American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 329 Use all possible means

"The energy shield I've seen in movies."

Yorks was sitting in the driver's seat of the stopped RV, staring at the dark cave tunnel in front of him, with an interesting look in his eyes.

If you look at it from an ordinary person's perspective, it is undoubtedly transparent and there is nothing in front of you.

But in his eyes, the truth ahead had already been reflected.

One hexagonal block after another was layered on top of each other, forming an energy shield that covered a large area and blocked his way.

A stone on the ground suddenly floated into the air and hit the energy shield at a very fast speed, which was like a bullet.


The stone, which was accelerating and could easily penetrate the human body, hit something harder than it at this moment. It was shattered into pieces, and finally dispersed into nothingness.

It was like being burned to invisible ashes by something very hot.


Yorks recalled the movie clip of The Cabin in the Woods, which seemed to look like this after being hit by an eagle at the beginning.

"Is this how you deal with me?" Yorks looked down at the unattended camera and smiled.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that these alone can't stop me."

The RV started moving.

The unchanged sound echoed in a huge base project made of reinforced concrete, and echoed in the command post deep inside.

Everyone present became nervous. Except for the staff who were looking for Kurt and others, everyone else was looking at the big screen.

Their nervousness slowly increased as the RV approached.

"Don't worry, everyone, he will definitely not make it."

Sitson's voice tried to lighten the atmosphere: "This is what the ancient god left us. His ending is nothing but ashes."

However, after saying this, Sitson's gaze never moved from the big screen.

Five meters...

Four meters...

On the big screen, the RV is getting closer and closer to the energy shield.

Everyone's breathing started to become heavy at this moment.

"Haha, maybe I really can't make it through."

Yorks glanced at the camera, as if he could sense the situation of the other party, and hehehehe did not forget to add a little suspense.

He doesn't care about the administration's attitude, he cares about showing his power.

If his previous guess about the ancient god was correct, the ceremony was actually already in progress.

In other words, from now on he becomes a character in the movie, and the fun-loving Kogami has become the audience in a sense.

All his actions will determine whether he can break this fortress and become a person who can talk to the ancient gods on an equal footing.

Of course, there is also a more crude method.

It's like breaking into a stranger's home and beating up the owner.

He went straight to Huanglong, where the ancient gods slept, and unleashed the power of a world in one breath.

However, this approach is also very disadvantageous for Yorks. After all, things always have two sides, with an advantageous side and a disadvantageous side.

Because, if he wants to use the power of the rot world, he must consume the incarnation of the gods that exists there.

To leave a divine incarnation again, he had to deduct ten attribute points and leave it again.

After thinking about it, it's still a big loss. Just for this, so much wealth has to be consumed.

It's not easy to save such a small amount of money.

Therefore, Yorkes finally chose the more stable first point.

Let the Ancient God see his strength, and then fulfill his request for equal dialogue.

According to the requirements of the task.

He didn't need to say anything, he didn't even need the Ancient God to move. He just needed the Ancient God to give in and stop letting humans engage in boring sacrificial rituals and sacrifices.

If the ancient god doesn't agree, he will blow it up with a C4 magic bomb and that's it.

That's York's whole plan.

To put it bluntly, don't fight if you can, but when you need to fight, just don't be timid at all.

Thinking of this, Yorks suddenly thought of China in his previous life.

"Is it because I am a Chinese soul..."

Yorks smiled and slapped his hand on the steering wheel.

The magic power within his body surged instantly, starting to spread with him as the center, eventually covering the entire RV.

The next second, witnessed by him and the administration in the command post, the RV finally hit the energy shield.

The energy shield instantly revealed its original shape, and one hexagonal block lit up one after another, giving it a sense of déjà vu in future science fiction.

But the administration did not see it, and the imaginary RV and its occupants were instantly wiped out.

Instead, the entire space was instantly distorted, and even the big screen was a little laggy, with snowflakes appearing.


Sitson clenched his fists and looked at the RV like a needle piercing the bubble, then exploding the bubble.

The scene was just as he imagined.

The energy shield covering everything exploded instantly like fragile glass.


The RV completely entered the cave tunnel, and the car lights appeared on the big screen, like a car video in the dark.

