As the sun goes down, the sunset disappears.

That night.

Yorks set about what he had planned to do.

But he suddenly discovered something very strange.

Because he discovered why the number of people in Pluto's church never decreased?

On the contrary, after slowly decreasing, it continued to increase.

Just like they had made an appointment, one car after another started to appear outside.

Some people even walked into the church cautiously, greeted him timidly, and then found a seat on the bench to sit down.

York ignored the people in the church for the time being. He only thought that these people rarely prayed once, so he had to stay for a long time. Anyway, he did not intend to close the church today.

But when he saw through the three-dimensional view that people outside took out some equipment similar to camping, Yorks was indeed a little confused.

"Did you come here specifically for camping?"

He saw that Mirta seemed to be communicating with some people and nodded repeatedly. He didn't know what they were talking about, so he called Mirta in for questioning.

The result was an explanation that made him somewhat helpless and understanding.

"You said they feel they stay here because they feel safe? Can they sleep well?"

Yorks looked at Mirta, remembering what he just said, and didn't know what to think.

But looking at the people in the church filled with candlelight, combined with Mirta's explanation, he could imagine how people in this world spend their time.

Not to mention that every day is like a year, at least every day is full of fear.

"Yes, Father York." Mirta said seriously, looking at the priest in front of him who could bring an indescribable sense of security once he existed.

“They also said it was a feeling they hadn’t experienced in many years.

After seeing you, they found a place where they could feel at peace and were reluctant to leave, so..."

Hearing this, Yorkist laughed dumbly and glanced at the people praying silently in the church and the people camping outside.

It seems that this can also be felt.

"It seems they are very happy, forget it, you go down and do your work."

Yorks shook his head and asked Mirta to go down and do his work.

"Yes, Father Yorks."

Mirta bowed his head slightly and saluted, then left the place and continued walking outside.

On the way, Mirta responded to the nods of the believers sitting in the church one by one.

This is a very harmonious atmosphere.

"It turns out that my existence can bring about this little change, that's all, let them do it, as long as they are happy,

Originally, the church also had the responsibility of providing shelter. "

Yorks sighed inwardly, sat down where he had always been, letting the believers behind him peek at him from time to time, and began to stretch out his hands to deal with the strong power of faith that he could see in front of him.

Of course, he still had to take the first step according to his own ideas.

That is to sanctify the image of Jesus in front of you and give it the function of transformation.

Just like after attaching it to Bluetooth speakers and mobile phones, they can play related functions.

And now he only needs to enchant this image of Jesus to convert it at a one-to-one ratio.

This is a good authority.

You must know that churches in the real world can only have this function after being baptized by the headquarters.

So at first, after he figured out and mastered the skill of enchantment, he felt it was a bit dangerous and selectively concealed this matter from the church.

Because as long as he masters this skill, even if he leaves the church, he can still form his own army with this skill, and he can even compete with the church for believers, or even split the unified church.

It's just that he couldn't hide it in the end, and the result was different from what he imagined.

Of course, the church only knows the appearance and knows that he has his own power, but does not know what his sanctification can actually achieve.

"It takes about ten points of holy power..."

Relying on the feedback of the feelings and information, Yorks stayed still, the power in his body surged, and continued to spread towards the statue of Jesus on the high platform in front of him.

From the base at your feet, to the cross, to the image of Jesus.

Spreading from beginning to end.

So much so that the entire high platform began to show a layer of fluorescence that was not obvious.

And it was only after consuming ten points of holy power that Yorkist saw the results.

[Attached ten points of holy power]

Listening to the prompts in his ears, Yorks stopped the transportation of the saint, and watched as the power of faith that had been spreading throughout the church began to gather under the base of the statue of Jesus.


Seeing this, Yorks finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If he didn't succeed, then all the things he wanted to do before would be in vain, and he might even have to sacrifice himself.

This time, the church has the Holy Power, and he can continuously produce batches of real clergy.

“I don’t know if the capacity of this church can support double digits.”

Yorks did not hesitate, and was ready to call Mirta in again to give her a real baptism, so that she could become a real clergyman, so that she would not be unable to fight back against demons or rotten spawn incidents.

At this moment, a change occurred that he did not expect.

Following the prompt, a virtual window suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"This is?"

Looking at this sudden window, Yorks was stunned.

What appears on the window is not a random mission, nor his personal panel data, but all the information about this Pluto church.

[Church of Pluto]

[First class church]

[Holy power accumulated: 93 points]

[Number of believers: 1359]


At the same time, Yorks began to feel that the information on the window was instantly rooted in his mind, allowing him to retrieve it at will.

Looking at the dense messages on the window, Yorks stopped getting up.

Lots of stuff.

All data from this Pluto church.

It even gave this Pluto church a grade.

"First-class church..."

Yorks looked at the relevant introduction below,

"The first-level church can support the supply of one priest, the second-level church can support the supply of three priests, and the third-level church can support the supply of five priests..."

After reading it in one breath, Yorks subconsciously licked his dry lips. He didn't know what he was.

The grading system is very standard. Every time the church upgrades to a level, two positions will be added. Until the twelfth level, it can directly provide the configuration of a bishop.

The grading standard comes from the number of believers. As long as it has 1,000 believers, it can be promoted to a first-level church, and as long as it has 2,000 believers, it can be promoted to a second-level church, and it continues to extend upwards according to this ratio.

Since there are levels, the amount of holy power a church can accumulate is naturally limited.

At level one, you can accumulate one hundred points of holy power.

At level two, you can accumulate two hundred points of holy power.

By analogy, extending all the way up to the twelfth-level church, one can accumulate one thousand two hundred points of holy power.

The most important thing is to give him his feelings based on the information fed back from this window.

