Upon entering Suite No. 1408, Yorks faced the room, reached back, closed the door, and flicked on the light.

As the soft and warm light illuminated the entire suite, Yorks stood on the spot, his pupils kept turning. He first roughly observed the layout of the suite and nodded slightly.

As a four-star hotel with a century-old history and an occupancy rate of 90%, the standard suites of the Bay Hotel naturally meet the aesthetics of many people.

Needless to say, the size of the room is undoubtedly large. In addition to this, the design of the entire suite is full of modernity, and the details show the character of the hotel.

High quality and refinement.


living room.

After observing the entire suite, Yorks sprinkled holy water on the sofa. After confirming that the sofa's cleanliness was not an illusion, Yorks put his backpack on it and sat down, leaning slightly on the back of the sofa, enjoying the feeling of this so-called high-end hotel.

It has to be said that this Haiwan Hotel is indeed quite high-end. The high-end sofa material and the slightly sunken body give him a subtle sense of wrapping, which made him feel quite comfortable.

He just liked the feeling of being wrapped.

Of course, Yorks didn't forget why he came here tonight, so he picked up his phone and checked the time again.

He was simply waiting for the time when events would begin to set in motion, as happened with the evil spirit he exorcised.

Supernatural events include all supernatural powers, magic, etc., but supernatural events are somewhat different, unlike those in the East that are so weird and even unexplainable.

The main theme of Western supernatural phenomena has certain regularity. If the nodes are thoroughly studied, then the supernatural incident can actually be easily solved.

Among the 57 murder cases in total in this suspected supernatural incident, the deceased all committed suicide about an hour after checking in, and the approximate time of death adds up to exactly 13.

So based on this rule, if he guessed correctly, this incident would only change when the time in an hour adds up to 13 o'clock.

And now the time is...

Yorkes stared at the time on the screen.


"There's one minute left." After confirming the current time, Yorks put the phone on his lap and let the screen go off, having finished the calculation in his mind.


Leaning on the back of the sofa, Yorks stared directly into the void in front of him, silently counting the time waiting for the moment when things would change.

In the suite, which was so calm that only the sound of York's breathing was left, time passed by second by second.

"Three, two, one."

When the time was confirmed to be [20:37], Yorks blinked, and he began to feel that some inexplicable changes were taking place in the entire suite.

The first thing to change is...

Yorks looked down at the phone on his lap.

The screen that was originally off suddenly turned on automatically and a time frame appeared.


The color is red, and the numbers are beating second after second, indicating that it is counting down.

"One hour, thank you very much for the reminder." York was unmoved and continued to look up at the coffee table in front of him and the floor next to him, then looked up and around.

Everything is still the same.

"It seems that the effect of this illusion will become stronger and stronger as time goes by, rather than being the ultimate move immediately."

Yorks shook his head, no wonder this mission was only difficult with two attribute points.

It is quite scary for ordinary people. For example, the faucet is suddenly opened and blood flows out. For example, there are abnormal noises. For example, things originally placed on the table suddenly move to the bed.

In his eyes, it was ordinary.

Yorks looked at the phone again, picked it up and clicked on the screen.

The screen lights up normally, and the time on it is still counting down to one hour.


At this time, 47 seconds have passed.

Yorkist muttered helplessly as if he was speaking to someone who didn't exist.

"Does it have to be an hour? Every inch of time is worth every inch of money. Time is precious. Please speed up the progress."

However, after the words fell, nothing happened.

"Okay, let's see if we can find ways to deal with them."

Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth, and the surge of holy power in his body spread along his right hand toward the phone. The phone in his eyes suddenly became illusory, like snowflakes flashing across the TV screen.

The next second, the phone reappeared in the field of vision, and the time on it had returned to normal. The elapsed time was exactly [20:38], which was exactly one minute.

Using both spiritual power and holy power to forcefully exorcise the hallucinations on the phone, Yorks felt unperturbed and swiped the screen a few times to dial Jeffrey's number.

"Father Yorks?"

"It's me." Hearing Jeffrey's voice, Yorks said calmly.

"Bring a humidifier up and wait for me in the elevator."

"Okay, Father!"

Upon hearing the response, Yorks hung up the phone, reached for the backpack on his left, took out two bottles of holy water, got up and walked towards the door.

In this situation, all he can do is to destroy the entire illusion space, that is, the entire thirteenth floor, and force out the essential spirit body that created the illusion space. He is too lazy to wait for such a long time.

But to be more serious, although the danger to his life caused by this incident was only two attribute points, it was actually very troublesome to eliminate it.

It was easy for him to get rid of the illusion in his eyes, but this only solved the superficial problem but not the core, because the entire illusion space still existed. When he left, under the number 13, a suicide case Still happens.

So compared to those evil spirits and demons that come straight away, this so-called hallucination monster is like a real old man.

Because when you step into the illusion space it creates, everything is both true and false. Everything you see is true and false, and false is true. It is difficult to find the essence.

The powerful hallucination space can make you unable to perceive that the overall change has occurred, and can even distort your concept of distance, change your own five senses, and change what you see in your eyes.

It was originally a three-story building, but you were actually just walking around in circles, but you thought you had seen it all up and down.

It was originally a distance of ten steps. You had just taken five steps, but you thought you had already taken ten steps.

Originally, someone slapped you and your face swelled up, but you didn't feel anything.

It was just an ordinary book, but what you see is a monster...

Walking all the way to the door, Yorks looked around and made sure that he didn't feel any overall changes.

Thinking of the fleeting thoughts in front of him, and then looking at the door in front of him, Yorks pulled out the cork of the holy water bottle and poured it towards the door in front of his sight.

If nothing else, this door must be his hallucination, otherwise those who committed suicide would have left this ghost place long ago when they sensed fear, instead of wandering around like headless flies within an hour, and finally had no choice but to Suicide, seeking relief.

As Yorks watched, pure holy water poured from the bottle and sprinkled on the door.

Suddenly, the door in front of you was also like the previous mobile phone. A distorted snowflake appeared first, shook a few times and disappeared instantly.

"It's true and false."

York looked forward. The door was three steps in front of him, and the holy water poured out was poured on the floor three steps away and spread in all directions.

This proves that the door that was just in front of you was an illusion.

"It's amazing. Even if you are missing a large area of ​​​​three steps, you can still be connected as a whole without any abnormalities. If I have this skill..."

Yorks sighed and continued to walk forward three steps, while the bottle of holy water in his hand continued to sprinkle towards the door.

This time, the door did not change, and the holy water sprinkled on it also flowed down with gravity on the door.

"The Door to Truth."

Yorks continued to mutter in his mind, reached out and turned the handle, opened the door and walked out. Before closing the door, he looked back at the suite, which seemed to have not changed, and then closed it.


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