
Hearing this sentence, John thought of what he had heard before.

A world different from ordinary people.

"Yeah." Yorks nodded.

If it was in the past, he was just a salty fish priest who was just dawdling around and had some self-preservation ability, and there would be no such urgency.

But this is when nothing changes...

Now in this short period of time, he has completed many missions.

This has never happened before.

He didn't know when he discovered that these supernatural events started to appear one after another as if they were scheduled.

This felt like one of those spiritual recovery novels he had read in his previous life.

Looking at this alone, Yorkes always feels that the world may become more and more dangerous in the future.

According to this changing trend, it may be possible to encounter a supernatural event whenever you walk around in the future.

Resurrection of spiritual energy...

York's pupils dimmed, and he continued to speak, preparing to explain to the current combat capabilities of Pluto Church other than him.


But before he could say the next sentence, the vibration of his cell phone interrupted the process.

Yorks could only stop, and under John Wick's puzzled eyes, he took out his mobile phone.

What surprised him was that the call came from an unexpected person?

"What happened to the little nun?"

Yorks subconsciously thought about this and picked up the phone.


At the same time, Irene looked directly into Reston's eyes and said directly:

"Father, I encountered a very strange incident."

She knew the priest's character and disliked procrastination and idleness.

Sure enough, the priest's voice suddenly became higher pitched.


"I don't know how to describe it." Irene picked up the drawing and looked at the strange spider-man-like thing inside and said:

"The victim gave me a picture of something, not a demon, but something, and it gave me an indescribable feeling."

After hearing this, Yorks had some understanding in his mind that it was not a demonic incident, but should be similar to the situation in Reed's apartment building.

Since then, even monsters have emerged in endlessly.

Yorks narrowed his eyes out of habit and said only two words.

"Send me the address and wait for me where you are."

Erin breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Reston who was already in tears, and then answered seriously.

"Yes, Father Yorks."

The call hangs up here.

"My priest will be here." Erin put away her phone and looked at Reston, whose expression was clearly starting to collapse, and her tone became very serious.

"It will all make things right if he comes, Mr. Reston."

"Thank you! Sister, thank you, now I understand how ignorant I was before." Reston wiped the tears that kept flowing on his face with his hands.

"I regret it so much! I regret it so much!"

Seeing such a grown man crying almost to death, and finally sitting on the ground and continuing to cry, Irene sighed inwardly.

At first, she didn't actually imagine the feeling of losing a loved one, but now she somewhat understood.

She suddenly remembered what the priest had said to her.

He said that there are some differences between men and women. It seems that because it is a household with one head, the male head of most families usually choose to hide the pain and suffering in their hearts.

Therefore, only when the pain and discomfort are really extreme and can no longer be suppressed will the appearance of crying to death will appear.

"Crying is actually equivalent to release. Eileen, if you encounter such a thing that day, just do nothing. No need for comfort or guidance." The priest smiled:

"Just wait quietly on the sidelines until he has cried enough and adjust yourself, because to a certain extent, all these believers actually need is your listening.

This is why listening has become a compulsory lesson in monasteries now, because it is really important, and learning to listen is a skill that clergy must possess..."

Recalling the words of the priest, Erin thought of the first time she met Reston, with a complicated look on her face. She deliberately lowered her sense of presence and swiped her phone a few times to send the address here.

Church of Pluto.

"Father Yorks, what is this?"

John Wick still looked calm and asked.

"John, do you want to experience another world?"

After reading the text message, Yorks took back his phone and looked at the man he thought was the God of Death, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Since the coincidence of encountering a supernatural event was related to the classification of physical monsters, he was curious whether this real-life god of murder could handle it.

"Just think of it as a physical examination." York said with a smile.

John Wick nodded calmly: "Okay!"

"Is it okay? In fact, it's okay if you don't experience it."

"I'm fine, Father."

Hearing the answer, Yorks was not surprised and turned around and walked towards another room.

"Come with me."

John Wick followed silently and followed the priest until he walked to another room, where he saw another room similar to a lounge.

There is a bed, a table, a wardrobe, and a bathroom. It is simple but very clean. It seems that someone cleans it every day.

"John, this will be your room from now on." Yorks smiled and said: "Of course, you can live outside if you want. This is just your exclusive room when you are in the church. It is probably your lounge. You can sleep here during naps. "

"Okay, Father." John Wick took two sets of church uniforms, observed his future room, and silently noted the layout here.

"As for why this is your room." York said mysteriously, walked to the closet, and pressed the secret door switch next to John Wick's gaze.

"Because here are your weapons."

As soon as these words fell upon his ears, John Wick saw the wardrobe open to the secrets within.

Full of weapons, pistols, assault rifles, grenades, automatic rifles.

"Familiar, this is also a weapon ordered from Ward." Yorks calmly took out the backpack inside and threw it towards the silent John Wick.

"Choose the weapon you want, and then we'll set off."

John Wick pursed his lips, stepped forward, looked at these familiar weapons and began to choose.

"Father, is this my future job?"

"No, I think it's just for you to experience and get familiar with our world." Yorks said calmly, not hiding anything from John Wick, and there was no need for it.

Just as he provides shelter from distractions, so John Wick naturally has to work and get what he needs.

"I need someone like you who can protect the clergy and believers in the church when an accident occurs while participating in charity activities or other outings. As for the rest of the time, you are free."

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