American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 398 Tony's family reunites

Stark Building.

Tony finally controlled the Extremis virus in Pepper Potts through his efforts in recent days.

And, he summarized a cure plan.

It only takes a certain amount of time to complete the removal of serum.

"Killian is really a genius."

Seeing the sample of the Extremis virus, Tony couldn't help but admire the other party's wonderful ideas, and at the same time, he got a lot of inspiration from it.

"Sir, through satellite investigation, the target location was found."

The artificial intelligence butler sent a prompt.

Suddenly, a picture was projected, and Morgan was ruthlessly beating a group of Extremis warriors.

Tony's expression was stunned, and his attention was focused on the burly Morgan.

He naturally couldn't recognize his daughter's appearance.

But the question is what's wrong with such a sturdy figure?


The first thought that Tony thought of was the culprit.

Mainly at that time, after Alan went to rescue Morgan, there was no news.

He was not happy at all when he got news of his daughter again.

How did Morgan, who was originally cute and elf-like, become a ghost now?

He was hesitating whether to tell Pepper, worried that his wife could not accept the reality, which would cause the virus to go out of control.

"My daughter."

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Pepper, who came out of the shower, saw the body of a bodybuilder who looked like a giant beast in the picture, and covered her mouth excitedly for a while.

"Morgan is fine, that's great."

Tony realized that he was worrying too much.

Pepper was far less fragile than he imagined. When she was sure that her daughter was safe, her eyes were full of joy.

"Tony, let's take Morgan home now."

Pepper said with murderous intent: "By the way, find the enemy to settle accounts."

"But your body."

Tony was concerned about Pepper's current situation and was somewhat worried that he could not control his emotions and cause the desperate virus to go out of control.

"I'm fine."

These days, the little girl was familiar with the ability of the desperate virus every day, and she felt more and more that she was terribly strong.

At the same time, she couldn't suppress her anger when she thought of Morgan being kidnapped.

"Okay, remember to bring the soothing serum."

After being together for too long, Tony knew his wife's temper very well. It was difficult to change the decision, especially when it came to his daughter Morgan, there was no room for negotiation.

Not long after, the two of them were equipped with mechas and took off from the top floor to the target location.


On the island.

David fought one against three, but still did not gain an overwhelming advantage.

In fact, it was not the imagined situation that the sea people were not adapted to the land.

After all the calculations, David miscalculated a key point.

Namor, Arthur, and Orm were from the royal family and lived in an oxygen environment. Besides, Aquaman was a mixed-blood who had lived on land since childhood.

In fact, how could David get in touch with the Atlantis nobles? Naturally, he didn't know the real situation.

After all, the energy technology required to maintain a dry oxygen environment is expensive to maintain, and it is not affordable for ordinary civilians.

What's more, ordinary Atlanteans cannot directly absorb oxygen to survive.

"Can you do it? Poking with a fork is not exciting at all."

Alan sat on the frogman's body bored, watching the four people fighting, and had no intention of helping.

"If you have the ability, try it."

Om took the time to roll his eyes in anger, it was really easy to talk without any pain.

The three of them attacked fiercely, causing a lot of damage to the opponent, but the next moment there was a green light lingering to repair the injuries, just like an immortal monster.

"Tsk~, if you can't do it, then you can't do it. What excuses are you looking for?"

Alan spread his hands with an indifferent expression.

He turned to kick the frogman lying dead and said viciously: "Immediately build a human throne, otherwise I will throw you all into the sea."

The current frogman troops have broken the guard armor on their bodies and can only be removed manually, otherwise it will be very difficult to walk.

After all, it is very difficult to press down with dozens of kilograms of weight.

And relying on their own strength alone, they are not qualified to match Alan.

They are just mortals, even after frogman special training, they are still in the mortal realm.

In a moment, the throne built by many people was in front of him. Allen sat on it with satisfaction and ordered: "Turn left, I want to see the black guys fighting each other."

Several frogmen crawled on the beach, turning their perspective to the confrontation between the leopard and the black panther.

Both of them were protected by vibranium suits, and with super serum and heart-shaped grass body amplification, they were evenly matched for a short time.

Of course, T'Challa was slightly weaker.

The heart-shaped grass serum made by Allen needed to gradually adapt to the development potential through combat, and now it was only initially integrated.

