Outside the apartment.

Jeffrey stared at the apartment where people were coming and going. He had already leaned against the police car and took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, lit one and started smoking.

Smoke hung over his thin face.

Baker, who was also beside him, glanced at him and said.

"very tired?"

"No." Jeffrey threw the cigarette case in his hand towards Baker's arms.

"It's just that recently I feel like the world has begun to change."

Baker took the cigarette case, also took out a cigarette, paused and said after saying this.

"Indeed, I feel the same way. There weren't that many murders before."

As he spoke, Baker clicked and followed Jeffrey, staring at the apartment in front of him and smoking.

Smoke then swirled around the two men.

"How about we go to Pluto Church tomorrow morning to relax?" Baker exhaled a smoke ring and said quietly.

"I heard from my wife that Sister Eileen was going to reorganize the church breakfast event. We went there to have a meal and then work hard..."

Jeffrey raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him: "Don't you usually have no faith?"

As soon as these words came out, Baker suddenly gasped and coughed violently.

Baker coughed up tears in his eyes, looked at Jeffrey with a smile on his face, and said helplessly.

"I don't want to go either, but you also know my wife's character."

"Oh." Jeffrey smiled, and the smell of arrogance was so strong that anyone could smell it.

"So are you going or not?"

Seeing Jeffrey's face, Baker gave up on the spot and acted like a cheat.

"I think we can talk to Father York about this case. Maybe we can find a solution."

Jeffrey still hesitated, took a deep breath from the cigarette holder, and then spit it out.

"Lets see."

Baker shrugged: "Whatever you want, but speaking of it, when I saw that strange female corpse, I really had a hunch that Father York really might be able to provide us with a breaking point."

Jeffrey stopped moving and looked at Beck, who was suddenly confused.

Baker tapped the cigarette holder and popped out the ash, thinking of the spotless female body buried in the pit.

"Don't you think that in this case, the appearance of this female corpse is a little too sudden? Regarding the Brullo family above, we can all seem to find various reasons to speculate. As for this strange female corpse, we suddenly can't find it. To the point where it can be explained..."

Having said this, Baker faced Jeffrey's gaze and continued.

"Have you forgotten what Father Yorkes said?"

Jeffrey shook his head, dropped the cigarette holder in his hand, and stepped forward with his right foot to crush it.

Of course he didn't forget.

During that day, the priest, who had an extremely strong sense of oppression, said with a smile.

If you don’t understand something or think it’s weird, you can actually ask him…”

"finally reached."

With these words, a Ford Raptor broke through the darkness and drove towards Pluto Church.

What surprised York was that the lights were still on inside Pluto Church.

"Irene hasn't gone back yet?"

York's Ford Raptor was parked on the street in front of the church's main entrance.

Before getting out of the car, I glanced at the central control mirror to confirm the time.


"It's already this hour, what is she doing if she doesn't go back?" Yorks glanced at the candle-lit church, walked to the trailer behind, picked up the box of the dollhouse, and walked towards the church.

As the distance got closer, the real-time three-dimensional picture in York's mind had already changed.

Within the range that the five senses can hear, smell, and feel, everything can be seen within fifty meters.

And inside the church, he found that there was not only one person there, but also another strange person.

Through the height, width and height of the humanoid figure, coupled with the comparison of the hair, it is obvious that this other humanoid three-dimensional figure, which is only as tall as Irene's chin, is a little girl.

"Who is this?"

There was only a three-dimensional figure of a human figure, so it was really difficult for Yorkshire to judge who it was. Even though he thought about the people around him, he couldn't think of who it was. The only ones he could think of were Little Red Riding Hood, Hailey, and Bridget.

Therefore, he did not deliberately cover up his footsteps. When he was about to walk to the door, Irene in the church seemed to hear his footsteps. She stood up from the bench and walked cautiously towards the door.

"Yes, is it Father York?"

Hearing Irene's probing voice, Yorks opened the main door, walked into the church filled with gentle candlelight, and faced the little nun who suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Eileen, why haven't you gone back yet?"

As he spoke, Yorkist looked directly past Irene, who was in black monastic uniform and hood, and looked at the figure who had stood up in front of him.

However, this look made him feel a little surprised.

The protagonist who confused him was not Little Red Riding Hood or Bridget, but Liz Murray, whom he had met earlier in the Naas Cemetery area.

Compared to her in the tomb area, Liz Murray has changed a lot now.

It has been washed well and put on clean clothes and clean shoes.

The state of the whole person is several times better than before.

The dirty ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan.

Sensing his gaze, Liz Murray felt a little embarrassed and grabbed her trouser legs with both hands.

"Father York, this child seems to know you. When she came to see you today, she didn't even have shoes and nowhere to go. She just sat in the church all day."

Seeing the priest's careful gaze, Irene explained in a low voice.

"Ask her what's wrong, but she won't tell you. She only wants to wait until you come back to tell you, so I..."


"Well, you did good, Erin."

After roughly understanding the reason, Yorks showed a gentle smile and looked at Liz Murray, who was standing there with her head lowered and exuding uneasiness, and walked over with the dollhouse on her shoulders.

"Lise Murray?"

Hearing this, Liz Murray pursed her lips and raised her head, her eyes filled with gentleness. She couldn't help but think of the smile in the cemetery area that made her make this decision.

"Child, do you need my help in any way? If possible, I will help to the best of my ability."

Yorks smiled: "And you don't have to have any psychological burden, because God loves the world, and I am God's spokesperson."

Of course, it also depends on the person. Yorks looked at Liz Murray and added this sentence in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

Liz Murray didn't know this. She just remembered the decision she had made, pursed her lips and remained silent for a few seconds. Finally, she took out a crumpled document from her pocket and handed it to the priest.

Yorks raised his eyebrows lightly. At this moment, he found that the expression of the girl who was still embarrassed suddenly became serious.

Liz Murray stared at the priest in front of her seriously and said in a dry voice: "Father, I want to study!"

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