The story is simple.

It is no different from other supernatural events. The difference is that her parents died mysteriously, and only she and her brother Tim Russell, who was imprisoned in a mental hospital, survived.

According to the theory at the time, Tim Russell, who was imprisoned in a mental hospital, shot his parents, but there was another theory in the mouth of Kelly Russell.

She suspected that everything stemmed from an antique mirror. It was because of this antique mirror that her family fell into a life that was beyond redemption.

Kelly Russell suspected that her father was controlled mentally and physically by this evil antique mirror, abused his wife, her mother, and shot her to death.

And she and her brother Tim Russell were able to survive because when her father was about to shoot her and his brother, he briefly came to his senses with his strong willpower and handed the pistol to her brother Tim. ·Russell…

It's a pity that the simple story is missing the most important link. I don't know where the antique mirror went.

So Yorks didn't pay attention at the time, but in the end, with Kelly Russell's prayer, he told her the most important knowledge.

If you want to get rid of evil spirits, you must first find the rules or let the church or him take action. You must first find relevant and complete evidence to prove it, instead of just dictating it...

"So you found something useful when you came here this time?"

Remembering that the other party had not come for a long time, Yorks closed his eyes and his consciousness was immersed in the real-time stereoscopic view. He stared at the document bag in Kelly Russell's hand, and his heart moved slightly.

"Father Yorks."

When a small reminder sounded next to him, Yorks opened his eyes and looked at the source of the sound.

Compared with the three-dimensional picture, although Kelly Russell has baby fat on her face, she still looks very capable and looks like a real white-collar worker in a neat professional suit.

As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes, and so it was with him. Yorkshire even felt that if he wore other clothes, no one would dare to approach him.


Staring at Kelly Russell, Yorkshire pretended to be surprised.

Kelly Russell nodded slightly, shaking the document bag in her hand while sitting next to her.

"Father York, didn't you say that if you want to take action, we need relevant evidence? I've found it!"

Yorks raised his eyebrows slightly and continued his performance: "That antique mirror?"

Kelly Russell nodded: "This document bag is full of evidence that I have collected recently, and it took me a lot of energy."

As she spoke, Kelly Russell looked at the priest and handed over the document bag in her hand.

"Father, please see if this evidence allows you to take action."

Somehow, Kelly Russell only felt a little uneasy in her heart. Because of that antique mirror, she lost her family and her childhood. What she wanted to do most was revenge.

In order to take revenge, she came to this Pluto church and became a devout believer.

In order to take revenge, she once specifically investigated and found out that some believers in the Pluto church had experienced the same supernatural events as her, but she was not as lucky as these believers and could get help from the priest.

In order to take revenge, she had been remembering for eleven years, and she had also been investigating and preparing for eleven years. Now she finally found out the whereabouts of the antique mirror, and the priest in front of her was the most critical link.

In just a short moment, Kelly Russell's breathing gradually became heavier, ringing in York's ears.

As if he could feel Kelly Russell's mood, Yorks picked up the document bag and said comfortingly: "If it can be proven that that antique mirror has supernatural powers, I will naturally take action. There is no doubt about it."

Hearing this, Kelly Russell breathed out again, letting out the pressure and emotions in her heart. Her face returned to calm, and she watched the priest open the document bag and take out the first document:

"I learned through investigation that there have been 45 people related to this antique mirror in the past four centuries..."

Listening to Keri Russell's introduction, Yorkist saw the events documented above, including its victims, starting with the first one.

"I don't know who the real first person was who came into contact with that antique mirror, but I traced the earliest person I could find, dating back to London in 1754..."

Yorks followed the introduction and looked at the first person Kelly Russell found in the document, a British earl.

"...he got the mirror and hung it on the fireplace. Eventually the earl died in the fireplace in 1755, burned beyond recognition. Before his estate was divided, his steward claimed to have seen the earl in the mirror... "

Kelly Russell paused here, watching the priest turn to the second page, then breathed lightly again and continued:

"In 1864, an American railroad tycoon bought this mirror. At that time, the railroad tycoon weighed more than 300 pounds..."

Yorks soon saw a picture of the railroad tycoon. He was indeed very fat, and there was a mirror next to him.

"Unlike the Count, who put a mirror in a ballroom in Atlanta and became very thin within a few months,"

Yorks also happened to see a photo of the railroad tycoon a few months later. His figure was twice as thin as the one he saw before.

"A few weeks later, he was found dead at home..."

Kelly Russell paused again, watching the priest turn to the third page and continue the introduction:

"After the death of the railroad tycoon, the whereabouts of the mirror were unknown until it reappeared in the hands of a woman in 1904. She hung the mirror in her private bathroom and was found dead in the bathtub by her niece two weeks later. The cause of death became Even more weird..."

Hearing this, Yorks happened to see the relevant photo. A woman with a terrifying face was lying naked in the bathtub. The overall look was indeed terrifying.

"The reason is that he was thirsty to death and dehydrated to death!"

Soak in a bathtub full of water and die of thirst? Yorks narrowed his eyes, thinking of hallucinations.

After knowing it in his mind, Yorks continued to turn to the next page, and Keri Russell's voice happened to sound at this time.

“In 1943, a mirror found its way to a family in Wisconsin. One day, a neighbor heard painful screams and violent collisions and called the police.

When the police came, they found that the children had been drowned in the sealed tank. The only surviving woman had her legs smashed in the nursery, her left arm was broken, and six bones were broken.

The male host, on the other hand, held a hammer in his hand and broke all his bones. Finally, he was hit on the top of his head and died. Only his right hand holding the hammer was intact..."

Listening to Keri Russell's extremely empathetic voice, Yorks remained expressionless and continued to turn the next page.

“In 1955, the owner of the mirror starved to death in his bedroom.

In 1965, the mirror was hung in a bank lobby in San Diego. Not long after, the bank teller locked the manager in the vault, and she bit a live wire and died.

In 1975, the mistress of the mirror, Mary, suffered a miscarriage and died of massive hemorrhage at her home. The strange thing was that she had all her teeth pulled out..."

The voice stopped abruptly here, and Yorkist also turned to the last document. In this document, he saw photos of Kelly Russell, her brother, and family photos.

Along with heavy breathing, Kelly Russell's voice sounded.

"In 2002, this mirror was transferred to the Russell family. Two weeks later, the parents died mysteriously and tragically. Two children survived. The elder sister grew up alone, and the younger brother was imprisoned in a mental hospital..."

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