He seems to be able to control everything, such as withdrawing the holy power of this church at will, and even controlling and withdrawing the power in the priest's body. He can also take back the priest's power at will, turning him into a real ordinary person.

Because he is the creator of all and the source of all...

"No way……"

Yorkes muttered to himself: "This seems a bit exaggerated."

Staring at the virtual window in front of him, Yorks couldn't calm down for a long time.

He knew exactly what this meant and how much benefit it could bring him.

It means that he can become the master of this world, directly replacing the authority of God from the moment he personally creates the church.


Thinking of something, Yorks couldn't help pinching his knee.

He thought, if he founded countless churches in this world, would he be able to instantly withdraw the holy power accumulated in all these churches and turn it into his own attack in a moment of crisis?

"This is completely the trump card, the ultimate move!"


Yorks took a breath and squeezed his knees hard to suppress his emotions, but there was still a hint of excitement on his face that hadn't appeared in a long time.

"I didn't expect that after such a trip to a different world, I would experience such a change.

With this, who cares whether random tasks will be triggered?

Open a church! church! Do something special! "

A strong motivation suddenly surged in York's heart.

He looked at the virtual window in front of him and made a decision in his mind.

"Create hundreds of churches here, thousands of churches! Tens of thousands of churches..."

I don’t know how long it took, but Yorks almost understood this function and called Mirta over.

At this time, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

And the number of believers in the church of Pluto remained undiminished.

Yes, from now on, Yorks has called these small town residents who are still in the church and camping outside as believers.

Judging from the data of this Pluto church, the number of believers of more than a thousand people obviously includes these people.

This made Yorkist look at these believers. It's like looking at a treasure, letting them stay and fall asleep, even if they stay for a lifetime.

After all, the number of believers is related to the grade of the church. The more believers, the higher the grade of the church, and the higher the holy power it can accumulate.

A church without believers is just an ordinary building, no more than a castle in the air.

"Father Yorks." Mirta arrived and stood beside the priest without daring to sit down.


Yorks made a calm sound, which made Mirta open her eyes wide, unable to conceal her excitement.

"Now, let you become a true priest."

Mirta took a deep breath, and the surprised believer behind him slowly knelt down in front of York.

Yorks picked up the Bible placed next to him, stood up, stretched out his hand to caress the top of Mirta's head, and said gently.

"Mirta, are you ready?"

"Be prepared to contribute to this world and to the believers..."

When the voice fell, the believers behind them opened their eyes wide and stood up from the benches to witness the scene in front of them with their own eyes.

They felt like they were about to be part of witnessing history, witnessing the beginning of history's transformation.

Mirta looked determined and said loudly:

"Father York, I am ready to die without regrets."

Yorks smiled, holding the Bible in one hand, and stroking the top of Mirta's head with the other, and said gently.


As these words fell, the power in his body surged again, and York began to withdraw the upgrades saved by Pluto Church to consecrate Mirta.

Watching Mirta’s body covered with a layer of holy light, watching Mirta’s body being baptized,

When the believers behind him began to stand in silence and witness with their own eyes, Yorks read one sentence after another:

"Mirta! You will become a servant of God, dedicate yourself to His mission, become the spiritual guide of believers, and lead them to the path of light and truth.

You will spread the power of love and kindness, give people strength and courage, and become a beacon for believers, guiding them in the darkness to find true happiness and peace.

You will also face many challenges and responsibilities. You need to maintain humility and courage at all times, respond to the needs and confusions of believers with wisdom and compassion, become their confidant and comforter, and support them in their pain and difficulties.

No matter where you are, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must stick to your faith and move forward courageously. Believe that God will give you strength and wisdom to help you overcome all difficulties and realize your mission..."

The words stopped, and the transformation of history began from this moment.

The night passed.

Because last night's testimony spread from person to person, many believers sleeping inside and outside the church were so excited that they stayed up all night.

It's early in the morning.

Yorks just watched one after another energetic believers with panda eyes greeting him obediently.

"Father Yorks."

Yorks nodded one by one and slipped into the church under the pious eyes of these believers.

"Father Yorks."

Mirta appeared before him and saluted him.

After her baptism, she began to accumulate holy power in her body, and her whole person became much more holy, and she even became younger than last night.

This is the benefit of holy power baptism. You will live longer than ordinary people, and your physical fitness will be superior to ordinary people due to the baptism day in and day out.


Yorks nodded.

"Start preparing for the Mass, Mirta."


Mirta nodded in agreement and left the place.

Yorks watched, with some regret in his eyes as he looked at Mirta, who looked more and more like a little nun like Irene.

Because sadly, there is a limit to what Mirta can do.

Even after becoming a true priest through baptism and being able to use holy power, it would only be about twenty or thirty points of holy power.

Although by reading the scriptures aloud and amplifying the Bible, these twenty or thirty points can exert the effect of a hundred points of holy power. When you are in the church, you can also draw on the holy power accumulated in the church.

But for him, it's still a bit too weak for the current situation.

certainly. It may also be that Mirta is just a deacon nun, not a priest, and the upper limit is indeed not high.

"I hope there will be some ruthless cleaners in the back. I want to reverse the no-man's land forbidden area and build a church..."

Thinking of this, Yorks subconsciously made a move, and the holy power accumulated by the church was instantly integrated into his body, and he could use it at will, and even use it in combination with the amplification of magic power.

"Haha, it feels good. If we can create hundreds of churches and use the power accumulated by hundreds of churches, we will definitely give the demons in the restricted area a taste of what it means to be illuminated by the Holy Light."

After feeling it for a while, he casually dispersed again. Yorks put his hands behind his back and walked on the middle aisle towards his usual position.

He did not forget his daily tasks.

Brothers and sisters, it’s the end of the month, can I ask for a vote? If you don’t have a book you want to vote for, you might as well vote for me. My data is too bad...

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