Ascension Cathedral, as the name suggests, is where Bishop Richard is.

Just like the Lutheran Cathedral in Romania at that time.

If you say where the church has the strongest presence in Bangkok or Thailand, then the answer is also the Assumption Cathedral.

When Brother Lucian sent him near the Cathedral of the Assumption.

Yorks found that there were no Thai people around, only clergymen coming and going.

"Due to what happened today, this place is temporarily blocked." Brother Lucian noticed the priest observing from the car's rearview mirror and explained in a low voice.

"It's not just us, the whole of Bangkok is now on the verge of war, for fear that such a big thing will happen again."

The voice was small, but the tone was a bit bleak.

After hearing this, Yorks knew that a lot of people had died in the Class VII supernatural event that had not happened for a long time. He looked at Brother Lucian who fell silent and nodded silently.

After a rigorous inspection, Yorkes walked through the luxuriously decorated corridors and finally came to a room with an isolation window.

Through the isolation window, he could see what was going on inside the room.

This is the room where Saxon and Emilia are.

After taking a look at Saxon, who was wrapped like a mummy and still in a coma, Yorks didn't know how to tell Ms. Camille about this.

"What a blessing in misfortune." A doctor wearing a white hospital coat standing on the left seemed to be feeling a little emotional.

"That young man's bone almost penetrated his heart. Logically speaking, the organs inside must have suffered due damage. This is an inevitable result.

But I don’t know why his internal organs seem to be protected by something, and most of the broken bones have escaped the vital points..."

Hearing this, Yorks looked towards Saxon's neighbor's bed.

Until now, he finally saw Emilia in person.

There was no difference between her and Saxon, with the same bruised nose and swollen face, and she fell into a coma, but from her face, Yorkist saw the shadow of a woman he had met by chance.

"Is this?" York's heart moved.

As if he could sense the gaze of the priest next to him, the doctor explained responsibly.

"The one with the least injuries is this little girl Liang..."

With these words ringing in his ears, Yorks looked to the right.

A priest wearing divine robes appeared in view.

His face was extremely tired, and his whole body was like a withered flower.

In his memory, this man seemed to be the priest whom Bishop Richard always had with him, and Father Daniel who he spoke to on the phone.

Even though he was exhausted, he came to the front with steady steps.

The doctor also wisely shut his mouth at this time.

"Father York, the bishop will let you pass." Father Daniel said. It was clear that he was at his most powerful, but his voice was more than ten years older.

Seeing that the other party was so consumed, Yorks nodded, already imagining Bishop Richard's appearance.

If the priest can consume so much, then the bishop's consumption will definitely not be less.

Follow Father Daniel step by step to an empty hall.

A main door appears in front of you.

This is an indoor chapel.

As Father Daniel pushed aside, Yorks saw several people already standing in the small church.

Ignoring Father Marty, who was standing on the periphery and nodding, York responded, his eyes stopping at the old man sitting in the back.

At this glance, the hair that was still mixed with black hair in the impression has now completely turned white.

In a daze, Yorks recalled the bishop in the headquarters who was still very aggressive while walking around, but stared at him with eyes without any emotion.

The years are quiet but not forgiving.

Yorks sighed inwardly, walked slowly, and finally sat on the adjacent bench next to the old man.

At this time, Yorks could already see the old man's face clearly.

Although he was only in his seventies, the other person's face looked like he was eighty or ninety years old. The traces of time were all over it. He could feel the extreme weakness contained in this aging body.

The old man was staring at the eternal statue of Jesus in front of him, his unwavering eyes unblinking, and he suddenly said: "York, are you here?"

Yorks was stunned for a moment, vaguely aware of something, and took a deep breath.

"Here I come, Bishop Richard."

There was a slight fluctuation on Bishop Richard's face. He didn't know what he was thinking. He turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

"As expected, I still hate you as a weirdo."

As soon as these words came out, every priest in the church had some changes in their expressions, except for a ripple in York's eyes.

The next second, the next hoarse old voice sounded again: "The center of the incident is in the area that Marty is responsible for. If you need to know anything, just ask him, and he will assist you and provide everything you need."

Listen, Yorks saw a look of hesitation on the old man's face and said in a smaller voice.

"The strength of this Satanic sect is not weak. It knows a lot of evil ways. You are little..."

The voice was so low that only Yorkshire could hear it clearly.

When the old man said this, he seemed to feel that something was wrong with him, so he stopped talking and said nothing, his face getting colder and colder.

A trace of tenderness flashed across York's face: "Bishop Richard, I will be careful. You have a good rest."

As he spoke, ignoring Bishop Richard's unnatural expression, Yorks turned to look at the statue of Jesus in front of him and made the sign of the cross on his chest. He then stood up, passed Father Daniel, who was slightly bowed, and walked straight towards the main entrance.

And when he walked to Father Marty's side, Yorks did not stop and continued walking, leaving only one sentence.

"Father Marty, let's go."

Father Marty bowed slightly to the old man inside, and then followed York's footsteps.

The two of them walked parallel together, weaving through the aisles where the clergy walked back and forth and stopped to salute them.

Father Marty finally couldn't help but said, "Why don't you speak?"

He and York were old acquaintances. During a certain large-scale supernatural incident, his life was saved by York. Both of them were fledgling intern priests at that time.

"What should I say?" Yorks looked at Father Marty who was exhausted: "You have consumed so much, are you okay now? Can you hold on?"

Father Marty's face twitched: "You don't have to worry about whether I can do it or not. I can still bear it anyway. Don't you want to know the current situation of the family of seven? Things have changed."

Yorks narrowed his eyes: "Tell me?"

Father Marty sighed: "The child's seventh birthday is actually tomorrow, which means that at twelve o'clock tomorrow morning, that is the time they will pick up the child."

As he spoke, Father Marty looked at the expressionless Yorkist, paused, and then spoke.

"There are only five hours left before 0 o'clock. At this time, even if we call colleagues from other countries to come over for support, it is already too late, so..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the priest, who had no expression in his eyes, suddenly smiled and interrupted him.

"If you ask for it, I alone will be enough."

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