

Listening to the beep ringing in his ears, Yorks looked at the battlefield below and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for coming over."

The battlefield below has entered a fever pitch.

But judging from the naked eye, humans can no longer withstand the impact of this large group of animals.

In the final analysis, no matter what, if a human being does not have extraordinary strength, no matter how skilled he is, he cannot withstand the encirclement of dozens of ferocious beasts.

With just one glance, a lot of humans died.

This made Yorks subconsciously pursed his lips and began to identify the people wearing janitor uniforms below one by one.

Directly call upon the holy power accumulated in the nearest Traken Church.

In this short moment, the Traken Church had been filled with transformed holy power, and it rushed straight into the third-level church with a swift and violent impact.

"It seems that Makarov has told the people of Brigade City about my arrival here."

Thinking of this, Yorks clenched his right hand tightly, then released it and continued to press down.

The holy power itself has a therapeutic effect. Although it is not very useful for some terminal diseases, such as medical terminal diseases, it has a miraculous effect on the physical treatment.

Fully let go.

Yorks directly consumed more than a hundred points of the holy power accumulated in Traken Church to the maximum extent.

The people below seemed to be able to feel the changes in their bodies.

Guinius only felt warm all over, and the injury that was still painful at first had disappeared without a trace.

He subconsciously touched his chest. His chest had been bitten by a leopard before, and in order to escape the leopard's clutches, he punched the leopard away and the leopard took away a large piece of flesh and blood.

To the naked eye now, it looks like a blur of flesh and blood, but now...

"The bleeding stopped."

Ginius looked up at the Lord Bishop in the sky, feeling admiration and a sense of worship in his heart.

But the next second.

He heard the Bishop's voice as if speaking in his ear.

Guinius suddenly knelt down on one knee.

Not just him, all the cleaners who were still alive on the battlefield knelt down.

Their faces and bodies were all covered in blood. They all raised their heads and stared at the bishop in the sky with a pair of blazing eyes.

"All cleaners obey orders!"

Yorks said expressionlessly, and he deliberately glanced around the cleaners who were kneeling on one knee.

“After becoming a priest, everyone evacuated this place, and the leader contacted Father Makarov and worked together.

Create new churches along the way, waiting for my coming. "

It’s time to say it or not. He was really afraid that the aftermath of the battle would affect this place.

After all, the 200,000 points of holy power in front can cover the entire city of Belst.

The area of ​​Brigade City is almost similar to that of Belst City.


Genius and other cleaners below roared crazily, as if they had found someone to rely on.

Yorks nodded and directly used the remaining holy power of the Traken Church to use the power of enchantment to transform a total of ninety-seven cleaners into priests.

After completing this step, Yorks stared straight ahead and disappeared directly under the gaze of everyone below.

Now that he controls the power of millions of points of holy power, becoming a saint has become a trivial matter that can be done easily.

Guinius was still in a daze, looking at the sky.

"Lord Ginius!"

The sound of several voices brought him back to his senses.

"What's the next step?"

Several remaining cleaners began to move closer to his leader.

Genius subconsciously glanced at the battlefield, flashing an invisible sadness.

Judging from the people who were still standing, there were not a few people who died in this battle.

"Lord Ginius!"

Hearing the voice next to him again, Guinius took a deep breath to suppress the complicated emotions in his heart. He knew that as a leader, he must not show such emotions at this time.

Emotions are contagious and can be as scary as demonic contamination.

"Count the heads!"

"Check the injured!"

"Clean up the battlefield."

"Everyone evacuate!"


Finally, a series of orders were issued, and the town of Bailipo returned to normal, and everyone began to evacuate inland in an orderly manner.

After taking care of his wound, Genius reappeared at the temporary command post and dialed Makarov's number...

"Same as the power of demons in the real world, they reach the same destination through different paths."

Narora North City.

Yorks walked down the main street, walking aimlessly.

Nowadays, this town is an empty city, very quiet, so quiet that it seems like a wasteland where no human being has set foot.

But the bright houses around, as well as the clues left on the roadside, the discarded items, and the traces of panic, all prove what the northern city of Narola used to be like.

Most importantly, he got the same thing as hell from the dark smoke that hung in the sky above the town.

"Given time, this place will be transformed into an environment exactly like hell, unsuitable for human survival."

Yorks stopped and frowned slightly.

The demons in this other world adopted the method of killing them all.

"According to Ginius's opinion, this is the first point of contact between the two towns and counties, and all the infected evil spirits are concentrated in the small town of Suzdal in front."

York's voice fell, and the person disappeared again, and the reminder of the consumption of holy power rang in York's ears far away in Belst City.

"Go further and have a look at the small town of Suzdal."

A figure appeared over the wasteland between the small town of Suzdal and the northern city of Narola.