It's just that the scene was a little wrong.

The well-known Black Panther suit integrates nanotechnology and changes size according to the wearer's body shape.

And the alchemical products made by Allen have always had side effects.

It is normal for the serum to cause the parts that can be larger or smaller to swell during the blood circulation process.

At this moment, T'Challa is facing this problem.

The bulge is particularly conspicuous, even eye-catching.


"How shameful! Black Panther has improper thoughts about his cousin."

Alan said sarcastically without any scruples: "Blood relatives, black people, love and hate each other, very politically correct."

The guards couldn't help but stare at him, like a magnet, attracting attention all the time.

As expected of a king, he has the capital to look down on his peers.

Of course, Eric was particularly angry.

After a fight, he concluded that T'Challa had taken the super serum, but it did not cause any side effects. How could he not be jealous?

He could not help but wonder if it was a physical problem.

Therefore, Eric's moves became more and more fierce, and every move was fatal.

"Leopard, hit him, beat him to death, the black panther must be eyeing your strong body, I support you to beat him so hard that he can't recognize his mother."

Allen kept chattering and adding fuel to the fire.

If it weren't for the mask on his face, T'Challa would have wanted to die.

It's so shameful.

If he had known there were side effects, he would rather not drink the heart-shaped grass serum, and it would be better to find other ways to regain the throne.

It is undeniable that he felt more and more relaxed in the constant fighting, and he already understood that the serum was working.

The ten claws of both sides scratched the surface of the vibranium battle suit, and sparks appeared.

Due to the perfect defensive performance, the leopard and the black panther fought back and forth, without showing a decisive advantage.

On the other side, Morgan crushed the desperate warriors, and performed a series of turtle punches to the fullest.

The desperate warriors were beaten to their heads and fled.

They wanted to escape, but they were not as fast as Morgan, who caught up in a few flashes and beat them head-on.

Therefore, Killian came up with a strategy, everyone restrained them together, and took turns to be beaten evenly. Anyway, they were not afraid of death with their terrifying self-healing abilities.


There were two sounds of breaking through the air in the sky.

Suddenly, there were two figures wearing mechas standing in the air.

The mecha with golden and red colors was naturally the famous Iron Man.

As for the blue mecha, it was undoubtedly Pepper Potts.

However, Pepper Potts liked to take care of her husband and children, and basically did not touch mechas.

"Dad! Mom!"

Morgan stopped chasing the desperate warriors and waved happily in the air.


Tony and Pepper landed, unable to contain their joy of family reunion.

Pepper disarmed the mecha on the spot and waved to Morgan with tears in her eyes.

At the same time, Morgan ran towards her parents.

She had a blast playing outside, but she was worried about her parents.

"Little Morgan, wait, don't come over!"

Looking at his daughter who was like a bear, Tony's heart tightened and his back felt cold. It was like a mountain of meat rushing towards him.

Unfortunately, Morgan was too fast. As soon as she finished speaking, she came in front of them and hugged her parents with open arms.

'Warning, the mecha has been damaged by 18% due to external pressure. Do you want to use the defense system? '

'Warning, the damage has risen to 25%, and the defense system will be automatically activated. '


"Terminate the defense system!"

Hearing the prompts one after another, Tony immediately shouted to disarm, worried that the weapons he made would hurt his daughter.

A set of scrapped mechas is not as important as a strand of Morgan's hair in his eyes.

On the surface of the mecha, where Morgan's arm was released from the squeeze, there was a clear dent, and you can imagine how terrifying the power was.

Pepper was also uncomfortable, her whole face was flushed, and the desperate virus was flaming in the blood vessels of her face.

"Little Morgan, let go quickly, Mommy can't breathe."

Pepper patted Morgan's arm anxiously to indicate that she was uncomfortable.


Morgan blamed himself and let go of his parents, saying aggrievedly: "I was too hard."

Panting heavily.

Tony and Pepper seemed to be on the verge of death.

The power was really too incredible.

"Who made you like this?" Tony asked anxiously.

"It was grandpa."

Morgan answered without thinking, and decisively betrayed Alan.

"It was him."

Pepper looked around angrily, and said angrily: "Look at what you did to my baby daughter."

Soon his eyes were locked on the human throne.

However, there was no trace of Allen.

