"This is the last chance."

Liz Murray thought to herself as she ducked out of the way of the slow-moving cars on the slow road and began to jog down the street next to the church.

Compared to the opposite street, the church is closer at this time.

In her eyes, the already magnificent and ancient church was greeted with a peaceful aura.

It was this peaceful atmosphere that reminded Liz Murray of the priest.

"come on!"

Liz Murray plucked up the courage, grabbed the information about herself and her annual report card that she had specially collected, and walked in facing the strong man guarding the church door and his strange eyes.


No. 106, District 5, Greenway Village.

In front of a single-family house with its own front and backyard, a red sports car was parked next to a truck.

Four staff members were moving a huge mirror wrapped in a cloth from the truck. The representative looked at the lady who was several meters away for some reason and had a vigilant look on his face, and asked.

"Ma'am, where are you going to put this?"

Kelly Russell clasped her hands, stared at the Leather Mirror that had been engraved in her bones, and said stiffly: "Just put it in the main room on the second floor."

The staff members, who were wearing auction house uniforms and raising mirrors on all sides, looked at each other.

At this time, Kelly Russell seemed to know what they were thinking: "The door is not closed, and the door of the main room on the second floor is also open. The nails in the middle wall have been driven. You just need to hang it on it and take off the cover." You can go."

As soon as these words came out, the staff members didn't know how they felt. They just felt that the hostess seemed to be wary of something, which puzzled them.

But when it got to this point, they had no choice but to work together to carry the mirror in and place it where the employer asked.

However, upon entering the house, potted green plants were placed around the corridor, including in the huge living room.

This directly caused them to look at each other again, and when they remembered the wary look of their mistress, they felt creepy all over.

"Do you think this mistress is a little bit?"

After carrying the mirror all the way to the stairs, one of the staff members looked around and whispered.

He didn't even say the whole thing, but the other three staff members all knew what he meant.

The staff member who was the team leader glanced at the team member who had just spoken, and said the truth:

"Shut up, everyone! Work hard! If there is something wrong with the other person's brain, she is the one standing here doing the work, not you..."

The conversation was so quiet that Kelly Russell outside didn't hear it. She was still standing outside the front yard with her arms folded and looking at the second floor.

Not long after, she saw the shadows of the staff appearing on the windows of the main room on the second floor, and clearly discovered that they had hung the mirrors on the walls that had already been arranged.

Kelly Russell's eyes showed hatred, and she slowly tightened her arm, her fingers showing clear joints.

"Next, just wait for the priest to come."

The words drifted away in the wind, but the priest in Kelly Russell's mouth was parking the Ford Raptor on a street, then turned off the engine and got out of the car.

"Long time no see."

Yorks looked up at the seemingly low-key but actually very luxurious building in front of him and walked towards it.

Although this building does not have any conspicuous signboard, it is still somewhat famous in the world outside of ordinary people.

This is an ordinary used goods trading house, even ordinary, because it accepts everything, not just supernatural products. It also accepts ordinary things as long as they have value.

And these things include all kinds of ancient books, antiques and other items.

The important thing is that its owner is a skillful person and undertakes all kinds of production business, covering a wide range of areas.

As Yorks walked, his mind began to turmoil, recalling past events.

Back then, he worked hard for magic, including collecting materials to exorcise evil spirits, summon demons, and create magic circles, so it was not just the church, but he was actually quite famous outside.

Unfortunately, the most regrettable thing for him was that this junkyard had a lot of materials, but it didn't have the magic book he wanted.

Push the door open and step in while the bell jingles.

As soon as you enter, you will see a layout similar to that of a library. It is full of dazzling shelves filled with all kinds of books, including some antiques that look very old.

What was stuck in front was a long reception desk, inside which stood an old man with silver-white hair, a kind face, and a pair of reading glasses.

"Welcome, Yorkie, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Yorkes smiled and stopped: "Ms. Agatha, can you help me make a one-to-one dollhouse?"

Ms. Agatha raised her eyebrows, took off her reading glasses, and smiled: "Of course, if you can provide photos and relevant data."


As soon as he entered the building, not long after, about half a minute later, Yorks opened the door again from the inside and walked out with satisfaction.

According to Ms. Agatha's ability, when he comes back from completing the mission, he should be able to get an identical dollhouse in a 1:1 ratio.

"Enough to fool little Bellamy."

York opened the door and got into the driver's seat, started the car and drove towards Greenway Village, which was not far away.

same moment.

"Ma'am, the things have been put away. Let's go first."


Kelly Russell nodded, stood there and watched the delivery van leave, and then continued to stare at the second floor.

Because of the special arrangement, from her position, she could still see the antique mirror hanging on the wall through the window, although it was only a corner.

After thinking about it, Kelly Russell decided to listen to the priest and try not to do anything before he came.

Even so, she had actually prepared everything a long time ago. Just because she didn't do anything didn't mean she couldn't observe the changes. If possible, she also wanted to tell the priest about the progress of the mirror before he came.

"This is my old home. I know you still remember everything, because it was in that room that I almost sent you to hell. I hate you, and you should hate me too. I can feel it..."

Kelly Russell took out a tablet from her bag and clicked on a software while sliding it.

With the click, a dozen camera surveillance images suddenly appeared on the screen.

The living room, bathroom, corridors, rooms, etc. are all under surveillance.

"Back then, you started killing the dog that kept dangling in front of you. After the potted plants started to wither, the progress changed day by day. But when I escaped, I still clearly remembered that the potted plants outside were still intact.

The priest said that you can create hallucinations in human brains and create things out of nothing. So how far can you influence? "

Kelly Russell clicked on the surveillance camera in the main room on the second floor and started observing the potted plants around the mirror and the puppy in the cage...

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