American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 395 Allen takes action and taunts the black man

At the first moment of the war, Atlanna rushed to the prison cell.

She brought the weapons of Allen and others and ordered people to open the shackles.

"It is exactly as you said, Atlantis is under attack."

Atlanna's eyes were full of gratitude. If she hadn't deployed the army first, the war might have spread throughout the city.

As a result, even if the Kingdom of Atlantis wins the final victory, it will inevitably cause immeasurable losses.

"Old woman, as a token of your gratitude, shouldn't you express your gratitude?"

Allen was busy picking up the equipment, not forgetting to ask for benefits in a humble way.

"What do you want to do?"

Atlanna subconsciously took a step back, her eyes full of vigilance.

As a person of my age, I don't want to have a grandparent-grandchild relationship.

Not only because of their status, their two sons are older than Allen.

Hearing this, Orm frowned, with murderous intent in his eyes.

I consider you my brother, but you try to be my father.

"Old woman, don't be so sentimental."

Allen said bluntly: "I think mermaids are quite beautiful. Can you give me a few? I want one with a beautiful woman on the upper body and a fish on the lower body. Don't get confused. I don't want a mermaid."


Atlanna's expression darkened and she refused on the spot: "There are no mermaids in Atlantis. They are the Siren clan living in the waters of Paradise Island."

In the Fisherman Kingdom among the sea tribe, she looks like a mermaid.

Only the upper body has fish scales, which is not in line with human aesthetics at all.

"Really boring."

Allen curled his lips arrogantly: "I'll catch a few myself later."

"I advise you not to overthink it."

Atlanna kindly reminded: "The sirens are not as beautiful as described. They are very beautiful when they sing. Under normal circumstances, they look like cannibals in hell."

The Kingdom of Atlantis, which rules the ocean, has naturally studied this.

After all, they believe in Poseidon, the god of the sea, and the Siren family belongs to the same camp of divine creatures.

The key problem is that sirens have no intelligence and only follow their instincts to hunt and reproduce.

"Look what you said, I just want to do academic research." Allen said sarcastically.

In an instant, Allen's fantasy of mermaids disappeared.

If it’s not beautiful, no dog will want it.

No more nonsense, rush to the battlefield quickly.

Along the way, I saw people hiding in bunkers, and young adults rushing to the armory to prepare to wear equipment and go to the battlefield.

Swarms of fish-shaped fighter jets set off from the city.

All kinds of war weapons were used in this defense battle.

But at this moment, more than 20 kilometers outside the city, it has turned into a battlefield of flesh and blood.

Arthur, who was commanding the army, held a golden trident in front of him and spread out ripples to summon predators in the ocean to help him fight.

Sharks, whales, dolphins, and all kinds of carnivorous fish swarm here.

But the number summoned is not enough to fight against the evil creatures.

"let me help you."

At this time, Namor came to his side.

"You are?" Arthur's mental eyes cast a doubtful look.



"The former King of Atlantis."

Seeing that Arthur was still confused, Namor added an explanation.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Arthur finally agreed to the other party's help.

I saw Namor holding the golden trident in both hands.

The two kings of Atlantis from DC and Marvel work together to activate their summoning powers to the maximum.

Wave after wave of recruitment signals are transmitted to various oceans with the resonance of the sea water.

In an instant, more and more marine life have gathered.

Suddenly, among the evil creatures, a seahorse-like creature with hair-like seaweed all over its body and a black manta ray riding on its back appeared.

Holding a dark trident, his eyes glowed with green light.

"Arthur, the grudge between you and me must be settled today."

After that, David drove the seahorse to kill Arthur and Namor.

"Your opponent is me."

Midway, Orm rushed out to stop the opponent.

In the ocean, apart from weapons, his own combat prowess is not much inferior to Arthur's.

"Get away!"

David's eyes were full of disdain, and he slashed with the dark trident.

The trident made of vibranium collapsed at the first touch, and the water flow swept people up and rolled them around.

Obviously, the two are not a perfect match.

Orm was defeated very simply, and he was very confused. He suddenly felt the importance of having an awesome weapon.

Both times, he was defeated by weapons.

Last time, it was the Golden Trident.

This time, it's the Dark Trident.

"You can die."

David thought about taking advantage of the victory and wanted to kill the guy who was in the way.


The scarlet energy attack hit his face, causing David to become impatient.

Looking around, I saw Allen holding a high-energy weapon to interfere from a distance.

"Nigger, do you feel good when I cum?" Allen asked with a wide grin.


Before David could say harsh words, another energy attack shot from another direction.

"Nigger, do I cum for you?"

In the distance, Morgan was holding a gun and mocking everyone.


Immediately afterwards, another energy attack hit David on the back of the head.

"Hei..., do you feel good when I cum?"

The one who attacked this time was T'Challa. He originally wanted to say the same words to get angry, but considering that he was a black man, he suppressed the second word.

"Nigger, why do you look so dark?"

Alan started talking nonsense, pulling the trigger: "I remember, you are evil."

However, with the power of the evil god protecting his body, he naturally couldn't cause any harm. It was indeed a bit insulting to just shoot him in the face.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Atlanna hurried to rescue Orm who was swept away.

"Take this weapon."

Atlanna handed over the silver-white trident in her hand.

"What is this?"

Om remembered that his mother's trident had been destroyed by the golden trident, and the one in front of him was very unfamiliar.

"It's your grandfather's weapon."

Atlanna explained: "In ancient times, there were five tridents mixed with Poseidon metal. This one is the symbol of the patriarch of our family."

Of course, Poseidon metal is so precious that there is no more that exists in the world.

Only the golden trident is cast entirely with Poseidon metal, and the other four are just alloys with different contents, but they still have unique power.

After all, Poseidon metal can be listed as the eighth metal, which is exclusively used to create weapons of the gods.

"Help..., don't chase me."

As soon as Orm took the weapon, he saw David chasing Alan with a vicious look.

He was the most despicable one, who else should he kill?

"Nigger, I don't have any cough syrup."

Alan seemed to be running away in panic, but he was actually very happy with a mean look on his face.

However, in the stunned eyes of everyone, he plunged into the army of evil creatures.

David stopped chasing, but thought that the madman was crazy enough, and the endless evil creatures could tear him apart.

He turned his eyes to Arthur and Namor, always thinking about revenge.


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