Ding! The elevator rose to the fourteenth floor and stopped, click! Two heavy elevator doors slid into slots left and right, revealing two police officers with wary faces inside.

Jeffrey reached out and pressed the door open button next to him, keeping the elevator in place.

"Just wait here? Man." Beside him, Baker said suspiciously. He couldn't see what was wrong with the actual thirteenth floor.


Thinking of the priest's instructions, Jeffrey felt that it was best to keep to himself at this time, even if he couldn't see anything unusual.

"Damn, I can't see a thing."

Baker looked at the thirteenth floor in front, at the spacious lobby and its corridors, muttered, and then looked at the air humidifier at his feet.

"Including this thing, I don't know what it is used for."

Jeffrey glanced at him and said something very realistic that instantly woke Baker up.

"If you knew, you wouldn't stand here and dare not move. How about you walk up and try?"

Baker's face twitched and he looked at his assistant with a resentful look in his eyes.

Jeffrey simply ignored it and continued to stare at the thirteenth floor in front of him.

The next second, no one was seen, and a sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

Because of the priest's presence, Jeffrey, who was not very nervous at first, tensed up instantly and stared straight ahead.

Baker followed his instinctive reaction and quickly pulled out the Glock 19 from the holster at his waist and aimed it.

Bang bang bang, the footsteps are getting closer and closer.

At this moment, the priest's voice came along with the sound of footsteps.

"it's me."

Baker and Jeffrey looked at each other, and they had a clear understanding. Baker did not relax, and his gun was still pointed at the empty space in front of him.

Suddenly a pair of hands stretched out from the void and grabbed his pistol quickly and accurately. Baker was horrified and pulled the trigger directly, but found that his hand was empty.


Jeffrey also drew his pistol at a rapid speed at this time, but the sudden appearance of a majestic figure in the elevator made him stop pulling the trigger.

"Father Yorks?"

Jeffrey's breathing was rapid, but he still kept his gun pointed. After all, this situation was a bit scary. He couldn't see anyone, but he suddenly appeared in front of him.

Aimed by Jeffrey's gun, Yorks smiled nonchalantly and threw the Glock 19 in his hand into the arms of Baker, who looked frightened in the front.

"Nice gun."

Then under the frightened and wary looks of the two people, Yorks picked up the humidifier with one hand and walked out of the elevator again.

Combined with what had just happened, Yorks knew that in the eyes of the two police officers, his figure might have disappeared again, leaving only the sound of footsteps.

"It'll be fine if you go down. If anything happens, just call us."

As soon as he said this, looking at the empty thirteenth floor where there was only the sound of footsteps, Jeffrey quickly pressed the door close button and clicked on the first floor.

Click! Seeing the elevator door slowly closing, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fk! What happened just now?"

Baker put the pistol into the holster and subconsciously touched his forehead. He found that it was covered with sweat. He couldn't help but curse in a low voice. The situation just now was really scary for him.

"Is that really Father York?"

Jeffrey also recalled the situation just now, and when he was feeling relaxed, he only felt that his back was wet.

"If it weren't for the priest, we would have died long ago." Jeffrey whispered, inserting the Glock 19 back into the holster.

"He took your gun away because he was afraid that you, a careless guy like you, might have misfired."

Hearing this, Baker thought of the scene where he quickly and accurately grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger. He felt his mouth was extremely dry and he swallowed a mouthful of non-existent saliva.


"Even so, we have to confirm." Jeffrey took out his cell phone and dialed the priest's number for the first time.

"Confirm the situation of the priest, so that we can know whether the priest just now is real or fake."

However, the message from the mobile phone is that the other party is not in the service area and cannot be connected at the moment.

The two of them stiffened again and looked at each other. Fortunately, in the next second, the priest seemed to know their situation and sent a text message. This made Jeffrey and Baker feel relieved and at the same time dumbfounded.

[The humidifier has been obtained]



No. 1408.

Click! The door opened, revealing Yorkshire standing in the corridor. He waited for a moment and saw that the time on his phone had resumed the one-hour countdown. Then he glanced inside, left the door open, and then stepped into the room. .

Combining what happened in the elevator and the time change on his cell phone, he knew that the entire thirteenth floor was already full of hallucinations. In this way, what he saw was not necessarily what he saw in his eyes. After all, in this hallucination space, the actual The bathroom can become a living room in your eyes.

Maybe there is nothing, and the appearance of the living room also appears in your eyes.

Maybe you simply stepped into an illusory space created by the spirit of the room.

In this case, only the things brought from the outside are real, that is, the humidifier and the last bottle of holy water in his hand, including the backpack he brought from the outside.

Glancing at the backpack that was sitting quietly on the sofa, Yorks stayed put and began to pour the last bottle of holy water that he had left deliberately into the humidifier.

"I want to see how you can resist this move of mine." Yorks muttered in his heart and directly enchanted the air humidifier that was already working in front of him.

This is the reason why he only needs one humidifier. The enchantment that can increase the essence can make the humidifier evaporate at an explosive speed, exerting the effect of dozens of humidifiers.

[Twenty points of magic power have been used]


Twenty points equals twenty times, and a humidifier enchanted with twenty points equals twenty humidifiers.

As the prompt sounded, under York's perception, the humidifier under his hand instantly became wet. The holy water inside was evaporating rapidly and spreading into the surrounding air.

He raised his eyes and looked forward. The room in his eyes was like a photo being slowly burned by flames, gradually turning into a corridor.

Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth. It turned out that he had only taken ten steps.

"Awesome, no wonder those dead were so tortured by you that they had no choice but to commit suicide in search of relief."

