No matter what, just ring in the ears that the task is completed.

Yorkist would stop the prayer process on time and say the concluding words.


The time spent in this kind of prayer depends on luck and can sometimes be very short or very long.

Yorks just regarded this as the omniscient and omnipotent God who had heard enough, and then casually rewarded him with 0.5 attribute points, just to show his appreciation.

Somehow, Yorks really felt this and thought of related pictures.

This gave him a sense of God's humanity rather than that of a cold, emotionless robot.

"It's equivalent to your response."

Yorks stared at the statue of Jesus with a layer of fluorescence and said calmly.

Then add the freshly baked attribute points to the all-round physique.

[All-round physical fitness increased from 116.5 to 117]

"too slow."

Yorks shook his head and stood up to greet the believers who came to say hello.

Now, he is famous throughout the small town of Yamala.

Many believers will come over to say hello and recognize their faces.

Some time later, Antonio's wealthy benefactor appeared in the church with his pregnant wife.

Even the two Pedro brothers came.

Chief Lark also came with the entire police department.

I went to see people I had known for a long time, and many people came.

Those who came late and couldn't find a seat, so they stood outside and stretched over.

What a funeral service looked like yesterday, what a Mass service still looks like today.

The seats were packed.

Amid everyone's excited expressions, Yorks appeared from the side passage holding a Bible. He slowly walked to the high platform with everyone's attention and began to hold the first mass ceremony in another world.

First, I would like to greet all the believers and welcome them to this holy sacrifice.

Opening prayer.

Praise God.

Read the Bible.


Just like yesterday's funeral ceremony, this mass ceremony, with the help of Mirta, was led by Yorkist and went as smoothly as yesterday.

As a priest, although he is lazy, this ritual has long been integrated into his bones, and he can perform it smoothly even if he closes his eyes.

What surprised and surprised York was just that.

I don’t know if it was because he was able to control this church. During the mass ceremony, he could actually hear the voices of many believers.

Yes, it was the prayer in their hearts.

One sentence after another echoed in my mind.

Yorks can even directly identify the believer from these heartfelt voices.

The entire process does not require stereograms at all.

The believer's appearance and surrounding environment can be directly reflected in his eyes.

"This is simply positioning plus clairvoyance..."

Yorkist was paying attention to these situations while leading the mass ceremony.

He has long been trained that he will not panic no matter what happens.

But this situation made Yorks feel a little surprised and had a new experience.

He suddenly remembered something.

Was it similar to this when he prayed to God?


“…please protect us in these last days and grant us safety and peace.”

“Lord, please have mercy on our sins and allow us to obtain salvation before the end.”

“…save those who have not yet believed in you, so that they may seek your face before the end.”

"Lord, thank you for sending a divine messenger down and giving me hope of survival."


One sentence after another, the prayers of the believers came to mind.

Yorks only felt that it was very novel, and these thoughts in his mind had no impact on him.

Instead, it felt like he saw several drawers in front of him, containing countless voices, and he could open whichever one he wanted to hear.

That's it, it has no impact at all.

The most important thing is that when he selectively pulls out the drawer and listens to the prayers of believers, he seems to be able to give corresponding responses to the believers and send out his own power.

It's like having a conversation through the air and remote control.

It was the feeling that he could do this that surprised Yorkes.

"It seems that in addition to controlling the entire church, I can do this,

Is this stealing God’s authority?

Or should we say that this world or the universe is nothing more than a little Karami to you, who is omniscient and omnipotent..."

A smile appeared on York's face, and he nodded to Mirta, asking her to start the Holy Communion ceremony and distribute the Holy Communion to the believers.

This has been prepared for a long time.

Mirta nodded and led others to distribute holy wafers and wine.

The bread and wine represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ, which believers will receive and share together.

And he, the priest, was no exception and was also given Holy Communion.

Yorks chose to sit in a corner, enjoying today's breakfast silently, and then listened to the thoughts in his head.

Without exception, it’s all thanks and appreciation.

But there are also some special prayers that he collected.

Because these prayers have factors that may lead to the emergence of rot.

"Not necessarily, just in case you are sick."

Yorks took a sip of wine and listened to an old woman's prayers.

"Lord, please save my child."

"...He fell ill with a strange disease. His feet gradually began to swell and he could not walk..."

"Today, his hand started to swell, which made me very helpless. My strength was too little..."

In York's eyes, an old woman with wrinkles on her face like an abyss and a dusty body appeared directly.

Where she is is outside, still at the outermost edge.

He even rushed over after the Holy Communion ceremony had been distributed.

On her body, Yorks could see wisps of white power of faith rising from her body and integrating into the Pluto Church, waiting to be transformed into the holy power.

"This must be an old believer who has never given up.

When she wakes up, will her child be a rotten creature that was just possessed? "

Yorks sighed inwardly, remembering that the old woman finished the Holy Communion in one go, then picked up a bucket of water next to her and walked to the small pool behind the platform in full view of everyone.

The Communion service is followed by a blessing and conclusion.

Yorkist faced the small pool, turned his back to the believers, and began to make holy water through prayer.

He believed that the holy water distributed would be able to drive away the underlying darkness in the entire town of Yamara.

No! Today, he is ready to drive away the potential darkness in the entire town.

Without using his own strength, the hundred points of holy power that Pluto Church had already accumulated were enough to cope with it.

For a moment, in the virtual window in front of him, the holy power data in Pluto Church began to drop.

In the end, only fifty points of the accumulated one hundred holy power were left.

The small pool inside has been transformed into holy water and has sacred properties.

Yorks stopped praying and spoke to Mirta who had already walked over to accompany him.

"Mirta, start distributing holy water."

As soon as he said this, everyone behind him became excited.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"Father Yorks was talking about holy water?"

