Conversation, sacrifice...

The two words combined represent the truth behind the world and the deliberately concealed history. Sitson subconsciously looked at the home screen where his personal live broadcast was still going on. He didn't know what he thought of, and his breathing began to become heavy.

Based on the historical texts of various countries, including the study of myths of various countries.

The name Ancient God does not only refer to one, but represents a group of people.

Every country has different legends, but in his country, it is said that an ancient god created humans from his own body.

But no matter what, this painful sacrifice has been going on since humans began to have intelligence.

For tens of thousands of years, the entire human race has endured tremendous suffering. During these long years, there has been no attempt to have a dialogue with the ancient gods.

But in the histories he had seen that were only recorded in texts.

There are only two words to describe it, and that is death and tragedy.

Without exception, everyone who attempted dialogue died.

At the same time, humans have to bear the price of trying to dialogue and bear the punishment and wrath of the ancient gods.

In one sentence, the Ancient God is the creator of mankind and also its teacher.

Human beings have no right to ask the ancient gods to do anything. All they have to do is speak and humans follow orders.

Yes, in several attempts, human beings have been in crisis of annihilation several times, with only one out of ten left.

According to textual historical records, humans once tried to resist the ancient gods, but found that any means prepared were extremely insignificant in front of the ancient gods.

Eventually it was on the verge of extinction, just like in the age of the dinosaurs.

It was the legendary ancient god, the true creator of mankind, who sacrificed himself to allow mankind to retain a little fire.

The name of that ancient god was Prometheus.

There was a lot of confusion in his mind, and various secret texts he had read flashed through his mind. Sitson didn't know what to say for a moment. The only thing he could feel was fear.

He looked down at his right hand which was on the table.

His right hand was trembling at a slight frequency.

"Are you scared?"

As the head of the Authority, Hadley saw the meaning of Sitson's entire behavior.

"Yes, I'm scared."

Sitson nodded and said: "Hadley, this matter is very dangerous. Once again, no one among us humans can save it."

At this moment, the staff below let out an exclamation.

The two of them looked at the home screen simultaneously.

An earth-shattering scene is taking place there.

A king cobra that was almost twenty meters long and as thick as a century-old tree was rushing towards the RV at an alarming speed, knocking down everything it encountered, such as forest plants and trees.

When it stood up high and pounced towards the stopped RV with its bloody mouth that could swallow the entire RV.

"It's so cute."

The young professor who had just gotten out of the car and was carrying a large satchel introduced him calmly.

The main screen was reflected in Sitterson and Hadley's pupils.

The young professor still didn't make any move, and just walked slowly towards the small house they deliberately created to attract the target's cousin to buy it.

The first step was taken, and the head of the biting King Cobra broke off on the spot, with a smooth cross-section, as if it had been chopped off by a sharp blade.

When the second step fell, the more than 20-meter-long king cobra instantly split into dozens of pieces. Then it was pushed aside by an unknown force and hit the ground, causing quite a commotion.


But the strength of the young professor is revealed everywhere.

The ferocious ghost held the camera and followed it like an obedient dog, licking its face.

Then, the various monsters they released also met the young professor head-on while being one step behind the King Cobra.

The living dead, clowns, giant ant colonies, vampires,

Including sheep's hooves, horns, sharp claws, a demon with a ferocious face and lines all over its body,

There are also snowmen, mummies, Nosferatu such as the skeleton sheep, goblin monsters, the dancing elf Sugar Plum Fairy with a face full of sharp teeth, the deep sea monster murloc, etc.

The appearance of such a large group of monsters was a spectacular sight.

They didn't necessarily have to deal with the young professor, but due to some changes, some monsters and ghosts rushed forward first because they hated humans.

This scene attracted the attention of everyone in the command post.

Concentrated, not daring to look away or blink.

Only Sitson looked at the young professor who suddenly smiled and murmured to himself.

"He seems to be missing..."

The next second, the voice from the loudspeaker drowned out his words.

"Now that it's all together."

Yorks looked at this large group of monsters and thought of a very classic picture and a very classic gif he had seen in his previous life, and smiled.

"Then please clear the place. This is my tribute to you."