Thinking back to the room just now, Keshi couldn't help but sigh, carrying the humidifier that exerted the effect of twenty humidifiers in one hand, and walked forward.

With every step he took, everything around him returned to its original state.

For example, the room numbers on both sides of the corridor, 1432 became 1401, 1433 became 1402, and so on.

He carried the humidifier and turned it all around, letting the holy mist formed by the holy water fill the air, restoring the entire thirteenth floor to its original appearance. Only then did Yorkist stop in front of No. 1439. The number 1439 above gradually turned into No. 1408.

"This is the door to reality..."

Yorks opened the door and returned to suite 1408. This time there was a humidifier.

Using the same operation just now, Yorks left the door open and stopped where he was to let the mist filter through.

Finally, in his eyes, the originally clean apartment gradually began to look real.

The glass partition door between the living room and the room was stained with blood that was brighter than the color of ketchup, and the same was true for the floor that originally looked clean.

The mist-filled space was full of traces left behind by the deceased. These were not just sprays of blood, but also some unclear liquids and things.

Yorks shook his head and consciously walked towards the sofa where the backpack was while holding his breath.

It turns out that suite 1408 has never been cleaned, and all the hotel cleaners have done it.

Fortunately, when he came over, he had already used holy water to confirm that the sofa was a clean area, otherwise the place where he sat might have been dirty things left by the deceased.

Yorks placed the humidifier with only a little bit of holy water left on the sofa, unzipped his backpack and took out another bottle of holy water, poured it into the humidifier, and refilled it.

His mind was racing.

"The name of the mission is Spirit of the Room, so is your identity the same as Suite 1408? Do you hate being cleaned? Do you like to slowly appreciate the pain left by the dead?"

While muttering to himself, Yorks put his backpack on his left shoulder again and placed his left hand on the humidifier that was still working. The magic power in his body surged and he enchanted the humidifier for the second time.

"I also hate monsters like you who kill innocent people indiscriminately, so I want to judge you this time! Appreciate your pain."

[Twenty points of magic power have been used]


The prompt sounded, and together with the previous twenty points, the effect of this humidifier was the sum of forty humidifiers.

The holy water that had just been filled evaporated quickly in an instant, turning into a large ball of moist mist that quickly spread around. This also accelerated the speed of changes in the surroundings, and large and distorted snowflakes appeared one after another.

As the surroundings changed, Yorks took out the fully loaded MK14 revolving grenade gun from his backpack, checked it with a click, and confirmed that there was no problem. He began to carry the humidifier like a hunter looking for prey, and followed the surrounding atmosphere. The mist moves everywhere. The main room and the auxiliary room ensure that the illusive space in every part of Suite 1408 is driven away, and the original shape is revealed...

In the end, only the bathroom was left, but the holy water in the humidifier had evaporated, making a loud beep.

With an expressionless face, Yorks placed the humidifier on the floor, took out another bottle of holy water from his backpack and poured it into the humidifier, then picked it up again and stepped into the clean bathroom.

According to the information of the deceased, suicides by slitting wrists and slitting throats occurred in this bathroom. Since the suite has not been cleaned from beginning to end, this bathroom must not be so clean.

"Everything has been destroyed outside. If this room is your main venue, then this is probably your only pure land?"

Yorks stopped in the bathroom and squinted his eyes, placed the humidifier on the floor, and let the mist spread quickly throughout the bathroom.

When the fog filled the air, the outer walls of the bathroom began to fall off. On the floor, the bathtub slowly appeared as it should have, with blood stains...

"At this!"

The muzzle of York's gun immediately shifted, aimed at a group of shadows in the corner, and pulled the trigger.


The holy grenade was sprayed out, and the shadow he had just seen disappeared instantly. It only hit the wall and made debris everywhere, but Yorks also heard the vague scream,

After confirming that this was the location of the so-called room spirit, York was about to continue pulling the trigger to exorcise it.

The next second, an unexpected scene happened, and a new space appeared in the blink of an eye.


Yorks stared blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar layout around him, his pupils a little shaken.

The originally dirty bathroom now became a medium-sized room in his eyes.

The bookshelves on the wall are filled with relevant medical information and trophies. Next to it is a wardrobe for hanging clothes. Opposite is a bed. Next to the bed is a computer desk and chair. There is also a vase by the window in front of him.

Yorks looked down at his hands. The revolving grenade gun had disappeared, and his right hand was holding a small sprinkler.

The memory package that was buried in the depths of his mind was opened. This was the room in his hometown in his previous life.

At this moment, a long-awaited voice came.

"Son, go downstairs for dinner!"

This was the voice of his mother in his previous life. Yorks pursed his lips and stared at the flowerpot, with a look of hesitation on his face for the first time.

Although he knows that the scenes at this moment are all fake, it may be the last resort of this so-called room spirit, allowing him to unknowingly create an illusion deep in his own memory, creating a scene that he misses too much. .

Yorks took a deep breath, looked at the clock on the computer desk, closed his eyes and finally put down the sprinkler in his hand.

"Let you live a little longer!"

To be honest, he really wanted to see his parents appear in front of him, even if they were fake, because this was an opportunity to see them with his own eyes, not just imagine them in his memory.

"Hurry up and come down!" The long-dusted voice sounded again, and Yorks only felt that his mood, which had always been stable even when the mountain was overwhelming, had a slight fluctuation.


Yorkshire or Ning Weize breathed out again, suppressing the sudden surge of emotion in his heart. He glanced at the flower pot on the window sill, looked at the vivid vegetation on it, and turned to go downstairs.

"Here it comes! Mom!"


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