The command post was silent, with only the sound of the RV's engine echoing.

Not long after, the big screen came on again, and the RV drove out of the cave tunnel and continued to speed.

"Put poison gas."

Sitterson's voice broke the calm.


The staff next to him started a series of operations again.

On the big screen, on the forest path that the RV passed, the ground, including the grass on both sides, began to emit clumps of poisonous gas.

These poisonous gases are specially prepared by the Administration Bureau. They are also effective against some supernatural ghosts and can quickly capture the target.

However, what the people in the command post could see was that the RV was still driving. Even though a very obvious layer of smoke began to linger on both sides, it was still driving.

Even if all the subsequent methods were used, it continued to drive, getting closer and closer to the cabin in the forest.


In the end, like Hadley, Sitterson couldn't bear the fear in his heart and slammed the table.

At this time, there was already cold sweat on his forehead.

Sitson's breathing began to become heavy, and he did not dare to imagine the consequences of being disturbed by the ancient god.

What will happen to the earth? What will happen to humans?

Just then, Hadley's voice woke him up.

"How about it, do you still want to insist? You can ask Daniel to try."

Sitson raised his head and glanced, and he found that everyone in the command post was looking at him.

"Looking at the situation, this young professor is indeed not someone that ordinary people can deal with. In addition, he is still a living human being, so some methods of dealing with ghosts and monsters are probably of no use to him."

Sitson shook his head as if admitting defeat, then looked at Hadley and said somewhat depressed.

"Hadley, I agree with your plan, ghosts versus ghosts, monsters versus monsters..."

Hearing this, Hadley nodded.

"We can't let him harm the whole world by himself."

After speaking, Hadley snapped his fingers and regained his capable appearance as a commander, trying to enliven the sluggish atmosphere of the command post.

"Cell No. 5, Cell No. 3, Cell No. 2, and Cell No. 8 are all opened."


A staff member responded, and the clicking sound of the keyboard reappeared.

These shapes began to appear on the second small screen connected to the big screen.

Red Neck Zombies: The Buckners "Pain transcends the body, pain sublimates the body, pain purifies the soul."



A ghost with a skull shaped like fog.

One after another, prisons imprisoned by the power of the ancient gods were opened.

The people in the command post once again felt a glimmer of hope.

Under deliberate arrangement, they watched as these monsters began to approach the RV.

However, no matter what, fate seems to have brought a joke to them.

“Zombies are characterized by their ferocious appearance and love of plasma. Their disadvantages are slow moving speed and their advantages are immortality. They can move even if their heads are cut off.

But I am afraid of the divine power..."

Listening to the introduction from the horn, the command post saw a grenade fluttering out of the car window and landing accurately on the Buckner family.


Red Neck Zombie: The Buckner family is wiped out by a grenade that explodes with light.

Even on the way to death, old Buckner, as a devout believer who believed that pure faith in God should be manifested in extreme pain, actually laughed,

He was smiling, so reverently.

"What the hell is this!"

This made Hadley look at the big screen and forcefully tear out a sparse and precious piece of his hair.

"In addition to redneck zombies: the Buckners, there are also werewolves!"

Hadley said somewhat bitterly.

It didn't take long.

A werewolf that was more than four meters tall, with a strong body and an evil aura suddenly appeared.


It roared and lunged towards the RV, carrying their hopes with it.

"Okay! Well done!"

Because the werewolf was more powerful than the Buckner family, Hadley couldn't help but wave his hand, and then froze there the next second.

Because the introduction rang again.

"A werewolf? It's a rare thing, but it's too weak."

As the voice fell, Hadley found in despair that the werewolf was in the air as if it was being controlled by someone when it rushed towards the RV. In an instant, it was twisted into a Muggle. Blood was scattered all over the ground, but it could not be touched and continued driving. RV.

I don't understand the reason, but I also know that the werewolf is too dead to die anymore.

Then, an even more desperate situation occurred.

Like a murderer, the mutant with great strength was killed by a precision grenade while hiding in front.

Only the ghost of a skull managed to penetrate the RV.

The depressed people in the command post, including Hadley, cheered again.

But it stopped abruptly within a second.

Because they found the ghost walking through the window on the big screen, and was finally caught by a hand...

Calm words rang out.


