American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 194 Ancient Methods and Training

"Father York, this is what Beth made for dinner tonight."

Yorks closed the Book of Tribo he had just harvested and looked in front of him.

Robert was carrying a lunch box in his hand.

"Thank you! Send my thanks to Beth for me, Robert."

Yorks turned around and looked past Robert, looking at Beth who was holding several little girls, smiling and nodding.

"Tell her I'll enjoy this dinner."

"I will, Father." Robert grinned.

"Please enjoy your meal."

"Yes." Yorks nodded and took it, watching Robert and his family leave the church.

"It's really enviable. He has a son, a daughter, and a gentle wife. This guy has a happy life."

Yorks made a rare complaint in his heart, looked down at the toilet box in his hand, put it on his knees and then revealed its true identity.

A steak and grilled meat and some salad for dinner.

"It's so rich."

Yorks sighed and began to enjoy it with peace of mind.

He undoubtedly trusted Beth's cooking skills.

Housewives in every country basically have good cooking skills.

The steak has a mellow taste and melts in your mouth. Yorkie can feel the burst of gravy when he chews it, leaving him with endless aftertaste.

This is true for steaks, not to mention the more colorful barbecued meats, which are crispy, tender, fragrant and spicy.

"It is indeed made according to my taste."

Yorkist gave a rare compliment and quickly finished his heartfelt dinner. Then he continued to pick up the Book of Tribo next to him and found the unfinished pages again.

After watching this for a while.

The Book of Lipa is indeed a legendary book, and the stories recorded in it are so lifelike that they feel very real to him.

"It's like it's already happened."

Yorks stared at the story recorded above, his eyebrows lowered, and here he found an ancient method of exorcism.

This ancient method of exorcism is somewhat different from the church’s conventional method of exorcism.

[Let the possessed person drink the thing that symbolizes holiness and the devil's most disgusting thing, that is, goat's milk, so that the devil will be automatically exposed.

If that doesn't work, then smear the possessed person's body with chicken blood and olive oil that the devil fears.

Then through the ritual, it can be confirmed whether the possessed person is possessed by the devil or the origin of the devil can be learned]

"Chicken blood? Olive oil? Is this ancient method of exorcism very hardcore?"

Yorks looked at the description, and the more he read, the more interesting it became.

Olive oil also has corresponding effects in the Bible, that is, it has cleansing functions and is a type of the Holy Spirit.

As for why the devil is afraid of chicken blood.

He was leaning towards a theory from his previous life that the blood of a red rooster has the effect of exorcising evil spirits. It is the so-called oriental weapon to exorcise evil spirits, the blood of a red rooster, the blood of a black dog, the peach wood sword that wards off evil spirits, and the evil spirit.

"There's something about this ancient method."

York was very interested and turned to the next page. He found that this ancient method provided him with another idea.

"Demon possession confirmed, what's next?"

As a result, when he saw it, this ancient method was so hard-core that it made him laugh.

After completing the above steps in this ancient method of exorcism and confirming the demon, the possessed person will be surgically exorcised.

A conventional incision, disemboweling the body and taking out the dirty things or demonic things inside.

The important thing is that this is only the second step, and the demon has not yet been exorcised.

The third step is to perform an upside-down transfer ritual on the possessed person who has no dirt in his body.

Generally speaking, it is a simulation of inversion and transfer, and connecting something humanoid to the possessed person's mind as a substitute for being tortured.

When the hands and feet of the humanoid are nailed with nails, the possessed person's hands and feet will also feel the same feeling of being nailed in the middle of the magic circle, thereby inducing the devil to appear and eat away at the possessed person's pain and invade the possessed person's will. …

"It's very hard-core to find another way. It can only be regarded as an idea, but it is not suitable for me." When Yorks saw this, he shook his head and gave up.

Because there are many better methods than this, there is no need to go to such trouble.

"So no wonder it's an ancient method, an ancient method?"

Yorks continued to turn over the pages, and at this moment, from the real-time three-dimensional image in his mind, he discovered a very unexpected visitor.

"John Wick?"

At this time, a bridge car came on the street opposite the main entrance of Pluto Church.

"Here we are, John."

John looked towards Pluto Church, illuminated by the last remaining light.

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome." The driver, who was also a killer, glanced at Church Road.

"John, congratulations."

John subconsciously grabbed the cross on his chest, said thank you again, and said.


After saying that, he decisively opened the door and got out of the car, and walked into the church under the watch of the driver.

"Oh, he is such an enviable lucky guy to be able to survive."

The driver sighed, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

John Wick didn't know what the driver was thinking. He just stopped in the front yard and looked at the rest pavilion next to him.

There was a family sitting there eating, looking very happy.

Seeing the man wearing a dark divine robe looking over, John nodded and then walked slowly to the church.

"Who is this? You're here so late." Beth followed her husband's gaze and asked as she watched the similarly burly man in a suit walk into the church.

"I don't understand. Maybe I really need to talk to the priest about my troubles." Robert didn't care. There were too many people coming to the church. If he had to care about everyone who came, he would have been exhausted.


John stopped in front of the main door, which had only a gap, and couldn't help but take a deep breath. He knew that once the door opened, his fate would turn here. He didn't know what it would be like, but he was mentally prepared.


With his mind racing, John pushed open the front door.

What he didn't expect was that the priest seemed to have been waiting, standing in the middle, in front of the statue of Jesus, holding a heavy book in his hand, smiling towards him.



"These are church uniforms." Yorks dug out two sets of uniforms that were about to be buried in a box and handed them to John, who still had blood on his chest.

"Of course, you probably need to wash it before wearing it."

John was silent, looking at the work clothes handed over by the priest, and thinking about what the man he saw just now was wearing.

They are obviously work clothes, but they are similar to the robes worn by priests.

"Okay, Father." John replied, subconsciously rubbing it, but found that the material was a little special.

"This is……"

Yorks smiled calmly: "As expected, you discovered it. As expected of John, this is a piece of clothing that was custom-made from Huade before. I don't need to explain its functions, right?"

John shook his head and put it away silently: "Father, what is my specific job?"

As soon as these words came out, Yorkist looked at the God of Death, who was only a little thinner than him, and felt a little murmuring in his heart.

He has watched the John Wick series and knows that the killing god's skills and marksmanship, and his overall strength should be considered top-notch in the world of ordinary people, but are not enough for the extraordinary.

But just because of this, he suddenly thought of something else.

"Let me think about it, but I might let you train my deacon nun."

"Training?" John was stunned. He was a killer who only knew how to fight and kill. He didn't know anything. How could he train a clergyman?

"Father, you also know my situation." John, a grown man, began to feel that this job was a bit difficult: "I only know how to fight and kill, and this training..."

However, before he finished speaking, the priest in front of him smiled and interrupted him.

"John! I just need your fighting and killing skills."

John's expression changed and he looked at the priest.

"The world has become very dangerous. I don't know what changes will happen in the future. I hope that she will be able to protect herself in the future." York said calmly.

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