If there is a devil, there must be a devil.

With different names, there are naturally differences between the two.

Based on the knowledge he gained after delving into the secret room.

Hell is actually very big, so big that it is unimaginable.

There are two different and representative groups.

The first one is a demon, one of the native inhabitants of Hell.

The second devil is composed of the legendary fallen angels.

According to legend, angels disobeyed God's orders, rebelled against God, betrayed God, were unwilling to walk with God, and were finally knocked down to hell by God.

One of the more special archangels in the legend is the fallen angel, and it also has the nickname of devil and the name of Satan, the king of hell, named Lucifer.

Compared with the chaotic evil camp, the group of demons who represent the return of the world to a state of chaos are beaten and killed.

Demons composed mainly of fallen angels are more like lawful evil. Compared with chaotic demons, they are more intelligent and value contracts and formality more.

Chaos represents the devil's unpredictable and unconstrained behavior.

Evil represents the devil's wanton behavior, burning, killing, looting, being born with violent tendencies, and causing destruction in various ways.

In the eyes of the devil, humans are just playthings used for pleasure and destruction, a way of resisting God.

So when he faces demons, he only likes to suppress them violently or forcefully exorcise them without any nonsense.

Because only by being more violent and stronger than the devil can you make it obedient and fearful.

The devil is a little different. For those who were angels in their former profession and are now fallen angels, their souls are the most precious wealth.

They believe that only a society based on laws can send a large number of souls to hell, thereby obtaining the greatest benefits for themselves and completing their resistance to God.

Of course, although the devils are lawful, they are also evil. They also have evil intentions and have their own evil intentions, but their methods are more civilized than the devils.

In one sentence, the devil is more like a gangster or a murderous madman, while the devil is more like a heartless entrepreneur or lawyer.

Also, most demons are demon leaders.

Yorks stared at the devil that appeared in front of him, which looked exactly the same as Tuli, including the fallen angel he had seen, with an unusually calm expression on his face.

Since it is a devil, it means that it must have signed a certain soul contract with someone.

Devils are easier to talk to than devils. They generally won't kill you, but will only use various methods, things, and very tempting services to sign a soul contract with you.

And he once had such a contract, a soul contract signed with a Satan...

"Turns out to be a real priest, no...a clergyman at the level of a bishop."

The appearance is more elegant than the devil, the devil has a humanoid shape and makes a very gentle voice.

It is very different from the demon's human-like and animal-like tone. It is more human-like and magnetic.

It stared at the human in front of it and said:

"It's still the incarnation of God. How could a person like this appear in this world?"


Seeing that the devil did not take action immediately, Yorks patted his shoulder, brushed off the invisible dust and smiled calmly.

"I'm also curious as to why fallen angels appear in this world. Who did they sign a contract with?"


What Yorks didn't expect was that the devil was staring at him. Although his eyes were a little fearful, he still didn't hide this fact from him.

After hearing this, Yorks roughly understood the main purpose of this contract.

He doesn't need to know what this contract is about, but destroying the world must be one of the conditions.

Only when the devil fulfills the requirements of the contract can he perfectly harvest the soul he wants.

"Can't you give up the contract? I know that although you signed the contract, as a devil, you will inevitably add various hidden conditions when the contract text is extensively explained and mixed..."

If there were no unnecessary words, he didn’t want to waste any more mental energy with the cunning devil, because it was of no use. Yorks stared at the devil and said calmly:

"I say these words to tell you that this world and the humans in this world belong to me."

As he spoke, York's voice became more powerful.

"I think you don't want to fight me."

Once you know what it is, it's easy to solve.

Under the devil's gaze, Yorks directly mobilized the holy power accumulated in all churches and merged it with his own body, so that his whole body was exuding a kind of pure white holy light.

To put it simply, one can tell at a glance that this is a strong man who is not easy to mess with.

But the devil stared at Yorks with no expression on his face: "If you don't try, how will you know the result."

As soon as the words fell, its figure disappeared instantly.

There was nothing else in sight.