After the sound fell, Hadley felt that the ferocious ghost suddenly turned into an obedient dog. He didn't know if it was an illusion.

Not long after, the camera shifted to the co-pilot. It is not difficult to understand that the ghost became the slave of the young professor and was reduced to the driver.

The monsters are different, the process is different, but the results are all the same, which cannot stop the RV from moving at all.

Hadley pulled off another hair, leaving only four hairs on the top of his head sticking to his smooth scalp.

"Damn it! Cell No. 10, Cell No. 15, Cell No. 21, Cell No. 22, Cell No. 30..."

Hadley finished speaking in one breath, and finally stared at the big screen and shouted.

Under these words, the staff covered in cold sweat kept busy.

At this time, the staff who had been looking for Kurt and others suddenly spoke.

"Report, Chief, the five original targets were found unconscious in a villa in the West District. Please arrange whether to arrest them..."

This sentence became quieter and quieter, because the staff of the report found that everyone's focus had shifted to the big screen.

He subconsciously glanced at the two chief officers.

Sure enough, the chief officer didn't pay attention to his notification at all, and just stared at the big screen.

The staff took another look around, and after observing their words, they could only leave the person they found there: they stayed still for the time being, and while waiting for the order, they subconsciously took off the headset, and their eyes were a little confused.

In the end what happened?



Yorks looked at the old woman in black robe and white hair blocking the way, a little surprised.

As for why he thought she was a witch, it was because she was holding a broom in her withered right hand. There was a familiar power lingering in her body, and her laughter was sharp and harsh.

"No! This is not magic."

Yorks had some understanding in his heart. Although it felt similar, if he felt it carefully, the magic power on him was completely different from the magic power displayed by the witch in front of him.


The black-robed witch's laughter suddenly stopped and she said a very cold word.

At the same time, Yorks felt as if something was trying to penetrate his skin.

"Mind manipulation? Such a familiar trick."

Yorks looked at the black-robed witch who was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to extinguish a ray of energy, and said calmly.

"But you can't even break my skin, how can you get into my brain? Control my mind?"


The black-robed witch was a little frightened. She raised her head slightly and seemed to see a giant that was glowing and reaching into the sky sitting up from the RV and staring at her with cold eyes.

Look down at the world and all living things.

"Kneel down!"

Yorks smiled as he looked at the witch in black robe who was shaking all over and trying to escape.

He didn't know why the black-robed witch behaved like this, but through various knowledge reserves, Yorks knew that for a witch of this evil camp, she must have the ability to penetrate the surface and see directly into the essence of the soul.

According to his performance, the black-robed witch is not even qualified to look directly into his essential soul.

"Spare your life and wait for me here. I'll ask you something later."

It was a surprise that there was a real evil witch in this world. He didn't know if the black-robed witch had any knowledge that he didn't understand.

The trembling black-robed witch knelt down on the spot, put her head on the cold ground, and respectfully said yes.


The RV passed by her slowly, and the ghost driving it glanced at her and seemed to grin.

at the same time.

Everyone in the command post fell into a dead silence.

They didn't know the words to express what they saw.

It can be said that they no longer have high hopes for the ghosts and monsters they have just released but have not yet encountered.

Because in the setting, the black-robed witch is a very powerful character.

It can cause natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes, and floods, and it also has powerful abilities such as curses, illusions, channeling, mind control, and dark magic.

In the cell next to her, there was a man huddled in a corner, not daring to come near.

"who are you?"

Hadley murmured to himself. At this moment, he remembered the young professor's self-introduction.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is York John. Maybe you don't believe it, but I am really the savior of the world and the backer of mankind..."

Now, it’s deafening.

Hadley suddenly looked at Sitson, who seemed to be feeling something and was also thinking about something, and took a deep breath.

"Are you telling the truth what he just said?"

Sitson frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"He will talk to the ancient gods on behalf of us humans?" Hadley took a deep breath and asked.

"Cancel the sacrifice?"

The last half hour passed and it was New Year.

Even though I have a thousand words in my heart, I don’t know what to say.

But sincere blessings can still be said.

Thank you all for your support! I can get here.

On this wonderful occasion of the New Year, I wish you all the best, happiness and good health!

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