American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 424 Darkseid is backstabbed

In the movie, the main reason why the Eternals betrayed the Celestials was that they had lived among humans for too long, which led to the birth of compassion.

Because of this, he was emotionally enriched and made the determination to prevent the divine manifestation from happening.

In fact, the God Group didn't discover the reason.

Thanos' Titan is a cosmic civilization that evolved from the Eternals.

Therefore, the guardians of the Eternals created later will no longer wait for a long time, but will be sent to the target planet when the time is right to ensure that no variables occur and the new god is born smoothly.

"This is not a god, this is simply a world-destroying demon."

Obviously, sacrificing all mankind and all human life to fulfill a god is not something that heroes would accept.

In their understanding, gods should not protect the human world, but should not be evil gods that bring destruction and disaster.

"It seems that many demons were researched by the Celestial Group."

Allen remembered that the Celestials liked to study weird things, and they had their shadow behind many powerful civilizations in the universe.

When you get crazy, it is naturally impossible to let go of hell.

However, the gods are above the universe and will not feel sorry for the life and death of ants.

In fact, the God Group has visited the human world very early and tried many experiments.

"We should prevent the God from happening now." Tony suggested.

All the heroes couldn't help but frown.

How should it be stopped?

The Eternals hid themselves once they entered the human world.

Secondly, the gods are at the core of the planet, and current human technology cannot reach the core.

"Guys, I remember what Asgard says about the Celestials."

Thor raised his hammer and said, "I will go back to Asgard to find some information for you."

That's right, when Odin was at his peak, he could challenge ordinary members of the Celestial Gods alone.

In other words, beating the gods who are doing research.

But it's already very scary.

"please hurry."

Tony nodded carefully and said, "If the data is useful, I might be able to build an anti-God mecha."


Suddenly, Allen laughed heartily, as if laughing at Tony's overestimation.

For a moment, all the heroes looked very unhappy.

Which side are you on?

"Eldest nephew, I'm not questioning your IQ. After all, except for people as smart as me, there are very few people in the world who are as smart as you. But if you want to kill the gods with mechas, I can only say that you are super brave." Allen struck bluntly.

In the comics, when fighting against the Celestials, Tony relied on the Celestials' corpses to build a Celestial Mecha.

Based on the raw materials that the world can provide, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Either use the world's special metals and all the vibranium in Wakanda to create a low-end version of the Celestial Mecha.

Moreover, Allen failed to mention one key piece of information.

Once the Celestials die, their bodies can be transformed into vibranium.

The vibranium in Wakanda is an extraterrestrial meteorite, which is actually the remains of the corpse of the god.

There is no doubt that if the unborn gods can be eliminated, the world will no longer be short of vibranium, and science and technology will advance by leaps and bounds. Maybe in a hundred or two hundred years, all people will enter the cosmic civilization.

Of course, the death of a god is extremely rare.

Allen guessed that the source of Senagan's N metal should also be the Celestial Group.

After all, American comics integrate the universe, and it is not rigorous to trace the origin rigorously.

"Nanawi, let's go."

Allen shouted, and Nanawi stopped crying and followed him hurriedly.

Seeing this opportunity, Morgan wanted to follow up secretly.

"What do you want?"

However, Little Pepper was already standing behind him, looking down condescendingly like his mother.

Morgan rubbed his little hands and said awkwardly: "Mom, I'm worried about Grandpa Allen and Nanawi."

"There's no need to worry, just go home and learn Chinese." Xiao Chili said without any doubt.

ah? !

Morgan's face fell.

As we all know, learning Chinese is very challenging.

After all, different language families have different text structures.

"Ah what? You are getting more and more outrageous."

Little Pepper didn't accept her daughter's tricks of acting coquettishly.

The heroes looked at the increasingly harsh and demanding Pepper, and couldn't help but shake their heads and feel for Morgan.

Having to endure the hardships of studying at such a young age is really overwhelming.


Allen and Nanawi sneak into one of the Zhenglian headquarters.

Last time, he went too far when he made everyone in Zhenglian kneel down.

If it weren't for his abnormal brain, he might have been beaten beyond recognition on the spot.

"Shark Robin, don't make any noise, let's scare them quietly."

"Okay, Master, Nanawi likes to scare people."

In fact, all the sneaky looks of the two were recorded under the surveillance cameras.

