American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 397 Allen: All the minions come here

Black Manta moved rapidly in one direction.

It can explode at terrifying speeds comparable to the speed of sound in the water.

Namor followed closely behind, only slightly behind.

Next is Neptune King Arthur, who is blessed with the power of the Golden Trident after all.

Om, who was far behind, struggled to catch up with all his strength to make sure he didn't fall too far.

"Yo ho..., I've surpassed you."

Suddenly, Allen rode the stingray vehicle past Orm's position, not even forgetting to show off.

"Hey... I've surpassed you too."

Within a few seconds, Morgan caught up with Tsundere.

Om helplessly let out a sigh of relief. In this life-and-death contest, he still remained playful.


Only T'Challa caught up and deliberately slowed down to pick up Orm.

Bang bang bang...

For a moment, several figures emerged from the water.

David stepped on the water and ran towards the island in front of him.

Killian and Eric, who came to the rescue, and their men were not used to water battles, so they arranged to wait on the island in advance.

David took precautions and thought that if the attack did not go smoothly, he would lure the enemy to the island and annihilate them.

Sure enough, things were not as smooth as expected.

However, it is still under control, just because Arthur, the King of the Sea, has caught up.

As long as he kills him and seizes the golden trident, he can rule the ocean world.

Furthermore, considering the side effects of the Dark Trident, David speculated that the Golden Trident might be able to suppress the erosion of consciousness.

On the golden beach, David stopped and waited for his pursuers to arrive.

Namor and Arthur stopped together, looking warily, worried that there were traps on the island.

"Nigger, run away, why don't you run away?"

Allen, who came from behind, rushed to the beach in a Stingray Voyager and shouted: "If I don't take you back to Moore Manor to grow cotton, I will give you three hundred cigarettes if I give you a set online."

However, David had no time to deal with mental illness, and his thoughts were always on Arthur.

"I can finally show off my skills."

At this moment, Eric with dreadlocks walked out of the woods not far away.

"Another nigger."

Allen's eyes glanced at the other person's crotch with disdain, and he said cowardly: "I won't discriminate against you, the little one is also very cute."

"I'm sorry for you, I will tear you to pieces."

There is no doubt that this statement has an insinuation about Eric's pain.

On the road to revenge, he has really sacrificed too much and has nothing to lose.

“The golden beach is so beautiful.”

Morgan, who arrived, looked at the beautiful beach and forgot about business for a moment.


Many figures emerged from the yellow sand, surrounding Morgan.


T'Challa, who arrived just in time, shouted.

One hundred guards inevitably felt a little worried when they saw the previous King of Wakanda.

T'Challa is the unanimously recognized king, and it can be said that his power is still there.

Of course, some tribes sincerely respect him, while other tribes are just outsiders and will be loyal to whoever is in power.

"T'Challa, I am the king now, you have no right to order my guards."

Eric turned to T'Challa.

The son of the enemy who killed his father should be given priority.

As long as the other party didn't die, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"I want to challenge you to a duel for the king." T'Challa said seriously.

Once the royal power competition ceremony was proposed, Eric could not refuse in any way.

Rules unique to the Wakanda royal family, allowing unlimited challenges to the royal power.

Usually the loser cannot ask for trouble a second time, after all, the difference in strength is right in front of them.

At this moment, T'Challa felt that he had found his own meaning in this battle.

He alone came to contain Wakanda's forces.

During the fight for the king, Wakanda's guards are not allowed to intervene. Their only duty is to stand by and prevent anyone from destroying the ceremony.

"I promise you."

Eric said coldly: "If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. Moreover, I will personally take off your head to confirm your death."

The thought of carelessly letting his enemy go made him furious.

Naturally, you will not allow yourself to make the same mistake a second time.

"I no longer have mercy. We owe each other nothing."

Last time, T'Challa almost died at the hands of the opponent, and T'Challa no longer felt guilty.

After that, both sides covered their bodies with vibranium suits and assumed combat postures against each other.

One hundred guards were divided into four queues to guard the four directions.

On the other battlefield, Eric faced three people again.

However, there was an outpouring of people in the woods.

Dozens of desperate warriors, as well as frogmen equipped with guard armor.

Fortunately, Wakanda is temporarily on the sidelines, which relieves a lot of pressure.

"Little Morgan, beat them mercilessly."

"Okay, Grandpa."

As he spoke, little Morgan punched Killian with a violent punch like the Hulk.

Immediately, Killian raised his fist to fight.


Fists collide.

There was a circle of air explosion.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Obviously, Morgan was overwhelming, forcing Killian to passively defend.

The combat moves are very rough, like a street fight.

Morgan raised his arms like windmills, and his attacks fell like a violent storm.

"He actually understands the King's Eight Fists. This son will never be allowed to stay."

Allen was stunned for a moment and then changed his words: "That's wrong. This boy has the qualifications to be a great emperor."

Killian is from a scientific background and has little combat experience, so he just avoids defense.


Morgan used his tortoise boxing fists to chase the desperate warriors.

In the face of absolute power, any move seems fancy.

If a warrior in desperate situation dares to confront someone head-on, he will surely receive a slap in the face.

Three or two punches hit his forehead, and he suddenly felt stars in his eyes.

The situation evolved into desperate warriors fleeing on the beach, with Morgan chasing after them with a "yah" sound.

It's completely playful and playful, and it doesn't look like it's a life-and-death fight. It even gives people a sense of humor.

Allen turned to look at the frogmen, stretched out his index finger and said, "Come here, all of you."

The frogmen looked at each other, feeling greatly insulted.

"What are you looking at? I'm talking about you."

Allen put his hands on his hips and shouted: "I want to challenge you all."

The next moment, dense energy rays bombarded him.

The frogman chose to shoot regardless of martial ethics and did not consider close combat at all.

Rolling around like a lazy ass, Allen dodged the sneak attack and took off his shield to defend himself. He immediately realized something and said discouraged: "I'm not an old man, what should I do if they shoot me in the leg?"

To put it bluntly, the round shield is only about the size of a frying pan, so it’s good if it can protect your face.

In this regard, Allen deeply doubted that Steve had any hidden talent, forcing the enemy to attack blindly on the shield, even ignoring the exposed thigh.

Roll, jump, throw shields.

It formed an arc at a tricky angle and accurately hit the water-storage backpack on the armor on the back of a frogman.

Atlantis' energy is converted from sea water, and the Praetorian armor is based on the same principle.

In short, as long as the water-retaining backpack is exploded, the armor will turn into scrap metal.

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