She placed a room full of potted plants and a dog in a cage to recreate the situation back then and determine the approximate scope of the impact of the Leather Mirror.

And this happened to be what the priest told her after hearing everything.

When the potted plants begin to wither, it means that the Lesser Mirror has been awakening. According to the priest, the range of influence of the Lesser Mirror can be roughly determined by the withering of the potted plants.

The death of the puppy means that the Leather Mirror has been doubling its influence on the surrounding environment, and the changes are doubling...

Although she didn't know what the priest planned to do, she had to make her own meager efforts.

The surveillance camera in the room emits a red light, which is pointed at the mirror hanging on the wall according to the controller's will.

The Leather Mirror with its cover pulled off seems to have remained unchanged, including the potted plants placed quietly around it and the puppy that started barking, but the small crack in the lower right corner of the Leather Mirror reminds Kelly Russell , this is an antique mirror from that year, and it is a very dangerous mirror.

"So are you awake all the time now? Or are you asleep?"

Kelly Russell moved her fingers while her eyes were fixed on the potted plants arranged on the ground.

No matter how much time passed, Kelly Russell's focus was always on observing the overall situation in the room, and she didn't miss anything.

"When are you going to start performing?"

While Kelly Russell was talking to herself, her swiping fingers stopped and the tablet screen stopped in the room.

During the surveillance, the puppy in the cage was still barking, but the potted green plants surrounding it began to wither. The appearance of this anti-scientific scene made Kelly Russell's face become more serious.

"here we go."

Seeing the green plants withering to the end, Kelly Russell looked serious and began to move her fingers. She slowly walked out of the room like a person present, following the movement of withered potted plants on the ground.

After walking out of the room and walking to the walkway outside, the potted plants on both sides were slowly withering one after another, extending all the way to the stairs.

Kelly Russell's fingers immediately moved.

After the potted plants at the entrance of the stairs withered, they began to spread towards the potted plants arranged in the stairs, and eventually all the way downstairs, starting to extend into the living room and kitchen.

Although the degree of wilting of some potted plants is not that obvious, if you look carefully, you can still see that some are wilting through comparison.

At this time, it had slowly spread to the entrance. Kelly Russell stepped back, but at this time, she also found on the flat screen that the spreading trend had stopped at the third potted plant in front of the main entrance.

Kelly Russell stared at the second potted plant in front of the main entrance, confirming that it had indeed remained unchanged, and felt relieved.

"Is this the maximum range of influence you can have?"

When she confirmed that the mirror was still awake or alive, Kelly Russell had no expression on her face and continued to move the screen with her fingers, expanding the surveillance screen in the room and refocusing on the dog in the cage.

The result was not beyond her expectation. As the potted green plants began to wither, the barking of the dog in the cage slowly became weaker and weaker at the beginning, and finally stopped.

Watching the dog in the surveillance video slowly lie down on the ground after it stopped barking, Kelly Russell remembered her childhood.

At the beginning, my mother was muttering about the withering of the green plants. On the same day, the dog began to gradually become weak, becoming weak every day, and finally died...

"Now as long as you don't enter the range of influence, you won't be hallucinating."

Thinking of the priest's words, Kelly Russell looked up at the second-floor window.

This sight directly caused a feeling of extreme fear deep in her heart.

I don't know when, there were several strange people standing on the second floor window, basically all dressed in different clothes. The only things that were the same were their glowing silver eyes and their weird, terrifying expressions.

And these people were staring at her, the corners of their mouths slightly raised, extremely strange.

The horrific memories from my childhood became clearer at this moment.

The combination of this actually made her an Avenger feel scared.

"Damn it!"

Kelly Russell cursed secretly, angry at the slightest hint of retreat in her heart. She stared at the person on the window and continued to take a step back.

But just after retreating, Kelly Russell discovered another change that made her scalp tingle.

The originally closed front door secretly opened when she wasn't paying attention. It was empty inside, but she felt like something would rush out from inside.

Kelly Russell gritted her teeth and looked up at the second-floor window again, only to find that there was nothing on the window and those weird people had disappeared.

A gust of wind blew in front of me. My eyes had roughly focused on the front of the house, and the opened front door also did not leave the range of vision.

Because of the changes on the window, Kelly Russell didn't know what she felt in her heart, so she continued to take a step back just to be on the safe side.

At this moment of retreating, Kelly Russell suddenly noticed a figure appearing on the far right side of the front yard from the corner of her sight.

She suddenly turned her head to look, and this sight made Kelly Russell feel terrified all over, and a chill rushed from the soles of her feet to the back of her head.

The figure that appeared was no one but her long-dead father, who was holding a sprinkler and smiling at her.

His eyes were glowing with silver, and the corners of his mouth were rising wider and wider, and because of this, the smile-inducing expression gradually became weird.

Kelly Russell took a step back in a daze, and another gust of wind blew in her face. Kelly Russell seemed to be aware of it, and her whole body became stiff.

She seemed to be stuck. She stiffened and turned her head back to normal. A scarred, bloody, and weird smiling face filled her field of vision.

This is her familiar face, this is her mother who was tortured and shot by her father.


The horrific memories of her childhood filled her mind instantly. Kelly Russell stared at her mother who appeared in front of her. Before her mind collapsed, she slammed the small bag in her hand.

"This must be an illusion! Everything is fake!"

However, Kelly Russell found that the small bag in her hand was held by the mother in front of her. What else did she want to do? The mother in front of her suddenly reached out and grabbed her throat, and slowly tightened it.

The force was so great that she couldn't breathe. She could only stare at her mother with her eyes open, the corners of her mouth raised to form a V, her skin wrinkled together and her facial features no longer visible.

Kelly Russell pulled at the hand that was like an iron clamp in her throat, her red eyes gradually losing focus.

"Am I going to die?"

She thought she was going to suffocate to death, but just when her eyelids gradually covered all her field of vision, maybe it was an illusion, but Kelly Russell heard the familiar voice of the priest.

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