American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 439: Allen takes Dr. Kick home

The Doctor knocked on the door to vent his emotions, finally calmed down, and started repairing the TARDIS.

Traveling through the battlefields of Daleks and Cybermen, the target of the TARDIS is too big, and it is in a scrapped state. The time lock defense field has long been ineffective. Any attack may lead to collective death.

Of course, the doctor has the energy to regenerate and does not worry about death, but many ordinary people only have one life.

Allen is an exception, basically except committing suicide.

However, with Allen’s character being so afraid of death, how could he not think about it.

"Doctor, what is this pole?"

"Start lever."

"Doctor, what are these buttons?"

"Enter a number for the time coordinate."

"Doctor, this..."


Alan kept asking questions about various equipment inside the TARDIS.

The doctor naturally saw his intention, pulled out a crystal panel, and said bluntly: "This is the TARDIS instruction manual. I will help you convert the text and bind your soul band. It will be your exclusive time machine."

"Happiness came so unexpectedly that I wasn't even mentally prepared." Allen shyly turned his head.


The doctor is helplessly busy with maintenance work.

This TARDIS has no time energy to maintain, and it cannot function as a time travel at all.

In short, it is just a decoration. As for binding Allen, it is purely to fool him.


The internal equipment operates and can only maintain a simple defense system.

Moreover, the Doctor's TARDIS is different and has a soul of its own.

This TARDIS is actually dead, just a cold machine.

"Great, new home."

Allen kicked the half-dead Dalek, looked at the doctor with wide watery eyes, and said eagerly: "Doctor, please save the child."

Looking at Allen's expression, the doctor knew that if he didn't agree, there would be no end.

Reluctantly, I picked up the sonic screwdriver and started repairing the mechanical Dalek.

Not long after, the mechanical Dalek was resurrected with full health.

"Dalek! Dalek! Dalek..."

Ah da!

The mechanical Dalek shouted happily, and Allen raised his foot and kicked it away. He looked down and said, "Pepperpot, I need a sweeping robot. This important job is left to you."


The mechanical Dalek's moody response.

It had nowhere to go, and the Dalek race would not accept a purely mechanical being.

To be precise, mechanical Daleks are not even considered mechanical beings. They are just intelligent machines that run according to previous procedures.

With time lock initiated.

Four reinforced keel skeletons carried the TARDIS into the battle zone.

There were Daleks in the sky and Cybermen on the ground. The two sides exchanged energy attacks from the air.

Although the Dalek has a time lock field, it has an upper limit on the damage it can withstand. Once the time lock fails, it immediately becomes vulnerable.

However, the Cybermen's metal armor has evolved over time and already has super defensive performance.

What's more, the head is intact and the parts on the body can be replaced at will, which greatly improves survivability.

"Young men, speed up the charge and head towards the ruins of the city."

The ruins of the city of Gallifrey are the key to the fight between the Daleks and the Cybermen, and the time technology of the Time Lords is hidden in them.

When the Doctor ended the Time War, the ruins of the city had been sealed off.

The external time barrier prevented Daleks and Cybermen from successfully entering the interior.

However, it is only a matter of time.

It is impossible to forever prevent others from setting foot.

Upon discovering the sudden appearance of the TARDIS, the Daleks and Cybermen spontaneously detached part of their forces and launched a fierce attack.

Fortunately, the time lock is in effect, like an invisible barrier, making many energy attacks disappear without a trace if they land just one meter away.

In terms of time lock technology, Time Lord is naturally the best at it.

"We have to hurry up, the energy won't last long," the doctor reminded.

The remaining energy of this TARDIS can only maintain basic operations. It is estimated that the time lock defense will be released after a few minutes of hard resistance.

"The sprinkle thing."

Allen opened the door and looked at the ruins of the city.

Raising his hand, he was ready to use the portal to cross the battlefield.


Suddenly, I unexpectedly discovered that the portal failed to take effect.

"Why can't I open the teleportation channel to the city?" Allen looked confused, as if the magic had failed.

"The city has space barrier solidification technology that prohibits the penetration of any space technology." The doctor explained.

The Time Lord civilization has already made use of the two major fields of time and space.

It is easy to see from the spacious interior of the TARDIS that practical applications have spread to the civilian level.

"Damn, you didn't tell me earlier."

Allen did the next best thing and opened a teleportation channel outside the city.

