: "No, there must be! Radar can't detect it, but we have other means. Bucky and I will go and have a look."

The two got out of the spaceship and flew in that direction, while the black antelope turned its nose and followed slowly.

While Xie Zhi was flying, he raised his left hand, and the Tai Chi ring suddenly shot out a green light.

Suddenly, there was a strange change in front of them. The green light was still straight, but there was a change in the middle of the light, as if it hit something, and it turned into a green mist and spread.

This scene is equivalent to telling everyone that there is indeed something in that airspace.

Xie Zhile: "This invisibility technology is quite clever, but unfortunately, this is not ordinary light, and it can't be hidden even if it is refracted as usual!"

While the two were approaching, the green line Xie Zhi shot was still spreading and atomizing, gradually outlining the shape of the thing.

That is gigantic, just the part that is exposed at the moment is countless times bigger than the black antelope. Comparing the two, it is like a wild goose and an ant!

When the green mist covered its entire view, the corners of Xie Zhi's eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It turned out to be a **** spaceship! It's really big enough! Youde, don't get too close."

Bucky said solemnly, "I never expected that my hometown not only has mages, but also aliens. It's quite lively."

Xie Zhi smacked his lips: "Hiss...Accordingly, we should have been spotted a long time ago, why didn't we respond? No one in the spaceship is guarding the house?"

"Shall we knock on the door?"


As soon as Xie Zhi finished speaking, the Tai Chi rings of the two people shone with light, followed by two different roars, the green dragon and the white wolf suddenly appeared in the starry sky!

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