Without knowing the situation inside this building, this approach is the best solution.

As mentioned before, putting the church's three-piece suit in the eyes of the devil is no less than putting something disgusting in front of it.

For example, right now, the sound of reciting from the Bluetooth speaker in the small bag is equivalent to swearing in front of the devil.

In addition, there are too few points for the Holy Enchantment. Only one point means little damage, which is extremely insulting.

Yorks wasn't worried at all that the devil wouldn't come looking for him.

So instead of looking for it yourself, it is better to use the recitation in this Bluetooth speaker to anger the devil and make it come to him in person.

Of course, he can also quickly and accurately find the key location through Bridget's floor.

You have to see it with your own eyes to determine what the specific situation is.

So he abandoned the dangerous thing of the elevator and stepped onto the main staircase with only flashing fire emergency lights. Yorkes continued to search for the information sent by Hannah on his mobile phone.

At the same time, the sound of reciting from the small bag he carried also began to spread between the stairs. The sound was so loud that it covered the entire place, without fear of disturbing the people or anything else.

Yorks did not hide his purpose at all, which was to ask someone or something else to come to him.

Walking all the way to the landing on the second floor, Yorks found a piece of relevant information about all the residents of Reed's apartment building from the excessive information.

It was very detailed, one name after another, it was dazzling, and I didn’t know whose computer Hannah had hacked into to get this information.

With only the fire emergency lights flashing on the floor platform, Yorks squinted and began to look for Bridget's name.

Although this apartment building is about to be demolished, it has quite a few residents. There are at least seven or eight households on each floor, and this apartment building has a total of forty floors.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of searching, although it is not like finding a needle in a haystack.

Yorks stayed for a while before finding Bridget's house number.

No. 1032, 10th floor, mother: Lisa, children: Danny, Bridget, Kathy...

Unexpectedly, Morse, who had failed the ligation and recanalization surgery, also lived in No. 1031 next to No. 1032.

This reminded Yorkers of a story the boy Morse once told about the single mother next door.

There is actually a connection between the two.

Yorks silently put his cell phone into his small bag, took a look at the second dimly lit staircase with his revolving grenade gun, and prepared to rush up in one breath.

For him, the tenth floor was reached in no time.

However, when he stepped on the first step, he didn't know if it was the recitation coming from the Bluetooth speaker, but Yorkshire heard some sudden noises in the corridor on the second floor.

The movement in the silence was like the usual little swishing movement, accompanied by hissing.

The darkness undoubtedly added a bit of terror.


With an expressionless expression on his face, Yorks immediately turned around to face the second floor, and the next second he raised his eyes.

Three people with faces covered in blood suddenly appeared above. Their limbs were stuck to the wall backwards like spiders, and their upper bodies were stretched forward.

It has a strange shape and is extremely weird, but its movements are very fast.

"Hi! A priest?"

One of the women in pajamas saw that the source was the priest. Her angry and ferocious face seemed to freeze for a moment. She opened her mouth full of flesh and blood and took a sip.

“Such a fragrant soul!”

The other two were like this. The pupils in their eyes were very wide, staring at the expressionless priest, with extreme desire in their eyes. They tilted their heads and stared at the priest like a beast, like staring at a prey.

This extremely weird and unreasonable scene is naturally extremely terrifying for ordinary people. In addition, the terrifying aura exuded by these three people is enough to make him freeze in place with fear.

It's like being stared at by several fierce beasts in the wild, and you don't dare to move.


Suddenly there was thunder outside, and the lightning flashes illuminated the terrifying movement speed of the three people and the pupils of the beasts.

It also illuminated York's sharp eyes. He stared at the three spider-men moving quickly on the wall, his mind became active quickly, and he roughly understood some of the situation based on everything.

There is more than one demon in this building, and even the possession of all demons has entered the final stage. Once it enters this stage, the host can basically be confirmed dead, leaving behind only the human body controlled by the demon.

It seems that the residents of the entire building have...

The thought was fleeting, and with an expressionless expression on his face, Yorks quickly aimed his mobile grenade gun at the fastest moving woman who was closest, and pulled the trigger to fire a shot.

"We won't die!"

The woman just screamed, but the grenade sprayed out directly smashed her upper body to pieces at close range. What exploded was not flesh and blood or messy things, but like broken lava rocks, which exploded from the ceiling. Spread all over the floor.

As for the woman who said she would not die, her lower body that was not shattered fell down and fell to the floor like a lava rock that was as fragile as an egg and shattered into pieces.

"It is indeed the final stage..."

Yorks looked at the assimilated human body, sighed inwardly, and quickly turned his gun to point at the second middle-aged man who had been assimilated by the devil.

Seeing the sluggish look on his face stuck to the wall, Yorks pulled the trigger and fired another shot.


The middle-aged man seemed to be aware of it. His limbs were stuck to the wall, his upper body stretched out and he roared ferociously at Yorks.

Yorks tilted his head, not even looking at the middle-aged man's fate. The transition was seamless. He clenched his left hand into a fist like a real boxer, and quickly moved his body to the left. His fist had already moved, and he took advantage of this short period of time to pounce. The last young man who came to him punched him hard.

There was an explosion of gas.

The fist as big as a sandbag hit hard in front of him and stayed in the upper abdomen of the young man above.


A powerful burst of force.


The young man who was assimilated by the devil felt as if he was hit hard by a fast dump truck. He was hit by the violent impact of the impact and hit the ceiling above, causing the ceiling to shake. dust.

The demon inside began to feel that the human body he could control was now like a robot. All the joints were full of rust spots and jammed everywhere.


Knowing that he could not do anything in a short time, the young man stared at the priest who had already picked up a rotating grenade gun and pointed it at him at the moment he fell. A trace of doubt flashed in his beast-like pupils.

This punch directly hit the upper body of its assimilated human body until the whole body exploded, and the shoulders and other bones twisted back and pierced the skin.

Why is this person different from other humans?

It's a pity that Yorkshire will not answer. He has already aimed his gun and pulled the trigger.


On the dim floor platform, a cloud of sparks erupted from the muzzle.

The last young man who was assimilated by the devil was blasted into broken lava rubble in the air.

Bang bang, gravel scattered on the floor.

Snapped! When the remaining body hit the ground, there was no dull sound, but a crisp snap, and cracks like lava rocks exploded...

Putting away the grenade gun, Yorks glanced at the smoking lava gravel on the floor platform, and two questions came to his mind.

Are they all low-level demons?

So what is the reason? Another gate to hell like the Monastery of Santa Cata?

He then looked up at the stairs connecting to the third floor, and stepped onto the middle platform between the two stairs.

Just check it!

The Bluetooth speaker in the small bag kept reciting prayers.


Yorks stared at the third floor that was starting to make noise, unscrewed the wheel of the grenade gun, and at the same time pulled out a sacred grenade from the belt on his chest with his right hand and filled it in...

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