Four reinforced dragon-bone skeletons carried the TARDIS straight to the outside of the ruins.

At this moment, the doctor jumped off the TARDIS and said solemnly: "Alan, I need your help to contain the Daleks and Cybermen. I entered Gallifrey to re-edit the program. The time barrier will be closed, and I am worried that they will take the opportunity to break in." The city ruined my plans."

"Don't talk too much about it."

Allen readily agreed.

The main thing is that there are so many Daleks and Cybermen present, and the level is maxed out by the way.

"Follow me."

The doctor waved to everyone, then took out a sonic screwdriver to open a gap on the surface of the time barrier, and the group quickly rushed towards Gallifrey.

Allen was left staring at their backs.

Suddenly, he looked at the overwhelming enemy.

Just like the Daleks and the Cybermen reached a temporary reconciliation, they shared the same hatred against the Doctor.

"If you want to hurt the doctor, you have to run over me."

Allen put his hands on his hips and spoke calmly: "But you have no chance."

A magical halo lingers around your wrist.

In an instant, space folded and curled.

Space mirror spell.

Facing countless Daleks and Cybermen, Allen could not guarantee that he could block all the enemies. If he really wanted to swarm them, it would be like a tsunami coming towards him. It would be inevitable for some fish to slip through the net and break into Gallifrey.

Someone will surely die from this by then.

"I'm sorry to let you see the side of me, the Supreme Mage."

Large-scale scenes are indeed the most real magic.

Maintaining the mirror space, Allen summoned the unicorn beast and dragon bone skeleton to target the Cybermen, while he targeted the Daleks in the sky.

"biu, biu, biu..."

Soul talismans kept popping out from his fingers.

The attack frequency is like an epileptic attack, the waving fingers turn into afterimages, and the soul talismans are flying all over the sky. There is no need to consider the problem of hitting.

There are so many Daleks that you can attack a pepper shaker with just one finger.

Furthermore, trapped in the mirror space, Dalek has nowhere to hide.

"BGM is a must at this time, otherwise it won't suit my temperament."

Allen kept humming a strange song without stopping.

[Kill Dalek, experience value +750]

[Kill a Cyberman, experience value +650]


Experience points are accumulated quickly, and the level increases accordingly.

At the other end, the doctor and others successfully arrived at the core of the city.

After a complicated modification process, the energy was shrunk into a container that looked like a crystal ball.

Everyone waited quietly for the doctor's operation.

"When I finish the modification, we have half an hour to escape back to the time channel. By then, the entire planet will be turned into dust under the violent explosion of time energy."

As he spoke, the doctor's expression became more serious.

After all, Gallifrey is his hometown. Once it is destroyed by the explosion, he will be a wanderer in the universe without a home.

But if we want to avoid a war involving the entire universe, we have to do that.

As the last rune is written, the self-destruction program starts.

"Evacuate the city quickly."

Everyone quickly ran out of the city, worried that they wouldn't be able to make it in half an hour.

Within a moment, I arrived at the outskirts of the city and saw Allen leaning on the TARDIS with one hand, making a show-off pose.

Obviously, if you successfully reach the level, there will be no more killings.

To put it bluntly, Allen would rather die than work more.

No matter how much you kill, you can't accumulate experience for the next time travel, so why waste your emotions doing so much.

"Prince and princess, please get in the car."

Allen made an inviting gesture.

"You killed both the Daleks and the Cybermen?" the doctor asked in disbelief.

In the empty battlefield, no trace of the enemy can be seen.

There are at least tens of millions of people on both sides, how can they possibly kill each other?

"I punished them with solitary confinement."

Allen spread his hands and said helplessly: "It's difficult to explain to you about magic."

It's normal to say that people don't believe in magic at all.

A swarm of swarms swarmed into the TARDIS, and four reinforced dragon-bone skeletons were carried through the portal.

Allen has seen the location of the time channel, so there is no need to hurry.

However, a terrifying problem lies ahead.

The time channel has been destroyed.

It's not difficult to guess that it was probably the previous Dalek team.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

If they can't go back to the past, they will disappear together with the planet.

It's all because he has no means to escape to the universe, even though the doctor looks desperate.

"Doctor, can't we fix the TARDIS?" Alan asked.

"It's too late."