After saying that, Yorks turned his right hand down, and when the group of monsters charging first was about to hit him, an unstoppable force suddenly broke out on him.

Substantial white energy replaced everything, and the entire space including the main screen lit up in an instant.


There were staff members in the command post who were stunned, staring at the glowing Yorkist who could emit a holy aura through the screen. They subconsciously covered their mouths, feeling a little doubtful about life.

She didn't know what words to use to describe him. Only the word "God" could allow her to recognize this person again and prevent her outlook from instantly collapsing.

This picture alone will make her never forget it until her death, and she will even explain it to her children, hoping to pass it on from generation to generation.

"The Lord said, Let there be light, and there was light in the world..."

Accompanied by these words, which were like murmuring to oneself, people could not help but worship him.

People in the command post could see that all the monsters and ghosts that had just charged, including the monsters and ghosts that had not yet charged, were all running back.

They were so decisive that they seemed to have been severely burned. They screamed in pain and scattered in all directions in a panic.

The seemingly ordinary light turns out to be their poison.

But even more magnificent and spectacular power burst out from Yorks again.

The dazzling but not dazzling white light swept the entire place instantly like a raging ocean wave.

In the picture shown on the main screen, everyone can see the ripples that spread across the entire place like explosive energy.

They saw many monsters and ghosts, all of which were shattered into pieces in a silent manner as the ripples swept by, disappearing into ashes little by little, leaving no trace behind.

Throughout the space, the ripples of the torrent are like a torrential flood, destroying everything and purifying everything, and nothing exists.


Along with these surprised words, the main screen began to flip, and then stabilized again after being grabbed by a flawless white hand.

Then, the camera moved to a corner.

Only then did everyone know why this powerful professor made a sound of surprise.

Far away, in a clean open space.

There was a man with flames on his body, who seemed to be burned, standing there, motionless.

He was tall, wearing a black robe, and his face with distinct features was penetrated by various saw blades. He placed his hands on his chest, holding floating round balls.

Behind it, there were two traces of ashes, the ashes fell bit by bit and finally disappeared.

Sitterson and Hadley looked at each other, they knew who this man was.

In the prison, there is a grading system, which can determine the intensity of the sacrificial ceremony. After finding out the taste of the ancient gods through some means, they can set the intensity of the sacrifices according to their strength and place them accordingly. Corresponding release items.

Such as triggered books, or some props.

And this person who looks very human is undoubtedly in the first echelon in terms of strength.

Like the black-robed witch before, she is very capable and has the strength to avoid the cages that come close to her.

Sitson opened his mouth to say the monster's name, but before he could say it, the words he wanted to say were drowned out by the words blaring from the loudspeaker.

"Lord of Hell?"

Yorks held the camera, stared at the legendary figure who was famous in his previous life, and smiled.

"The power in you feels familiar to me."

The Hell Lord was covered in flames, but his face showed no expression. He just stared at Yorks without saying a word.

The human in front of him was incredibly strong, and the holy power that had just burst out consumed most of the dark power in his body in an instant.

And the remaining dark power of resistance is constantly being consumed.

"I remembered."

Listening to these words, the Hell Lord stared at the flash of red and gold pupils in the eyes of the human in front of him, and finally there was some expression on his indifferent face.

"It seems to be the power of Leviathan?"

After saying this, Yorks stared at the Hell Lord whose flames were burning more and more, shook his head, and continued walking towards the cabin in the forest.

Even if Leviathan comes in person, he is not afraid, let alone the product of his influence.

After all, Leviathan is just a divine creature created by God on the sixth day in the legend, and its original intention was to use it as food to rescue the holy ones when the end of the world comes.

Known as the Seven Lords of Hell, he is very strong, but as long as it involves God, he cannot be afraid.

Just because now, he started to think about his situation.

Without thinking too much, he must have some connection with God, and the connection is very deep.

Because that different world seemed to be a world deliberately arranged for him by God, giving him the basic strength to travel around various worlds.

I don’t know what the relationship is yet, but Yorks feels that he will eventually know everything and what the relationship between him and God is...

So under this premise, he is inflated. Maybe after his death, the truth will emerge.

Thinking randomly, Yorks let go of the camera's hand and controlled it with his mind.