"Holy water? Will it have any effect?"

"Oh my God!"


The news spread from one to ten, and the believers standing outside the church and in the front yard also began to know the news.

The whole place was in an uproar, and they all began to look forward to it, impatiently waiting for the distribution of the holy water.

The believers standing inside the church all cast their expectant eyes to the deepest part.

There, the legendary priest was filling the legendary holy water in the pool with small bottles one after another.

In this situation, even if Yorkist has no previous foundation and is just a fake, these believers will still form a herd effect, believing that this clean water is holy water and effective holy water.

Of course, Yorkist would not deceive these believers.

He was just responsible for putting the holy water in the pool into small bottles one by one and letting Mirta distribute them one by one.

Whether it's enough or not is not in York's mind.

Even if the holy power accumulated in the church is exhausted, the strong faith can still be converted into holy power and accumulated again.

This is similar to a perpetual motion machine. As long as there are no shortage of believers, there will be no shortage of holy power in the church.

"It would be nice if there was no upper limit on savings. It would be a hundred points every time, which is not pleasant at all."

Yorks felt a little regretful when he saw that the holy water in the pool had been emptied. Then he asked people to help bring clean water and continued to pour it into the pool, and then converted it into holy water through the holy power accumulated in the church.

Distributed by Mirta and devotees who came to help.

Back and forth.

Each believer received a small bottle of holy water in his hand.

Of course, some believers will have doubts and ask him.

"Father York, is this holy water useful?"

This is not just a question for one person, but a question for everyone present.

Looking at the uneasy believer, Yorks looked past him to the group of people behind him and smiled gently.

"Of course it works, as long as you sprinkle these holy water at home one by one, believe me..."

Yorks looked at the believers gathered behind him, looking towards them.

"You will be able to use electric lighting tonight, no more worries!

As long as you pray to God where you are when sprinkling holy water, then God will hear..."


“Just pray and God will hear.”

The priest's words were recalled in every car.

In one of the cars.

"Do you believe what Father Yorks says?"

The person in charge of driving was a man with a stubble on his face. Joachim took a deep breath and looked at his wife sitting next to him.


Mary bit her lip and said, holding the bottle of holy water that had been distributed tightly in her hand.

"Don't we just believe in that priest and come here today?"


Joachim smiled sincerely:

"Then let's try it tonight. I really can't stand this kind of day where I can't sleep well every day."


These conversations, without exception, all echoed in the car returning to the town.

Everyone is different and thinks differently.

Some people don't dare, and some people want to risk their lives to try it tonight.

But what they don't know is that the priest they call is like a god, always watching them.

Although it is just to use prayer to locate the advent.

"It depends on tonight."

Standing on the high platform, Yorkist watched Pluto Church upgrade to a second-level church as the number of believers increased to 2,000. He looked at the 200 points of holy power that were beginning to fill up and let out a sigh of relief.

Tonight, he will use Pluto Church to carry out targeted strikes, drive away the dark power of the entire town, and return the power of faith to the believers.

Pluto Church, there are still a few believers in the back, but York is already immersed in the analysis of Pluto Church.

"Yesterday and this morning I collected another wave of power of faith, which is probably enough..."

Yorks clenched his fists and continued to observe everything from a distance.

He had asked Mirta to send Sandra, an old woman who came from the town on foot, back in person.

After all, her son seemed to have signs of rot.

Yorks also asked Mirta to pray from time to time throughout the process.

Therefore, he could locate the body of Mirta through the prayers that fell in his mind, thereby achieving a certain kind of advent.

He could experience everything around Mirta as if he were here in person.

"It feels almost like psychic communication."

Yorks sat down in his usual position and closed his eyes to rest.

"Ms. Sandra, when did your son start to behave like this?"

Among the group of cars returning to the town, Mirta's question came from a dilapidated pickup truck.

Sitting next to her in the co-pilot was Sandra, an old woman whom Yorks was specially observing. She pursed her lips and thought.

"It's been more than ten days."

The old woman clutched the bottle of holy water in her hand.

Mirta was silent for a moment: "Then did Wesley have any emotional changes, or did he become a different person?"

As he spoke, Myrta was afraid that the old woman would not understand, so she explained in detail again.

"There's a moment when you think Wesley becomes very strange."

Wesley is the old woman's son.

In fact, Mirta was also surprised that the priest seemed to know everything about the old woman without ever talking to her.

But Mirta didn't find it strange. In her heart, Yorkist was already the manifestation of God in the world, so she wouldn't find it strange if any extraordinary situation happened to the priest.

Mirta just concentrated on the matter and waited for the old woman's answer.

The old woman was confirmed by the priest that she was not an infected evil spirit.

The space was silent for a few seconds before Sandra spoke.


Hearing this, Mirta sighed inwardly. This was already a sign of possession, and there was an 80% chance of it being a rot seed.

Fortunately it's just the early days.

Thinking of this, Mirta began to speed up, passing the vehicle in front of him, and rushed towards the old woman's home.

In an instant, Mirta rushed to the old woman's home as one of the first cars to enter the town.

It was an ordinary building with nothing special about it. It looked like it had seen some time.

"Ms. Sandra, take me to see your son Wesley."

Mirta took out the holy water bottle from her bag and prepared to prevent all accidents. However, the next second, she was startled and stopped the old woman in her tracks.

"Wait, Ms. Sandra."

Myrta took back the holy water, put it back into her plain shoulder bag, and smiled at the confused old woman.

"It seems we don't have to go in."

Sandra was a little confused and looked at Mirta.


"Because..." Mirta smiled: "Father York has arrived."

As he said that, Myrta remembered the voice that sounded in his mind just now, that was Father York's voice.

"Let me take care of it, Myrta."

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