
To put it bluntly, Yorks was surprised when he looked at the serious-looking Liz Murray in front of him.

He thought about all the help, but he never thought about studying.

Never thought about it.

You must know that studying is studying, but in the end you still have to rely on your own efforts. If you don't work hard, nothing will change.

Therefore, most of the help that ordinary people want is substantive help.

"Do you really want to study?" Yorkshire confirmed again.

"Yes!" Liz Murray nodded and stretched the crumpled document forward again with her right hand.

"This is all my transcripts, please give me a chance."

As she said that, she raised her head and said seriously: "You said that if you need help, I will come to you. I thought about it for a long time. I think what I need most is an opportunity to study.

I know that reading is the only way to change my life, because I am smart and I know that I will succeed. "

After hearing these very sincere words, Yorks looked at the document that Liz Murray held out. It should be said that because he was used to the streets, the other party's approach completely showed his advantages.

Clever, plus this document that appears to be a transcript…


Yorks put down the dollhouse, reached out to take the document from Liz Murray's hand, and turned back to Eileen, who had been watching.

"Eileen, please move this dollhouse to my lounge."

Erin took a serious look at Liz Murray, who looked obviously surprised, and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, Father!"

After saying that, she barely carried the box that was bigger than her upper body with both hands and walked towards the side path.

Seeing Liz Murray's eyes following Erin, Yorks smiled.

"Don't worry, even though Irene is so thin, she is quite strong. She is not as weak as she appears."

Just kidding, being able to become his deacon sister already says it all, at least the physical strength must be enough to pass the test.

With that said, Yorks sat down towards his usual seat and patted the side.

"Come, sit down."

Liz Murray walked over obediently and sat down.

Seeing this, Yorks also began to open the crumpled documents in his hand.

Interestingly, the first one is the equivalent of an elementary school report card.

A photo of a little girl appeared on it, still smiling.

"At that time, my parents were not taking drugs." From the side, seeing the priest's attention lingering on the photo, Liz Murray explained in a low voice.

"It wasn't until I was older that they started taking drugs, which was very serious, but please don't worry, I didn't have anything to do with them, although I always hoped that they would get better and take care of me..."

Hearing this, Yorks turned his head and glanced at Liz Murray, and found that her face was full of uncomfortable self-deprecation.

"It's stupid, isn't it? But in the end, it was me who took care of them..."

"Kid, why do you care about other people's opinions? If you think it's worth it, then it's worth it."

Yorks said this and continued to look down at the document in his hand. What he didn't notice was that Liz Murray was startled.

Of course, even if he found out, Yorks wouldn't take it to heart. He just stared at the document in his hand, a smile in his eyes as he flipped through it.

Judging from the transcript alone, this girl named Liz Murray is indeed very smart.

Regardless of whether it is similar to the primary school, junior high school, or the recent promotion exam, the scores are basically full.

The most important thing is the promotion exam for the first time, because it can prove that the other person has always been interested in studying. Even if he lives on the street, he still hasn't missed the opportunity to study.

Not only this, Yorks extracted a document written by the other party's own handwriting from the documents.

It is not necessarily accurate to say that words are like people, but Yorkes feels something from his neat fonts:

This girl named Liz Murray is very practical and independent. She always keeps a clear mind and is good at analyzing and judging problems with clear thinking. Once a decision is made, it will not be changed easily.

And what she wrote can roughly be reduced to one sentence.

She is willing to use the present and the next five years to work for Pluto Church for free, regardless of whether she has become successful or nothing has changed in the future.

Really practical...

Yorks slowly put away the documents and turned to look at Liz Murray, who was waiting for her fate.

"You're doing great, kid."

Liz Murray raised her head and looked at the calm and clueless priest, feeling nervous. She was afraid of hearing a negative answer, which meant that she would never be able to escape from her current life.

"I can help you and let you study."

As soon as these words came out, Liz Murray's face showed obvious changes.

"But..." Yorks turned around and looked at Liz Murray who suddenly became anxious again and smiled.

"I don't need you for the next five years, just now."

Liz Murray was stunned: "Now?"

Yorks nodded and stood up, smiling: "Until you are admitted to the ideal university, as long as it does not affect your studies, you have to help Robert clean the windows of the church, mop the floor, and help decorate the place."

As he spoke, Yorks looked down at Liz Murray who was suddenly silent, and continued.

"And your salary comes with free room, board, and the opportunity to study. How's that deal?"

Liz Murray didn't know what to feel in her heart. She only felt that her nose had begun to feel sore. This was the warmth she could feel after experiencing the cold.

"Thank you! Father! Thank you, you have changed my life!"

"You're welcome, kid, I didn't do anything." Yorks shook his head and smiled.

"This is the salary you deserve. What you have to thank is yourself because you never gave up."

After saying that, Yorks ignored Liz Murray's expression, walked towards Eileen who had just walked out of the side passage and stopped next to her, and stuffed the document into her arms.

"You arrange it for her, and let her get familiar with what to do tomorrow."

"Yes! Father." Irene took the document and looked at Liz Murray who seemed to be crying, feeling sincerely happy in her heart.

"I will make good arrangements."

After saying that, she saw the priest was leaving and said quickly.

"Father, I plan to reorganize the church breakfast tomorrow. Do you think it's okay?"

Yorks paused and asked in confusion: "Breakfast event?"

"Yes, only our church members and residents from nearby communities will participate." Eileen said tepidly.

"Only in this way may believers be able to establish a closer connection with Pluto Church."

Hearing this, what else could York say? He glanced at the enterprising Irene, looked at her standing quietly, looking more and more like a nun, and said with a smile:

"It's up to you to decide. As long as you think it's good, just do it boldly and I will support you."

After saying that, Yorks waved his hand and walked into the side passage. Behind him was the nun who was saluting...

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