Along with a roar, the sound of human footsteps formed a roaring drum.

"They're all infected."

Yorks stayed in the air, looking down.

They were all densely packed with infected humans, which was shocking. They were moving forward at a brisk pace.

Overall, it looks like the large-scale moving zombie swarms in previous zombie movies.

The only difference is that these infected evil spirits are all intelligent people, and they are more lethal.

"It's just that the mind has been affected and transformed, and it's the same as a fanatical believer who sacrifices his life for God."

As he watched, Yorks thought of the Satanists he had seen in Thailand.

"The number is a bit high, but it doesn't matter."

Yorks stared ahead, where he could see the thick black mist with his naked eyes without the need for mental perception.

Thick black mist covered everything, as if black clouds were pressing down on the city to destroy it.

It reminded him of the hell of the real world.

As a well-known priest, he has naturally been to hell when there are no cheats around.

At that time, in order to avenge the believers, he went to hell and killed the demon himself.

Looking back, he was also frightened, so he was somewhat impressed by what hell looked like.

Yorks narrowed his eyes for comparison.

The colors are slightly different, hell is red and this one is black.

Even so, they are essentially the same.

"You wouldn't have guessed that the source of my power comes from humans in the entire world."

Yorks thought to himself, and once again summoned more holy power.

[Thirty points of magic power have been used]

A doubling of thirty points of magic power.

The transferred holy power instantly doubled to a very large number, a full 100,000 points of holy power.

Yorks lowered his head and directly vented the holy power in his body at will.

A spectacular and magnificent scene appeared in the sky.

The ripples that can be felt spread instantly, and the waves are continuous.

Like a typhoon passing by, sweeping away all dust.

The dark mist that was still lingering around was instantly dispersed by this continuous ripple.

Towns such as the northern city of Narola and the small town of Suzdal were all spread by this force.

Fifty thousand holy power can be consumed at will.

Yorks was like a master at this moment, staring straight ahead with an expressionless face.

"You didn't kill, but there are only two things left behind with so many people. First, you can test my strength or consume my strength.

Second: Even if I don't save these people, so many evil spirits can cause greater casualties, greater trouble, and exert greater effects.

But you miscalculated. As long as the people have faith, my power will not disappear, or you didn't even think that I could control this power.

So I want both. "

Seeing the infected, densely packed evil spirits with no end in sight, he suddenly stopped and his numb expression returned to a vivid one.

Yorks left a message to the people below and an instruction to Makarov who was busy at work thousands of miles away, and then continued to move forward with his right foot.

"Don't stop, keep moving forward! Someone will pick you up!"

"Respond to the people on the front lines..."


With these words ringing in their ears, everyone on the ground suddenly woke up, and they all looked up at the sky.

But when Yorkist took out his right foot, he had already disappeared.

He has restored the consciousness of these tens of thousands of evil spirits and left a very clean area, which is enough.


Yorks appeared directly over the small town of Suzdal.

Here, strong winds begin to blow, which can make people's skin sore.

Under the influence of the thick black mist, the wind was like black blades one after another, blowing all the way to York's body.

The small town of Suzdal has become a black town, completely different from the towns outside.

The sunlight cannot penetrate at all, just like a fog incident.

"Aren't you going to come out?"

Yorks smiled, but he still stayed in the air, his eyes focused.

"Or are you just timid? It's okay, then I will continue cleaning and slow down your renovation plan."

The remaining 50,000 points of holy power instantly erupted again.

Endless power emerges from Yorks...

"This is?"

"What happened?"


People who have regained their consciousness discovered what happened next.

They saw a huge ball of light suddenly appear in a large black fog that could fill the horizon.

This ball of light was like the sun, emitting countless rays of light that penetrated the black fog in the sky.

The next second, the black fog seemed to be waved away by an invisible hand, so far away that it could not be seen by the naked eye.

And the huge ball of light also disappeared in place.

They all recalled the words that had just sounded in their minds.

They couldn't figure out what happened, but they could see the darkness that appeared in their field of vision gradually disappear.

Including the darkness that is so far away that it is almost difficult to see clearly.

What they didn't know was that the Yorks had already reached the front line where they first fell.

Even on the way, he appeared in abandoned churches in various small towns. He ignored the dilapidation of the abandoned churches and used his mind power to carve a statue of Jesus out of the thick wood and forcibly attached it to the saint.

Then use the newly built church to instantly transform and start to accumulate the holy power to lay out the sacred protective circle that is usually used when the church is founded.

This method is quite mindless, like locusts passing by.

Over and over again, the holy power that York had consumed before was actually made up for by him.

For a time, the situation of both parties was completely reversed.

If the Devil doesn't show up to stop him, York's advantage will become a rolling ball situation, in which case his advantage will only get bigger and bigger.