Sitting in front of the center console, Bruce held his chin in his hands, his eyes gradually becoming helpless.

Naturally, people who cause trouble are very...unwelcome.

"Hey..., the Funny Bat is here to pay his respects."

"Hey..., Shark Robin comes to see you."

Allen and Nanawe jumped out of the corner together and looked at the empty hall, feeling very embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Zhenglian is on a collective holiday?"

Allen glanced doubtfully, locked his eyes in the direction of the center console, and shouted, "Aba, what a coincidence."


However, Bruce hunched over and hid behind the screen without saying a word.

"Stop hiding, your pointed ears betrayed you." Allen said with a smile.

Reluctantly raising his head, Bruce asked: "Alan, why did you come to the watchtower without saying a word?"

"It's a long story, I'll make it short."

Allen said with a serious expression: "I found that Marvel heroes have no connotation, and relationships are just for primary school students, so I decided to join Zhenglian to develop the hero career."

Sorry, we are not hiring.

Of course, whether Bruce refuses or not, there is a high probability that he will not be able to drive him away.

"Yo..., go to work and study biological reproduction."

Allen came over and told lies.

In the picture, it is obvious that the heroes are chasing and intercepting an enemy.

"I'm on duty today, let's talk some other time."

When the watchtower was first established, it was stipulated that heroes must be on duty in rotation.

In particular, the importance of a space station in outer space is self-evident, and its construction cost is extremely high.

Moreover, the watchtower competes with the Tongtian Sword Bureau.

"I'm here to talk about big things."

Allen 1511 talked about the problems of the Eternals and the emergence of gods, so that Zhenglian could prepare in advance.

It is estimated that it will be very difficult for the Avengers to fight against the Eternals, let alone the problem of the birth of gods.

After hearing this, Bruce changed one after another.

After experiencing the lessons of the Dark Knights, he no longer dared to turn a deaf ear to Allen's words.

"I can't make the decision on this matter. I need to discuss it with my teammates."

When it comes to the world and all mankind, villains in the past seemed insignificant.

"My mount."

Allen's thoughts jumped too quickly, and he suddenly pointed at a figure on the screen and shouted excitedly.


Bruce took a look and felt that he was seriously ill.

In the picture, it is clearly the Kryptonian female warrior Fiora. When did she become your mount?

Immediately afterwards, on the screen, a portal was volleyed in the air, and Allen suddenly made a sneak attack and jumped on Fiora's back.

Bruce's eyes widened in shock, and he turned to look beside him.

Sure enough, Allen was gone, leaving only Nanaway shouting his fingers cutely.

"Your master left, why didn't you follow?" Bruce asked.

"Um...Nanawi can't teleport magic."

It makes perfect sense.

It seems that the Second Idiot Shark is a physical sanctification, all added to the health bar, and no blue bar added at all.

And at this moment.

In the battlefield.

When the heroes who were originally besieging saw Allen's sudden arrival, they all stopped attacking, fearing that they would accidentally injure their allies.

It has to be said that Fiora is a natural warrior created by Kryptonian genetic engineering, and even though everyone worked together, they failed to capture her.

Not long ago, the spaceship holding Kryptonian war criminals escaped from the Shadow Zone and came to earth to prepare for an invasion.

As a result, General Zod died in battle.

He actually died after his neck was broken by Superman. It was so outrageous that it seemed like he was acting as a sidekick.

Fiora, the adjutant who learned his lesson, was determined not to expose his back to Superman in the next confrontation with the main alliance, for fear of following in his footsteps and killing him.

"Get off here."

Fiora swung wildly, trying to get away from Allen.

Allen, who hugged him tightly like a koala, snuggled up behind him with a sweet look on his face.

"I will never let go, until death do us part."

Allen said coquettishly: "I haven't ridden a big girl from Krypton yet."

Fiora is tall and well-proportioned, with short short hair. Her whole body is wrapped in a combat space suit, and she is full of mechanical beauty.

"Get down."


Fiora fell back.

Allen hit the ground hard.

It's a pity that with this intensity, Allen didn't cause any injuries at all.

Instead, it showed flaws.

Allen immediately put his hands under his armpits, then stretched out his fingers and intertwined them tightly.

"The ten-finger lock will stay together for eternity and eternity."

"The old tree is entangled with roots and is in ecstasy, asking for its legs."

He crossed his legs and locked Fiora's waist tightly.

