American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 425 Allen meets his former teammates

Uxus sat slumped on the throne, feeling extremely depressed when he looked at Steppenwolf's confident expression.

Since taking over Apokolips, he has been trying to ease relations with Genesis.

The confrontation between the two planets developed into a feud.

Therefore, Uxas spared no effort to resolve hatred.

However, things backfired and everything was just wishful thinking.

"You are too weak."

Steppenwolf bluntly criticized: "Apocalypse only needs tyrants, not hypocritical benevolent kings. What's more, what you do is not in the interests of Genesis."

After hearing this, Uxas seemed to understand everything.

In the face of interests, the so-called peace is completely a sad verbal agreement without any practical meaning.

"If you kill me, can you make the people above and below obey?"

Uxas seemed to be seeking psychological comfort, and he had guessed that the situation was over.

Otherwise, how could Steppenwolf dare to set foot in the palace with such arrogance.


Steppenwolf laughed and said: "Apocalypse needs war, and its people have been hungry for a long time."

That's right, Apokolips grew up in chaos and collapse, and has never been a peaceful race.

Nowadays, there are already complaints, and the ambition to conquer other planets is constantly expanding.

In the past, the distorted values ​​​​formed by internal chaos were only hidden in the heart as Uxas came to power, and they were never able to truly accept peace.

By nature, Apokolips is born with a penchant for sin.

In fact, in their eyes, Uxas is a weirdo.

Moreover, it seems calm on the surface, but the crime rate remains high and it is not as bloody and violent as in the past.

"Even if I die, I won't let you get what you want."

As soon as the words fell.

Suddenly, a space passage enveloped Uxas' whole body.


At this moment, Steppenwolf's expression changed drastically. A battle ax appeared in his hand and he anxiously slashed towards the space passage.

Apparently, Uxas used the Mother Box to escape.

As long as the Mother Box is taken away, Apokolips will have no conditions to launch a war.


The battle ax split the throne into pieces, but Uxas was nowhere to be seen.

After all, it's a step too late.

"Trace the whereabouts of the Mother Box's signal and retrieve the sacred object at all costs."

Steppenwolf roared and gave orders to his subordinates.

All the army commanders immediately took action.

At the same moment, Steppenwolf split a wall with an ax and walked straight into a secret room.

Stored in a secret room, a ball of scarlet energy.

Omega rays.

The exclusive divine power of Apokolips.

Holding the source of divine power with one hand, Steppenwolf's expression showed a look of madness.

"Uxas is such a fool. He pursues so-called peace and refuses to inherit his divine power. Now he is giving me an advantage in vain."

Because of this, Steppenwolf dares to overthrow his rule.

If the opponent inherits divine power, he is a new god-level existence, and even if he is given a hundred courages, he will not have the intention to rebel.

"He will definitely die. Waiting for the location of the mother box to be locked, I will personally go and retrieve it. If it is a living planet, it will be regarded as the first planet I have conquered since taking the throne."

Of course, it will take some time for Steppenwolf to get used to omega rays.


The energy beam fell.

Uxas stumbled and fell into the forest where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

Realizing that it was safe, he could no longer hold on and fell into a coma.

Deadly toxins are eroding the body, spreading throughout the blood vessels and traveling towards the heart.

Within a moment, a portal formed beside him.

"Drive by drive..., Fiora, I sense a reaction from the tenth metal."

The visitors were none other than Allen and Fiora.

As soon as this guy tamed his new mount, he was surprised to find that the X light ring had unusual sensory feedback.

Relying on the perception and approximate position to determine the direction, cast the portal magic.

There is no doubt that Allen's understanding of space magic has reached a state of perfection, and he no longer relies on the basis of pictures as before.

The first thing he noticed was the strong man lying next to him, with a mother box floating next to him.

Like a square metal box, the squares on the surface are constantly raised and restored, as if it has always been in a activated state.

There is only one Mother Box in its normal form, but it was split into three before it invaded the human world.


"Apocalypse Overlord!"

Allen immediately recognized him as a former member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

For him, the time line crossing was only a short time ago, so it was naturally still fresh in his memory.

Fiora looked really shocked.

Judging by time, when Krypton was destroyed, Apokolips entered the final stage of reform.

Moreover, before General Zod attempted to usurp power, he considered seizing Apokolips to resettle his people.

