Under the gaze of many bewildered people, police and others, clusters of sacred lights appeared out of thin air.

It spread to the whole place in an instant, suppressing everything.

The low-level demon that appeared huge from the ground was directly illuminated by a beam of light.

It let out a howl, and the newly revealed figure was illuminated and began to turn into wisps of dark air, and then collapsed and dispersed into nothingness.

All the men in black suddenly stopped moving and moved in unison, facing the level that had not been set yet.

A group of clergy were reflected in their eyes.

The old man wearing a divine robe with purple edges exuded an aura of holiness that was dazzling to them.

Behind the old man stood a priest and a group of monks wearing knight's swords.


The crowd in black rang out a word. They ignored the confused and panicked people and just stared at the clergy of the church. With uniform movements, they took out the prepared sacrifices from the bags at their waists and threw them where they were. Then they all took them from their arms. He took out a knife and stabbed it in the chin.

Very decisive.

The bloody scene made everyone except the clergy present and those who had not retreated to the checkpoint feel numb and just stared in shock.

Bishop Richard took out the Bible from his waist with his right hand and stared at Amelia who fell outside the car. He stared at the gathering of dark air, and the holiness exuding from his body became even stronger.

"Daniel, do you know why I hate Yorkies?"

Father Daniel shook his head: "I don't know."

"Because of the way he fights."

Bishop Richard stared at the men in black falling down one by one, making sacrificial summons, staring at the low-level demons that began to appear on the ground, and then said calmly.

"He never looks like us who need to pray, meditate, or connect with the brilliance of the Lord to exert his due power. He is so different that he is incompatible with us."

After the words fell, Father Daniel was left deep in thought, and Bishop Richard began to open the Bible he had brought from the beginning to the present. He stared at the low-level demon who had already revealed most of his body and occupied the entire driveway, and read loudly.

"Lord, connect our hearts to You for spiritual insight. Please lead our steps and guide us in battle. In Your power, we will defeat evil and push back darkness."



Don Mueang International Airport.

Welcome a special plane flying at high speed.

York was carrying a backpack that was larger than ordinary people, but just right for him.

"Finally we're here."

Yorks walked down the stairway opened by the special aircraft with an expressionless face, holding a mobile phone with a completely black screen in his hand.

From the moment the call ended, the entire five hours was indeed a bit torturous for him.

Because he didn't know what the situation was like between Emilia and Saxon.

Not to mention Emilia, a stranger, he was most worried about Saxon's safety.

After all, he is Ms. Camille's only son.

Both emotionally and rationally, he didn't want to get the result of Saxon's accident.

Look down.

The clergy stationed in Thailand have already been waiting below.

In five hours, with Bishop Richard around, this large-scale supernatural incident would be suppressed no matter how noisy it was.

Because except for some bishops who prefer the civil service, Bishop Richard who was sent to Thailand is an old man who survived the war.

So he believed in Bishop Richard's abilities.

"In five hours, the supernatural events manifested by the demon army should now be suppressed. This is the situation in Saxon..."

Yorks strode down, landed on the ground with an expressionless face, and looked at the clergy waiting for him.

"Father York." This is a middle-aged monk wearing a monk's robe and a strong build.

"I am Brother Lucian, responsible for your pick-up and drop-off."

"Brother Lucian, how's the matter?" Yorkist nodded and walked towards the car parked there, which also had the church logo printed on it.

“The Siam Paragon incident has been suppressed by Bishop Richard.”

Brother Lucian's voice fell in his ears, and Yorkist didn't think it was strange.

This in itself is something that Bishop Richard can easily do. This is the quality of a bishop who can guard one side.

However, he heard the next hesitant words.


Yorks stopped in front of the car door, feeling suddenly uneasy: "Just what?"

The clergyman in charge of the transfer subconsciously glanced at the stopped priest and said with some hesitation.

"Bishop Richard's consumption was excessive."

With an expressionless expression on his face, Yorks tightened his grip on his backpack. This cult was so generous. It probably accomplished what they needed: to consume all the power of the church stationed in Bangkok in this incident.

Which demon are they trying to summon?

At this moment, Brother Lucian felt a heavy pressure coming from the priest's body, so heavy that his breathing gradually increased until he held his breath.

Fortunately, with those words, the unspeakable pressure that was lingering around him instantly dissipated.

"How big was the incident?"

Brother Lucian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his attitude and voice became more respectful.

"The incident at Siam Paragon Mall is tentatively classified as a Level VII incident."

Yorks was silent for a moment, opened the car door and got in.

"Take me to see Bishop Richard, and tell me everything."

"Yes, Father Yorks."

At Brother Lucian's response.

The car marked with the church logo slowly left the spot.

Yorks in the car also began to understand everything.

Due to the large number of sacrifices by cult members and the deaths of surrounding people, in addition to the demon legion, the appearance of a large number of low-level demons has instantly escalated the incident from an unconfirmed state to a Level VII incident.

A Level VII incident is enough to plunge a city into turmoil.

In order to prevent further casualties, Bishop Richard directly consumed all his own holy power...

Hearing this, Yorks sighed inwardly.

Compared with the very specific data based on himself, if the church's clergy consumes all the holy power in their bodies, the next step will basically be to sacrifice themselves.

The experience of consuming all the holy power is mostly like being completely empty, similar to the deep-seated exhaustion of ordinary people who have not slept for days and nights.

This is not a big deal for a strong priest, but after all, Bishop Richard is already old. After consuming all the holy power that can cultivate his character, the damage to himself will naturally be doubled.

In addition to the above things, Yorkes got another piece of good news and one piece of bad news.

The good news is that Emilia was not captured by the cult.

The bad news is that both Emilia and Saxon were seriously injured and are being treated in the hospital.

"Before I come to pick you up..."

Brother Lucian seemed to be able to sense the change in the atmosphere in the car, and added: "They are out of danger and are being deployed to the Assumption Cathedral."

Yorks couldn't help but relax his tense body. This result was good for him.

Now that others have arrived, he can accept whatever happens next.

As I was writing and writing, I suddenly realized that the book had passed the fifty mark, which was not easy.

Generally, this word count is the easiest to read, but as long as you go through it, most people will choose to finish the book.

After writing this, some people complained about the poor response and began to abandon the book. I also noticed it, but in my opinion, I have really omitted a lot, because I still have more places that I have not written, and I can still write it. More and more details.

If I omit it again, I'm afraid it will look like you are reading a dry and abrupt essay with no flesh and bones in the form of an outline. It is probably because of my lack of ability.

Occasionally, I would lose my temper and want to start messing around, writing casually just to finish the book. After all, this subject matter about the church, priests, and even exorcism was actually my intellectual blind spot from the beginning.

Although there are movies and TV shows, there are so many movies and TV shows about demons. It is indeed a bit difficult to combine all the plots and religious elements.

Without the religious elements, the book as a whole would seem very abrupt.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to complete the book with 1.2 million words, so I have actually been mentally prepared for these reactions.

I would like to apologize to the readers who are about to abandon the book. I am sorry for my lack of ability.

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