Chapter 164 Kelly Russell

"You have found a fucking religion!"

Old Mike cursed and threw the gloves in his hand towards his son who was still pretending to be cool.

Healy's appearance suddenly changed, his cool posture disappeared, and he quickly avoided it with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Old man, don't do this! As long as you agree!"

Old Mike said coldly: "No way!"

He knew the dangers of being around Yorks.

Just now he learned that the guy had single-handedly removed the ghosts from the entire apartment building.

Not to mention the news we just learned, just from the pile of files and reports from before, we can see how jealous that guy York is.

Even if the devil doesn't look for him, he will come to look for him. The danger involved can be imagined.

Healy's face fell, and he put the hiking bag on his back on the stage: "Old man, don't mislead me!"

There was a hint of joking on Old Mike's face: "The monk's duty is to assist and protect the priest. Do you think that guy York needs your protection?

On the contrary, you are still a drag on him! You might as well improve your abilities first. "

It's okay not to say it. When he mentioned this, the expression on Healy's face became even more depressed. Of course he knew that Father York didn't need his protection at all, and he also knew that the old man's words were really the truth.

But no matter what, he still wanted to become a monk of Father York. Even if he was just a salted fish beside the priest who could only shout 66, he still hoped to provide some help.

Therefore, he has long thought about his position. He does not require to be able to protect the priest, but he can certainly do a good job in assisting this place, and the place where he can provide help is his research and development talents.


Healy laughed: "My ability is certainly not worth mentioning to Father York, but I know where I can do it."

Old Mike, who was just about to continue to hit his son, stared at Healy who suddenly calmed down, and frowned slightly, and he realized that his son seemed to be serious.

"what can you do?"

Old Mike still carried out his taunts and tried to make Healy quit.

Healy's smile remained unchanged, and he unzipped his hiking bag, revealing a pile of ammunition containing transparent liquid and various firearms inside.

"Everything I can do is here..."

Old Mike glanced at the contents of the mountaineering bag and instantly understood what his son meant. If he was just a person behind the scenes, he would be more relieved, but he still couldn't help but sigh.

"What on earth did you see in Romania? That made you like this."

A pious light flashed in Healy's eyes and he said seriously:

"The light that can destroy everything!"


[Do not follow the counsel of the wicked, do not stand in the way of sinners, do not sit in the seat of the scornful]

[The wicked are not like this, but are like chaff blown away by the wind]

[Therefore the wicked will not stand in the day of judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous]

[For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will lead to destruction]


In the morning, a rare mass ceremony was held again in Pluto Church.

This made the old and new believers very happy, and they all actively participated in this rarely held mass ceremony.

The church of Pluto was suddenly overcrowded.

Even after it was over, these believers still acted together and continued their unfinished charity activities.


Just like yesterday, Yorks, who stayed up all night because he was addicted to playing house, continued to give up the idea of ​​​​training the little nuns and stood at the door to watch these enthusiastic believers leave.

Until he saw that the team was gone, Yorks shook his head and turned back to the empty church.

He finally discovered that the little nun was more enterprising and professional than him, the priest.

After his status was restored, he faithfully implemented his responsibilities every day.

Not only serve God, believers and society wholeheartedly, but also express their love for God and care for mankind through prayer, meditation, serving the poor and vulnerable groups, organizing education, medical care and other activities...

"Lord! In comparison, am I nothing like your spokesperson?"

York is still sitting where he sits every day, with his hands clasped in front of the statue of Jesus, performing his daily routine.

"I know that I am starting to become lazier and lazier. I will seriously reflect, examine myself, set clear goals, and develop good behavioral habits..."

In the silent church, a priest sat there for what seemed like an eternity. It wasn't until a period of time passed that there was no sound.


When he heard the task completion notification, Yorks opened his eyes and crossed himself habitually.

Originally, he had not done this before, but in the process of exorcizing demons or solving other supernatural events, this action was really the first choice to show off.

Once you do it, you can't stop.

Yorks looked at the virtual window in front of him, and there was only one available attribute point below.

This made him a little regretful. Yesterday's dollhouse incident was not eligible to trigger a random mission.

But fortunately, he didn't gain anything. At least he got a top-notch play toy.

No, he got a spirit sealing device and this toy house. Next time he encounters an extremely bad evil spirit incident, he can catch the evil spirit and lock it in the toy house.

Let it experience what it means to be evil, and let it know what it means to be evil, and what it means to be malicious in the world...

[Add points successfully]

[Constitution increased from 77 to 78]

According to the previous plan, Yorks continued to add this attribute point to his physique and insisted on the plan to break 100 points.

"Yesterday, all the ammunition was given a double buff, and next is the holy water..."

Feeling the slight changes caused by this slight addition, Yorks stood up and prepared to go to the small room.

At this moment, the change in the real-time three-dimensional image in his mind caused him to stop moving and continue to sit where he was.

A young girl with baby fat on her face was walking through the front door and heading towards the church.

"Kelly Russell?"

York was a little surprised, and by the way, he also remembered the situation of this young girl.

The girl's name was Kelly Russell. She was a believer, but she didn't look like a believer. She used to come to the church to pray, gave her own donation, and seriously participated in the mass ceremonies he organized.

As for feeling this way, the main reason is that Yorkist feels that Kelly Russell has a greater purpose than other believers.

And this purpose is: the other party has been trying every means to learn from him or obtain the knowledge and methods to expel evil spirits.

As for who she was exorcising, it was a very weird antique mirror that she said was there.

Yorks closed her eyes and pretended to pray, while her mind continued to recall the stories told by the other party, including stories about her childhood...

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