Unfortunately, the ghost was also destroyed by the blow just now.

He could only continue to control the camera with his mind and broadcast a multi-camera live broadcast to the people in the basement.

As he walked, the Hell Lord still made no movement. He just nodded slightly and disappeared into ashes as he passed by.

Yorks narrowed his eyes out of habit and continued walking. Without anything blocking his way, he quickly reached the cabin in the movie "The Cabin in the Woods" in his previous life.

There is a wooden house sitting in a wide open space in the woods, with the top covered with fallen leaves.

The light that penetrates through the gaps between the dense leaves of the surrounding woods gives the wooden house a full effect. It looks like an oil painting come alive.

"No wonder Kurt's cousin bought this wooden house after being deliberately guided by the administration."

Yorkes smiled, and the camera automatically moved to the front.

Yorks stared at the camera: "I know you are watching, do you want me to force you out, or do you want to continue?

You can think about it, I will only wait for five minutes, it is your choice to force or continue. "

As the words fell, they resounded throughout the underground command post, and York's upper body was reflected on the main screen.

Sitson let out a breath and looked at Hadley.

Hadley also looked over at this time.

Behind the two people are the sights of all the staff.

The two looked at each other and separated at the first touch.

At this moment, a female staff member appeared on the secondary screen.

Her expression was a little panicked.

"Report, Chief Hadley, there is an urgent matter that I need to report to you..."

Hadley, who had just reached an agreement with Sitterson, was attracted by this sentence and looked at the secondary screen.

He deliberately pressed the horn switch in front of him to prevent the staff behind him from hearing.

"What's up."

In fact, for now, no urgent matter is important anymore.

"Japan's ritual failed!"

Hearing this, Hadley ignored the rest of the words and looked at the screen that the female staff member who informed this matter had slid out,

Inside, a group of cute Japanese primary school students were surrounding the evil spirit floating in the air and roaring in the middle, using their innocent singing and love to drive away the ferocious evil spirit.


Looking at this extremely contrasting video, Hadley smiled bitterly:

"Sure enough, there is no choice."

He looked at Sitson, who was looking over here, and pressed a key on the keyboard to send the video to the console in front of Sitson.

After reading it, Sitson also showed a wry smile and looked at the young professor who had walked into the small room and was observing.

"Shall we go there to greet you?"

By using these words of greeting, Sitterson had already put his own position, including that of the Administration, in a lower position.

Hadley didn't protest, just nodded.




A wall automatically cracked. Yorkshire was a little lazy, and he pinched his thumb on his index finger and flicked it slightly.

With its own strength, a wind pressure as strong as a bullet was ejected.


The position that served as the camera exploded instantly, erupting with debris and sparks.

One after another, the wind pressure blew up all the cameras.

Yorks just passed the boring time, waiting for Hadley Sitterson, who had already appeared in the three-dimensional view and brought a group of people up through the elevator.

It didn't take long.

When Yorks walked out of the hut with his satchel on his back, he saw Sitterson, Hadley in front, and everyone behind him, standing in front of him.


Looking at Hadley, who obviously had the most power and was a step too slow, Yorkes smiled brightly and said only one sentence.

"The so-called ancient god has awakened."

The moment the administration came up for an interview, he seemed to have the qualifications to have a conversation.

When the people in the administration obviously started to panic, Yorks followed the danger sensor through psychic communication and looked underground.

"Ho! Roar! Roar..."

A dull roar sounded, and the sky changed drastically. Dark clouds began to cover the entire sky without knowing when.

So much so that the light began to dim.

The whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the roar contained boundless anger.

The earth trembled under the roar, and cracks like abyss appeared and spread one after another.

It seems that there is something huge under the ground that is escaping from its trap and releasing its boundless rage.

In York's eyes, a giant with molten lines all over his body stood up from the huge lava throne and stared at him. The anger in his eyes seemed to burn him and the entire world.

At this moment, distance and space are no longer limitations and obstacles. Their sights penetrate endless boundaries, collide with each other, and look at each other from a distance.

"What? You don't agree with my negotiation plan?"

Ignoring the giant's earth-shaking power and the anger in the giant's eyes, Yorks smiled calmly.

happy New Year!

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