According to speculation, there is a high probability that all residents in the entire apartment building have been assimilated by demons.

The lava rubble on the second floor, coupled with the louder movement on the third floor, also added a bit more certainty to this guess.

Standing on the middle platform, Yorks stared at the third floor platform and continued to pull out the third sacred grenade to fill the last position of the grenade gun wheel.

It seemed like the sound of something rubbing together with the sound of footsteps and the angry neighing.

A four-dimensional picture had already appeared in York's mind.

In the corridor on the third floor, strange "devils" were appearing one after another, charging toward him menacingly.

This allowed him to subconsciously continue to pull out a sacred grenade after filling the grenade gun's wheel and inserting it into the gun slot.

Before knowing the truth of the matter, you can save as much as you can about the magic and other supernatural powers that can be mobilized in the body, and everything is done with technology as the vanguard.

When you feel the distance getting closer and closer.


The tab falls off.

Yorks stood on the middle platform between the stairs and gently threw the sacred grenade in his hand towards the third-floor platform above.

A perfect parabola.

The Holy Grenade fell to the ground and rolled into the inner corridor.

And at this moment, a group of devils with their mouths very open, like the classic clowns he had seen, their faces covered in blood, and their pupils showing different pupils, appeared in front of Yorks just in time.

One after another, six appeared in an instant, on the wall and on the floor.


"A priest?"

These demons were just like the three demons on the second floor that had been shattered into lava rocks. Their pupils were slightly widened, and they stared at York as if they were seeing some treasure, with a look of madness.

“It smells so good!”

As soon as the screams subsided, the group of demons rushed directly towards Yorks with ferocious faces.

In the flashing emergency lights, the faces of these people were so hideous, like zombies in a certain sense, but more intelligent and powerful than zombies.

If they only use ordinary firearms or ordinary attacks, then these people have a very reluctant immortality, and they can still continue to move after suffering some severe injuries such as limbs, limbs, and heads, which are fatal injuries to humans. ,

Of course, they are not the real body after all, and the power they use can only be limited to the human body, so some ordinary attacks are not useless. Exploding and dismembering the human body controlled by demons will also be of some use, but this will only destroy The container, the demon living inside still exists...

Yorks stared at these demons who had been assimilated by demons, and took a step back to the first flight of stairs with an expressionless face.

Everything happened in the space of two seconds, Devilman appeared and Yorkist stepped back.


With Yorks muttering to himself, the third second.


There was an explosion louder than the thunder outside.

Holy light illuminated the entire space.

Before the group of demons could react, one of them was torn apart by the explosive power of the grenade that had been blessed with magic power.

The shock wave rushed down with some lava rocks and hit the wall next to Yorks.

Bang bang bang, it started raining gravel.

Yorks took a step silently. The floor platform had all been cleared. The floors and rooms there had been blown up and fell to the first floor. Only the remaining platform was left for him to continue walking.


Accompanied by the sound of crushing lava rocks, Yorks continued to move towards the third floor.

This is the case here in York, but this sudden explosion of fire, to people outside, looks like a dark beast-like apartment building bursting into flames with gunpowder smoke inside.

Jeffrey, Brother Kenny, Irene and others, whose faces became very serious, stared at the smoke above through the street lights that had not subsided, and they all began to know that a battle was taking place inside.

"The fighting inside must be fierce," Jeffrey asked, looking at Brother Kenny.

"Are we sure we don't need to go up and help?"

Brother Kenny, who was tall and tall and already wore a knight's sword at his waist, shook his head and replied firmly,

"For Father York, we are actually a burden..."

As he spoke, Brother Kenny looked at the apartment building plunged into darkness and said calmly.

"The devil is not an easy thing to deal with. He can quietly erode your sanity and indirectly affect your emotions. The greater your emotional fluctuations, the easier it is for you to be invaded by him. At this time, you will become a Yorkist. The priest's enemies..."


"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell..."

There is a sudden murmur in your ears, taking priority over both ears, as if the recitation of prayers is echoing directly in your mind through the Bluetooth speaker.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell..."

Yorks stopped on the middle platform of the third floor, feeling calm in his heart. He looked at the third floor filled with dark haze and continued to look upward.

The stairs above had collapsed for some unknown reason, and they happened to collapse on the first flight of stairs on the third floor.


Yorks shook his head, gave up the option of clearing the site with the sacred grenade, and continued walking towards the third floor platform. There was still a murmur in his mind that sounded like someone talking next to him, but this could not shake Yorks' already strong attitude. The will of the rock.

In order to save magic power and not dispel it directly, Yorks did not directly dispel it forcibly, but walked forward into the walkway on the third floor through the dark haze that covered the ground.

From the detailed information sent by Hannah, Yorks had already checked the structure of this apartment building. In addition to the main staircase, there was also a fire stairway.

Of course, according to building standards, in the United States or other countries, this is something that every high-rise building must have, such as fire stairs and necessary fire protection facilities.

This Reid apartment building has forty floors, which is considered to be within the scope of high-rise buildings.

despair! despair!

The only sound in the silent and dark corridor on the third floor was York's footsteps.

There are residents' houses on both sides of the corridor, and all the doors are open.

There were already several humanoid bodies lying on the dim corridor, with a large piece of their face missing or corpses covered in blood.

With his eyes filled with magic, even without the fire emergency lights in the tunnel, Yorks could still see the blood like ketchup scattered everywhere.

Looking at the bloody hands stuck to the wall, Yorks could easily imagine what kind of torture the corpse lying at his feet, with a large piece of his chest missing and the internal organs inside exposed, suffered before he was alive.

"So what exactly triggered this supernatural incident?"

Before he understood everything, Yorks would never have thought that the source of this supernatural incident was just a child's curiosity.

He just glanced inside every time he walked to an open door to avoid missing any demons.

Until he found the blocked fire stairway.

The object that seals the door handle is a large lock composed of an iron chain as thick as two fingers and an iron lock as big as a fist, which is difficult for ordinary people to break.

Thinking that this apartment was about to be demolished, Yorks didn't find it strange as to why the fire stairs were blocked, so he raised his foot and kicked it to the right.


An inhuman scene appeared. The door on the right and the door frame close to the corner were cracked by this kick and flew in...

Everyone said it was short, so I stayed up late last night and wrote one chapter. I originally wanted to guarantee a minimum of three chapters or more today, but I didn’t expect that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. I’ll try my best tomorrow. I can’t say for sure, I’m going to look like a clown. …

Thanks to Blackbeard and Dongfang Bubai for the rewards, thank you for your support!

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