The doctor said sadly: "The repair of this TARDIS requires time energy, but Gallifrey's remaining time energy has been compressed and made into a time bomb by me. There is no possibility of reversal, at least I can't."

"Can we find other time channels?" Tony suggested.

"It should take fifteen minutes, there's no time."

The doctor shook his head slightly, having given up hope.

The Cybermen may have built more than one time channel, but they are completely impossible to find on such a huge planet.

"Don't panic, everyone. I will accompany you to the last second and return to my own universe. Am I being very loyal?"

Allen was the only one present who didn't panic.

If the Taoist priest profession is at full level, he can escape safely at any time.

It's a pity that you can only return by yourself, and you can't bring any living animals with you.

Suddenly, the doctor stared at Allen with his eyes.

"Doctor, what do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Allen nervously covered his chest with his hands, his cheeks were flushed and he said shyly: "I am a good boy, and there is no way I would do crazy and shameful things to you before I die."


There was no time for nonsense, the doctor said bluntly: "Maybe we don't have to die."

The eyes of everyone, who were originally ashen-faced, suddenly ignited with hope.

"Alan, do you remember how we got here?" the doctor said seriously.

"Aren't you the one who brought me here to steal my marriage?" Alan replied smoothly.

"It's the time energy in you, bastard."

The doctor recovered his emotions and said, "I can repair the time engine of the TARDIS and use the time energy in you to travel back to the past."

"Fuck, this is the first time I feel so important." Alan couldn't help but smile proudly.

Without saying much, the doctor went into the TARDIS to repair it.

The time engine was fixed in less than a minute.

"Put your hands on it."

He motioned Alan to put his hands on a crystal ball.

The next moment, colorful streams of light were drawn out and sank into the energy storage device.

"Let's go home!"

The doctor's ten fingers flashed, input the time coordinates, and then pulled the start lever.

Staying inside the TARDIS, you can't feel the changes.

In the outside world, the TARDIS is gradually fading.

At the same time, a dazzling white light spread from the ruins of the city.

The Daleks and Cybermen who had just escaped from the mirror space had no time to escape, and the white light swept over and covered them in an instant.

Once exposed to high temperature, it vaporized.


The TARDIS appeared in the Cyber ​​Factory.

"I'm back!"

"We're still alive."

"It feels like a dream."


A trip to the future is like a dream, and it's hard to hide the excitement in my heart.

However, the Cyberman crisis has not been resolved, and the world is still facing the riots of the first generation of Cybermen.

Nowadays, the Cybermen are competing for the Cyber ​​Emperor and have no time to care about humans.

"The Cyberman problem is no longer a big problem. I can give you some alien technology, which is enough for humans to solve the crisis."

The doctor's face is not very happy.

After all, this is not the universe he is familiar with, and there are no friends who have adventured together.

Alan stepped forward and hooked the doctor's shoulder, saying meanly: "Do you want to go home? I can help you."

"How can you help me?"

Don't forget that the portal is equipped with the Ring of Gogador, which is the dimensional gate spell, and opening the multiverse channel is not a problem.

The key problem is that the image must be obtained to accurately lock the position.

However, it is not a problem. The doctor transmits the memory picture through the sonic screwdriver.

Before leaving, he gave Tony and Bruce the technology to fight against the Cybermen, and the Human Alliance then established Torchwood to stop them, specifically to deal with extraterrestrial crises.

First, go back to London and find the Doctor's exclusive TARDIS.

On the street without any scruples, Alan cast the Dimension Gate, with halos lingering in his hands, and opened a space portal.

On the other side of the Dimension Gate is the universe where the Doctor lives.

The people of the Kingdom of Little Britain in the two parallel universes look at each other in surprise through the portal.

"Doctor, it's time to go home." Alan reminded.

Opening the door of the TARDIS, the Doctor turned back and said excitedly: "Alan, my friend, thank you."


Alan cast a wink.

The Doctor, who stepped into the TARDIS, suddenly stuck his head out and asked: "How are you going to send me back?"



Of course, Alan raised his foot and kicked the Doctor and the TARDIS to the opposite side.

With a bang, the TARDIS slid far away lying flat.

The doctor came out in a panic, looked at me angrily, and roared: "Alan..."

As for the greeting, I couldn't hear it anymore, the dimension door had already closed.

"After making so much noise for so long, I'm almost going back to the human world. Maybe the human world has collapsed because of the Celestial Group..."

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