Some time passed.

After clearing the territory before the fall, Yorks appeared on the fallen front line with many corpses, his expression a little speechless.

He had already cleared out all the areas before the fall, restored the previous territory, and sanctified all the abandoned churches into real churches. The invading demon still hadn't shown up.

"If that's the case, then I'll continue!"

Yorks glanced at his personal panel and stepped forward again.

His plan itself is to see the devil in this other world, and he must stick to it to the end.

Only by seeing the true face of the devil can he know what the so-called devil in this other world is.

"Anyway, there are still millions of points of holy power that can be used, let's see who can endure it,"

York's method was a bit simple and crude. He simply ignored the thick black fog and continued to move forward, building new churches along the way.

"Even if you show up and kill me, I am just a divine incarnation that only consumes a little holy power. But do you still have the strength to destroy my divine incarnation?"

Yorkshire was not unprepared.

This is his wisest preparation.

"So, I must see it today. If you don't come out, you will die. If you come out, you will also die.

This is the ending I have set for you..."

Appearing in the next town and county that had been abandoned for who knows how many years, a church that had been abandoned for who knows how many years appeared in that town and county. Yorks continued to use the holy power accumulated by all the churches to prepare for a more severe attack.

The church in front of me was forcibly dismantled, just like a butler dismantling an ox.

Yorkist focused on picking the thickest piece of wood and a foundation stone, and forcibly torn it out to create a decent statue of Jesus.

It is very conspicuous among the ruins.


Yorks looked at the generated statue of Jesus, feeling a little scared and timid.

He wondered if God had been watching, after all, his behavior was indeed a bit bold and offensive.

But this step must be taken eventually.

Reach out, the holy power spreads, and the holy possession is completed.

He added another first-level church, and the new church's data panel showed the number of believers out of thin air among the ruins.

Yorks took a deep breath, and like playing a game, he divided the power of faith that had not been transformed in other churches to this side.

The power of faith appeared out of thin air. Among the ruins, there was only a statue of Jesus and a simple platform. The new church began to accumulate holy power.


Yorks did not use his own power at all. He called on the holy power that the church had begun to accumulate on the spot and set up a protective circle with his backhand.

White magic formation patterns appeared on the ground, and the rays of light formed a cover that enveloped the entire town and county.

At this moment, Yorks raised the corners of his mouth slightly, raised his head and stared forward, his eyes slightly focused.

"finally come."

A sharp claw, larger than the entire town and county, made of thick black fog, suddenly swung out from the dark fog outside the cover.

A deafening whistling sound exploded, and the black claws slammed hard on the newly formed cover of the magic circle.

There was a snap.

The magic circle cover composed of just dozens of points of holy power was smashed on the spot by hard claws like tofu, turning into broken chips.

The momentum of the claws has not subsided.

Heavy pressure and impact appear in the air, which can crush an ordinary person to pieces on the spot.

Under this sharp claw, York's whole body was like an ant, and the strong wind and heavy pressure made the divine robe on him make a sound.

The incarnation of the gods withstood the combined force of huge gravity and pressure.


There was no expression on York's face, and he let out a soft sigh.

Almost endless holy power emerged out of thin air and instantly turned into a knight's sword of the same size, slashing hard towards the claws.

The roar drowned out all movement.

The two walked towards each other, the giant sword was like a moving mountain, and the claws were like a furious beast.

boom! The two collide!

The whole world seemed to be shaking. Huge shock waves swept across the surrounding areas, and the storm raged, as if the earth could not withstand this ferocious impact. A low roar filled the air.

The collision of the two forces of black and white stirred up countless rays of light, which made Yorks narrow his eyes subconsciously. He could feel that his skin was bearing the invisible pressure in the air, and his whole body was pulled forward by this force.

But he was as still as a rock rooted to the bottom, just looking at the intertwined collisions in the air.

Finally, with a snap, the huge claws composed of dark fog were cut into pieces, and the giant sword composed of holy power also collapsed into pieces one after another. The two changes mixed together and almost replaced the entire sky...

"Hello, devil, I finally see you."

Ignoring the spectacular sight in the sky, Yorks shifted his gaze. He stared ahead and smiled.

I don't know when a huge creature appeared in front of me.

Dark skin, two red eyes shining with evil light. The teeth are long and sharp, protruding from its lips, the arms and legs are strong, with sharp claws and toenails, and there is a pair of wings composed of black feathers on its back.

The face is that of a human being. If you ignore its humanoid figure, it looks like the face of a handsome boy.

"Oh no, hello, devil."

Yorks smiled again when he saw the creature.

He finally knew what type of devil this other world was.

The legendary angels who fell from heaven to earth are also called fallen angels...

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