It's a pity that this is only one of the ideas. If it were to be put into practice, it would be more straightforward for Krypton to simply die from the planet explosion.

After all, Apokolips is known as the hell of the universe, which will undoubtedly push the people into the pit of fire.

Raise your hand to shine a cleansing light, followed by a healing light.

The black blood vessels on Uxus' face gradually returned to normal.


Then he groaned.

Uxas woke up leisurely, his brain still in a dazed state.

"Hey..., sleeping is not allowed here."

Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar reminder sounded in my ears.

When he raised his head and looked up, his expression suddenly became startled.

"team leader!"

"team leader?"

Fiora turned her head to look at the psycho on her back with a confused look.

It is unbelievable how the majestic Overlord of Tianqi Star could call a native captain in the human world.

"What's going on? Who dares to touch my Silver Guardians?"

Allen jumped down, helped up the weak Uxas, and comforted: "Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you."


Sure enough, the captain was still so domineering.

Taking this opportunity, Fiora's eyes narrowed, as if she had made a certain determination, her legs were slightly bent, and she was ready to fly and escape.

As one of the outstanding warriors of Krypton, her personality does not allow her to humiliate herself and become someone else's mount.

Moreover, in his eyes, Allen is an incompletely evolved native and is not worthy of being surrendered.

However, the next moment, a silver light enveloped Fiora and transformed into a torture device, shackles, and at the same time, her body began to twitch uncontrollably.

He rolled his eyes upward, revealing the whites of his eyes, spitting out his pink tongue, and glistening saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Uxas asked doubtfully: "She is?"

"My new mount." Allen said generously.

New mount?

Then there is an old mount.

The boss really knows how to play.

"Captain, someone is trying to usurp my throne."


Alan asked curiously.

Uxas gritted his teeth and said, "It's my uncle Steppenwolf."

"Isn't this a coincidence?"

Allen grinned and said bluntly: "The last time I traveled through the multiverse, I killed the Wasteland Dog and occupied Apokolips."


Well, whether it was true or not, at least with the man who could challenge the whole universe by his side, he felt full of security, and Uxas felt that the situation was not that urgent.

"How could Steppenwolf beat you?"


After some communication, Allen finally realized that Darkseid in front of him was a poor dog of original skin, not a supreme aristocrat who mastered Omega rays.

In this way, wouldn't Steppenwolf become a god?

Allen still remembers the instant-kill power of omega rays.

It seems that there is nothing to worry about. If the other party dares to come to the human world, he will be magnified and served.

"The world is really full of disasters." Allen said with emotion.

The Eternals, the Celestials, and another Apokolips came, and disasters followed.

"Follow me and deal with the mother box first."

Protect the silver light.

Fiora sat slumped on the ground, her whole body unable to stop trembling slightly, her eyes filled with anger and confusion.

Allen stepped forward unceremoniously and shouted: "Drive..., Pippi Krypton, let's go."

"Don't give me random names."

This was Fiora's last act of stubbornness, at least sticking to her name.

The three of them passed through the portal.

The first location is the abandoned Arkham Asylum.

"Come out, Mimi, I've brought you something." Allen called.

Yes, it is safest for the mother box to be stored in Sanhua's belly.

The stomach of a different dimension can isolate the outside world.

Obviously, Sanhua is not in the asylum.

Then head to Arkham Fortress.

"Welcome back, Commander." Unita came out to greet him immediately.

"Sensen, there's no time to explain. Have you seen Mimi?" Allen asked.

"Sanhua is at the base of the funny group."



Today's comedy group is more than just the wealthy and powerful in Gotham City.

With the clown trio running for mayor and their future goal of becoming president of America, membership expanded to include state legislators.

Quietly and slowly infiltrating the top levels of the country.

"Wow, they are really having fun."

Rushing to find Sanhua, before leaving, Allen specially fed the red bat pet that he had not seen for a long time.

The continent of Europa lies across the ocean.

The vampire's new habitat.

"It's so swollen!"

Lilith, the Queen of the Blood Tribe, rolled uncomfortably on the bed, her cheeks dripping with beauty.

The maid standing by looked helpless.

This situation reminded them of the time when they were still humans, only the way their breasts had swollen after giving birth.

"The holy fire is shining, the holy light is shining, all my disciples, meow meow meow meow..."

The home base of the funny group.

Many members gathered together, all wearing black robes, gathered in a circle and prayed loudly.