This situation seems very inconsistent.

Fiora is 1.7 meters tall, and Allen is 1.8 meters tall. The two are entangled together. If you look closely, they look like a very petite woman carrying a burly man on her back.

"Now you feel what it's like to be a big man."

Allen said proudly: "We have been bound and locked."


Fiora waved her arms randomly in anger, but she could never reach Allen behind her.

Helpless, helpless and furious.

The heroes of Zheng Lian suddenly felt a little pitiful for her.

It's so easy to die but it's a mental illness.

"A woman is like a fierce horse. The more she resists, the more excited I become." Everyone admired Allen's shameless look.

Sure enough, evil people will have their own troubles.

There was a pop.

Fiora, who had been struggling for a long time, knelt down in humiliation. She was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry. She asked beggingly: "How can you let me go?"

"Be my mount." Alan suggested in a coquettish manner.


After being stunned for a moment, Fiora said angrily: "Kryptonian warriors do not accept insults."

In anger, he rose into the sky.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of sonic booms kept roaring.

"If you don't let go, we will perish together."

With the determination to die, Fiora went straight up into the clouds, intending to fall heavily and kill Allen.


His legs trembled.

An inexplicable feeling came over me.

What's going on? I suddenly felt something.

Fiora felt incredible. He was a warrior. He was born with unnecessary sensory functions removed and was born for war wholeheartedly.

"I wonder what effect the Kunkun expansion technique has on women."

For Kryptonians, just cast magic on them and it's done.

"What did you do to me?"

Fiora no longer had the determination to face death, and a look of panic appeared on her delicate face.

"Forbidden Technique: Physiological Tidal Incontinence Flood Technique."


On the ground, the heroes looked up at the sky. Except for Clark who could see it with his super vision, the rest of them saw blue sky and white clouds.

"Clark, is Alan okay?" Diana asked casually.

"This..., that..., I think it's okay." Clark had a strange expression and didn't know how to describe the scene in the clouds.

"Pfft, pfft..., why is it raining on a sunny day."

Barry wiped the water stains on his face and said puzzledly: "There is a strange smell, and it's sticky."


Knowing the truth, Clark remained silent and quietly moved away.

The heroes looked up and waited for a long time, and finally Fiora slowly landed.

However, her face was no longer as unruly as before, showing the remaining redness and shyness.

No more crying and making trouble, she was docile and obedient.

This scene made all the heroes want to know how Allen did it.

"I declare that this is my new mount." Allen proudly boasted.

Damn it, get off and let me ride.

This is undoubtedly the voice of many male heroes.


Diana said with a bad face: "What do you mean?"


Allen asked in a mean way: "Anna, are you jealous?"

"Jealous, it's ridiculous."

Diana's face was disapproving, but her eyes could not deceive people.

What a sin!

There are so many excellent heroes in the Justice League, but they have to choose a psychopath.

What's wrong with this world.

They can't help but sigh when Allen can deal with Fiora alone.



After thousands of years of reform, Uxus worked hard and finally transformed the chaotic and evil planet into an orderly cosmic civilization.

However, he finally used the name of Darkseid to promote his prestige.

Looking at the achievements of thousands of years, Uxus's eyes were full of pride.

An official put a document on the ground and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Genesis Star agrees to sign a peace trade treaty."

"With the endorsement of Genesis Star, my Apocalypse Star can integrate into the cosmic trade circle and usher in a real blowout development from now on."

Uxus nodded with great satisfaction. When he glanced at the official, he suddenly saw a black aura on his face.

Subconsciously, he suddenly threw away the document in his hand.

"Your Majesty, it's too late."

The black aura on the official's face became more and more intense, and his expression was like the last madness before his death. He said fiercely: "Stupid king, it's worth it to have you buried with me."

"You poisoned?!"

Uxus looked at his hands, which were covered with a layer of black, and his heart was mixed with shock and anger. He asked in disbelief: "Why... I let you live a good life, why do you want to harm me."

"I'll tell you why."


Following the source of the sound, a figure wearing silver armor stepped into the palace.

Steppenwolf said coldly: "Apocalypse Star should respect fate, not begging for a pathetic and pitiful peace as you wish."

While Uxus was surprised and angry, Steppenwolf told a more desperate news.

"The Creation Star you expect does not want to see Apocalypse Star take the path of cowardice."

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