Yorks narrowed his eyes, not too surprised by the devil's reaction. The devil is this kind of thing. Compared with the straight-forward devil, it pays more attention to weighing the pros and cons.

In response to the disappearance of the devil, Yorkist just punched straight.


The end of the straight punch is the devil who blocks with his wings.

The power of the explosion shook the surrounding void, causing huge space ripples.

But this explosion, which can shock people to death, is controlled within a certain range.

"Such hard wings, are these the wings of an angel?"

Yorks smiled calmly, and with a straight punch, a knight's sword composed of holy power appeared in the air and shot directly at the devil who blocked it with his wings.

The devil disappeared again, the knight's sword shot into the void, and a twist appeared in York's hand.

Without any extra movement, Yorks took a step back with nostalgia flashing in his eyes.

The devil appeared again, and its sharp claws fell right under his eyes.

Yorkist slashed along the way, and the slash composed of pure white holy power struck hard at the devil in front of him.

The devil disappeared again.

The sharp slashes kept cutting the houses and buildings in front of him into half, all the way to the horizon, showing his power.

Yorks smiled and took a step back to the left again to avoid the sudden appearance of the devil, its waving wings, and then raised his sword to slash at its sharp claws that swung at the same time.


The collision of the dark claws and the white sword produced the sound of fighting and iron horses, causing even greater shock.

"I really miss it. This is close combat.

Melee combat is like fighting between two armies. They occupy high ground and observe all movements. As long as you keep a safe distance, you can decide whether to attack or defend. "

Thinking about it, Yorks let out a sigh.


The space was solidifying, but the devil's red pupils condensed, directly forcibly breaking through the power that solidified its actions.

But Yorkist only wanted such a momentary obstacle, and he grinned.


Before the devil disappeared, the two red fire element magics in the void had been instantly combined.


A huge fireball exploded on the devil's body.


Explosive bombing sounds sounded, and a red beam of light exploded from the ground into the sky.

After this move made the devil disappear, a few black feathers were left behind.


When the devil appeared again, he was already ten meters away.

There was a hint of anger on its face.


Yorks smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"court death!"

The devil suddenly stretched out his right paw and pointed his index finger at the human in front of him.

Powerful dark power gathered at its fingertips, and the next second a huge ball of dark light expanded out of thin air on the fingertips, instantly exploding to the size of a villa.

"Haha, I lost the melee combat and started playing with supernatural powers."

Yorkist calmly waved away the white holy sword in his right hand.

From the brief battle just now, Yorks had roughly analyzed the strength of this demon.

Overall much weaker than the power he wields today.

Thinking of this, the devil's attack had already launched, and Yorks could see the dark light ball rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was so fast that the tail of the dark light ball formed a black light starting from the devil's fingertips.

"Try the magic you learned earlier."

Yorks squinted his eyes, how could he miss such a good opportunity for combat.


The dark ball of light had reached right under his eyes, Yorks said calmly.

"Earth Shield!"

A high earth-yellow wall appeared out of thin air, rising straight into the sky from the ground.

The Earth Shield has high physical resistance and defense, which can effectively block the enemy's attacks and protect him from harm.

"Is this magic?" The devil frowned subconsciously.

"I don't know if I can block it." In order to be more safe, Yorks waved his hand and used holy power to add a layer of protection to himself again.

Under the gaze of the two people, the black outer circle and the red light ball in the middle hit the high earth-yellow wall hard.


There was a huge explosion, and the khaki-colored high wall that was taller than the house and even bigger was blown away, making a sound similar to a nuclear explosion.

Ripples and shock waves spread.

The high earth-yellow wall collapsed and fell, but Yorks smiled.

The Earth Shield perfectly blocked the devil's attack.

A brush sound.

When the earthen wall collapsed, Yorks disappeared.

While he was defending, it was not that he did nothing. Defense actually meant that the defender took the next step.

The devil's pupils shrank, and he suddenly looked up into the sky.

In the thick black fog that could cover the sky, a sword tip as huge as the town under its feet appeared. Its lingering holy power made it feel great danger.