And in the center, there was just a plump calico cat, licking its crotch as if nothing had happened. It must have been something he was used to.

The three irresponsible Funny Bat Robins were busy with campaign matters, so they left Sanhua to be taken care of by peripheral members.

Unexpectedly, Sanhua accidentally spit out alien technology products, which made all the dignitaries extremely happy.

After some research, a new product was developed and a lot of money was made.

Therefore, naturally they regard Sanhua as a sacred beast and try various tricks to obtain alien products from Sanhua's mouth.

Anything can be a top product.

"The great and holy cat god, please give gifts to the believers."

However, Sanhua grabbed her tail after licking it.

As everyone knows, a cat's tail is a parasite with its own ideas, which is equivalent to a cat-teasing stick in the eyes of cats.

"What a pity, Meow God didn't respond again."

The members of the funny group were originally followers of the Bat God, but Sanhua gave them more and more truthfully, so naturally they turned to believe in a cat.

Even if it is a lump of chocolate, as long as enough benefits are given to them, the powerful will shamelessly praise it as a lump of chocolate, and it smells sweet and fragrant.



As soon as the portal was formed, Allen and everyone rushed to the absurd scene.

Three more figures appeared beside him, Arthur, Cobot, and Edward.

Suffering from Bruce's obstruction, their campaign for mayor was difficult. When Allen told them that another big crisis was about to happen, they did not hesitate to get involved.

Thinking of taking the opportunity to hype myself up.

"The boss is here, why don't you bow quickly?"

The clown Arthur kept laughing like "Jie Jie Jie".

Judging from the appearance alone, he really loses a lot of points. He is not like Harris and has the bonus of political correctness.

"He is the Funny Bat!?"

"Wearing a hospital gown, he must be mentally ill."

"Yes, he is a psychopath."


For a time, the believers were talking a lot and were reluctant to salute.

"Our boss hasn't shown up for a long time. Has he lost his prestige?" Cobot held up his umbrella and said in a deep voice: "I will make him a turkey if he is ignorant."

"We are positive characters. How can we be decent in fighting and killing?"

Allen stopped the Penguin's demonstration and looked down at Sanhua, who was nipping at his trouser leg.

"Slutty cat, swallow the mother box."


Sanhua remained unmoved, even lying on the ground with her arms and legs spread out, with an expression that said there was nothing you could do to me.

"How could God Meow do this?!"

"We've been taking care of it and it hasn't been favored."

"The cat god is really the pet of the funny bat. I suddenly felt heartbroken that something precious was taken away from me."


Sanhua's shameless behavior greatly saddened the believers who served him all day long.

Pooh! Scumbag cat.

I always carry my old love in my heart.

"There's really nothing you can do about it."

Allen reluctantly rubbed Sanhua's plump belly.

Sanhua is so beautiful.


Waiting for Allen to let go, Sanhua stood up and spit out octopus-like tentacles from her mouth, rolled up the mother box and swallowed it.

At the same time, Avengers passed the deployed human satellite.

Successfully locked the location of an Eternal.

Immediately, everyone took action collectively.

After several fights, the Eternal female warrior Tina solemnly explained: "There must be a misunderstanding between us."

"There can be no misunderstanding unless the Eternals evacuate the world." Tony looked down on him.

"Humans, the Eternals came to earth with no ill intentions."

Tina said sincerely: "We are following the mutant tribe."


The heroes are skeptical and unwilling to easily believe each other without factual basis.

After all, the Eternals come from outside the human world, and it is unknown how much truth there is.

"The truth I'm telling you is that the mutants have a terrifying ability to reproduce. If they are not eliminated in time, it won't take long for the entire world to be filled with mutants."

With a serious expression on her face, Tina didn't look like she was lying.

The audience couldn't help but feel a little shaken, feeling that one should not easily believe the words of a mentally ill person.

"Please show us the evidence. If it is true, the Avengers are willing to cooperate with you to eliminate the mutants." Tony said.


Tina raised her wrist and touched the wristband lightly. The golden threads immediately weaved a simple painting, and it kept changing, like a shadow puppet show.

"We follow Alithem's will to hunt down mutants throughout the universe and prevent the destruction of life." Tina did not forget to explain.

"How much do you know about the Celestial Group and Shenxian?" Tony asked.

"What kind of gods group and gods appear?"

Tina looked confused and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

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