"Alan, don't think I didn't notice you hiding behind the crowd. If you don't come out, I will open fire and kill you."

In an instant, the weapon system on the mecha was fully opened.

Micro missiles on the shoulders.

Palm cannons in both hands.

Energy cannons on the chest.

Without exception, they were ready to go.

"Don't shoot, we are one family."

Allen walked out of the human throne embarrassedly and greeted shyly: "Nephew, don't thank me, after all, little Morgan is my granddaughter, and it is my duty to give her power."

"It should be your uncle."

Tony was furious and said angrily: "How can you do this, she is just a child."

"Restore Morgan immediately, otherwise, I will take you away at the cost of my life." Pepper said gloomily.

Allen can understand that parents protect their children out of protection, but he can't tolerate disrespect for elders.

"You are too disrespectful to your elders."

Alan shook his head in extreme disappointment and said lightly: "Do you believe that I can make you two apologize right away?"


You made their daughter look like a ghost and still wanted to apologize.

Tony and Pepper were so angry that they laughed.

It was too shameless.

Sure enough, really mentally ill.

"Don't believe it?"

Alan said proudly: "Little Morgan, change back."


Morgan bit his finger and said melancholy: "I haven't had enough fun yet."

"Saipan, transform!"

Finally, reluctantly, he shouted the transformation spell.

A thunderbolt fell and hit Morgan accurately.

Lightning flashed, and the cute little Morgan reappeared in front of them.

When she saw that she could transform, she was shocked and widened her eyes.

"Could this be..."

Tony thought of Shazam the Thunderbolt at the first time.

But Shazam transformed into a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and had many superpowers, so how could his daughter be a muscular beautiful girl warrior.

"That's right, the ability I gave her is very handsome, isn't it."

Alan crossed his legs, one hand on his waist, and the other hand was placed on his chin like a pistol, and he said proudly: "Why don't you apologize quickly."


This time, it was Tony's turn to be embarrassed.

He misunderstood the other party again.

After all, he gave his daughter superpowers, at least she didn't have to worry about her life.

"Sorry, I wronged you."

Chili's attitude changed 180 degrees, and her eyes were full of gratitude: "We care too much about Morgan, please don't take it to heart."

"You are not sincere, and you don't even call me uncle." Alan was unwilling to give up.

"Uncle, I'm sorry."

After saying that, Chili's face turned red.

She was a woman in her forties, and she felt very strange when she called a big guy uncle.

"Nephew, why don't you say anything."

Alan turned to look at Tony with a playful look, as if he had taken you.

"Alan, don't go too far."

Tony couldn't afford to lose face. He was almost fifty years old, and how could he be humiliated in public? If it was in private, he would have agreed to it.

"You are an unfilial nephew, you are really stubborn."

Alan threatened fiercely: "If you have the ability, don't sleep. If you dare to sleep, I will set off firecrackers in your quilt."

"I will never shout even if I die."

When you go out, face is very important.

So, Tony resolutely refused, turned his head and looked at Killian and others who were watching the show in the distance, to vent his anger.

Killian met the other party's angry eyes, not daring to be afraid.

As the saying goes, I can't beat your daughter, and I can't beat you.

"Go, hijack Iron Man and his wife, use them as shields to evacuate."

Killian has realized that this battle has been completely lost.

Black Manta is restrained by the three kings, the Golden Leopard is fighting the Black Panther, the frogman troops are all lost, and the only Extremis cannot beat a little girl.

In addition, Allen has never shown his true ability.

Therefore, Killian came to the above conclusion.

Looking at the Extremis who launched the charge, Tony was not afraid, but instead showed a disdainful smile.

The six missiles on his shoulders were fired decisively, with tail flames directly bombarding the Extremis.

Looking at the oncoming missiles, their eyes were full of contempt. Normal missiles could not kill them, let alone how much explosives a missile as thick as a finger could hold.

Even if a micro-nuclear warhead is installed, it still can't hurt a bit.

This is the horror of the Extremis virus.

In fact, it is far from as simple as they thought.

The micro-missiles disintegrated in mid-air before they got close, separating hundreds of needles.

Like a torrential rain, it poured down on the desperate warrior in an instant.

Before he could react, he suddenly realized that he had been infected.

The needle contained a drug developed by Tony specifically for the desperate virus, which could cause the body to lose control and explode.

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