"not good!"

The devil seemed to feel something and looked down at his feet.

I don’t know when, but that damn bishop actually set up a confinement circle.

As an angel himself, he was naturally familiar with this confinement circle. The circle derived from holy power was particularly effective against dark monsters.

Feeling that his body was blocked by the power of the magic circle, the devil gritted his teeth and crushed the confining magic circle under his feet with one breath.

But the huge sword tip in the sky has been pressed down.

The majestic holy light even dispelled the dark fog around the sword, allowing this abandoned town and county that had been shrouded in fog for thousands of years to reappear under the sun.

"Can't hide!"

The devil has already felt that the power of the sword tip has pulled it. No matter how far it hides, this power will always fall on it.

Feeling this great pressure, it could only take a deep breath and stretch out its hands made of sharp claws towards the sky.

Darkness like flowing water appeared on the ground.


A dark plane as big as the earth rises upward under the control of the devil.

Only the blade of the sword can be seen, and the tip of the sword strikes straight down.

The forces of black and white collide again.

A certain confrontation formed, and countless amounts of power and rays erupted from the collision.

"This is the opposite wave."

Yorkist stood on the hilt of the sword, looking at the devil who was gritting his teeth and using all his strength to fight against the tip of the sword, with an unusually calm expression.

He only used one hundred thousand points of holy power for this knight's sword.

Just like this, the devil underneath will sweat profusely, unable to extricate himself and slowly fall into the disadvantage.

"If we add another five hundred thousand points." Yorks stared at the devil below who was still resisting tenaciously, and continued to increase the output indifferently.

The next second.

The sword exploded again.

The devil opened his red eyes, which were as big as the sky. The sword tip that could fill the entire field of vision slowly penetrated the dark plane and stabbed towards it.

"Damn it! Who is this guy! I've never heard of this guy!"

The devil was a little angry and a little jealous in his heart!

The anger could be endured, but the fire of jealousy made its body tremble.

"Who are you! Who are you! This is definitely not a power that a human can control!"

The devil's originally handsome face became very ferocious. It stared at the sword tip that covered all the places, stared at the blurry figure above and yelled crazily:

"Did God send you here? Damn it! He obviously abandoned this world! Why!"

Yorks raised his eyebrows subconsciously. He actually didn't know what the situation was.

Anyway, now, he has a premonition.

God actually doesn’t abandon anything.

And he felt that the situation in this other world might be intentional or someone's plan.

Including this devil who doesn't know who he signed a contract with.

It's all part of this plan.

And he may be the same.

"Did you do it, God."

Yorks pursed his lips and silently watched the sword tip pierce the devil on the ground, his face somewhat silent.

The devil's roar was still echoing, but after the sword tip was inserted, the whole world became silent.

The black fog no longer exists.

Even in the towns and counties below, everything was not damaged, but was filled with light.

The sun shone for the first time on this town and county that had not seen light for thousands of years.

Light appeared.

Yorks stared at the devil with half of its wings destroyed, a hollow chest, and signs of burning, and fell down.

"Why don't you run?"

The devil was kneeling there, black blood falling from his chest to the white ground, which looked very conspicuous.

"Even if this body is an incarnation, once it is destroyed, your body will suffer a lot of damage." Yorks walked slowly, staring at the devil and said calmly.

In front of his eyes, the devil was on the verge of extinction. There were loopholes everywhere after being invaded by the holy power, which was equivalent to ordinary people who had eaten poison and were on the verge of death.

"Human, what's your name?" The devil stared at the human in front of him and asked.

"If you are still alive, check it out yourself. I don't want to tell you this executioner, and I don't have that much time."

Yorks ignored the devil's bright red pupils, and a knight's sword as white as the earth appeared out of thin air in his right hand.

"Everything has a price, and you have to pay a corresponding price for those who have died for thousands of years."

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Yorkist slashed his knight sword at the devil kneeling on the ground.

"Remember my name, human, and I will come to you."

When the devil was cut in half and turned into ashes, he left his name to the expressionless Yorkist.


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