American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 394 War is coming, evil creatures are attacking

At this moment, Atlantis entered the full military preparation.

But in the palace, there was a huge quarrel.

One side of the Elders Council did not support the mobilization of the army.

The reason was that before there was clear news, resources should not be wasted. They felt that an investigation must be conducted to confirm that the army could be mobilized after the Elders Council confirmed it.

But Atlanna and Arthur insisted that the entire army enter a state of alert.

Among them, it involves the control of the army.

The Elders Council now has the power of legislation, and then wants to take this opportunity to seize control of the army.

Once Atlanna gives in this time and deploys the military according to the process steps, then the matters involving the army in the future must be reviewed by the Elders Council.

In this way, the real power of the royal family is further hollowed out, and it has completely become a puppet.

Both sides refused to give in, and insisted on their own opinions.

Arthur on the throne had a headache.

He was tired of endless quarrels, so he wanted to stay away from Atlantis.

When overthrowing the previous king, the ancestors of the Sea King promised the nobles to co-govern, which led to the current situation of separation of powers.

Alan and others imprisoned in prison lived a very comfortable life.

With the care and arrangement of the queen, three seafood meals a day, and complete entertainment facilities, it was as comfortable as coming on vacation.

They were waiting for the black manta to attack Atlantis.

As long as the war broke out, they could take advantage of the chaos.

Besides, a simple prison could not trap Alan at all, and he could go home with a portal at will.

At this moment, the four people were looking at Alan's palm.

A ball of water vapor gathered in his hand, constantly changing into various shapes.

"The water element here is really rich."

Alan's mage professional talent makes it easy to observe magic elements and easily study water element magic.

Of course, it is unrealistic to want to comprehend and create high-level deep water magic in one fell swoop, and a lot of time and energy must be invested.

According to Alan's personality, he can't stand loneliness at all.


Om couldn't think of an adjective for a while.

Because Allen's magic talent is too terrifying, his achievements in water element magic are very limited, and he can only use it to assist close combat.

As for Namor, he has never practiced magic. In short, he is a Muggle.

However, he is born with supernatural power, has the ability to fly, and can summon marine life, so he doesn't need to waste time in the field of magic.


Allen dispersed the water element casually.

Everyone was confused.

What did he do?

He just kept playing with water, and it was impossible to see that he was studying magic.

"Through the rigorous and meticulous research just now, I got a water spell."

Allen pointed at T'Challa, and suddenly a blue light flowed into his nasal cavity.


The next moment, T'Challa covered his throat uncomfortably, as if he was suffocating.

"Suffocation?" Om guessed.


Allen explained proudly: "It's water breathing."

That's right, considering that he, Morgan and T'Challa can't breathe underwater, he took the time to create a corresponding spell.

"It can ensure that humans can breathe freely in the water." Allen said seriously.

Namor asked curiously: "What about an environment without water?"

"Absolutely can't breathe." Allen responded seriously.

The next moment, four pairs of eyes looked at T'Challa who was suffocating and unconscious.

There was no water in the cell, but there was plenty of oxygen, so T'Challa was suffocated by lack of oxygen.

Obviously, the water breathing technique was very useless.

In the palace area, there was a layer of atmosphere covering it, which was specially designed to create a dry environment for the Atlantis nobles.

After all, ordinary sea people cannot survive on land, only the nobles and the royal family have no restrictions.

Retract the spell.

T'Challa woke up immediately and breathed in the air, like a drowning person who fell into the water and was rescued.


On the high wall of Atlantis.

The patrol soldiers looked at the long queue of people entering the city.

The intelligent creatures in the ocean are collectively called sea people. There are not only kingdoms dominated by technology, but also races that are good at magic.

It can be seen from the vehicles that there are sci-fi submarines and creatures that use large marine mammals as mounts.

However, all follow the order set by Atlantis.

"Look, what is that?"

The soldiers arranged on the city wall immediately discovered that there was a dark area in the distance, which was rapidly approaching the main city.

"Start the lighting equipment."

One by one, the light source machines that can illuminate very far were started, and beams of dazzling light were reflected in the distance.


Suddenly, a sharp and piercing hissing sounded.

The evil creatures that live in the deep sea all year round are very sensitive to light.

It was a terrifying deep-sea creature that was so dense that it was countless.

"What the hell is this?"

"Tower, enemy attack, enemy attack..."

"It's an evil creature living in the deep sea!"


Not only the soldiers were terrified, but the team waiting in line to enter the city became anxious.

The sea creatures who were very far behind found the danger from behind, and decisively gave up the idea of ​​entering the city and rose to the sea surface without hesitation.

In an instant, the scene became extremely chaotic.

In the ocean, there are different deep sea areas, all of which are forbidden areas for the sea people without exception.

For example, the living area of ​​the Trench Tribe can only be regarded as the canyon in the ocean, and the real deep sea, due to the air pressure, makes the sea tribe unable to breathe normally.

Moreover, the sea tribe has never lacked adventurers, but none of them can come back alive.

Relatively speaking, they know the living habits of the Trench Tribe very well, and there is a chance of survival.

Within a minute, the city defense system was running.

Energy artillery fire bombarded the evil creatures, but it had little effect.

It could only blast a small hole in the dark surface, and more evil creatures would fill it in a blink of an eye.

Even the evil creatures at the forefront are more than ten times the size of the blue whale, and they can withstand the energy cannon.

All because of the different air pressure in the deep sea, the evil creatures have thick skin and flesh, and have amazing defense capabilities.

Fortunately, Queen Atlanna deployed the army one step ahead.

The supreme commander realized that the defense system was not effective, and immediately dispatched troops out of the city to fight.

This news was passed to the palace where the dispute was going on.

The Council of Elders, who were originally in the upper hand and had an aggressive attitude, became speechless after hearing the report.

Atlantis was facing an attack. According to the law, the military forces of the whole country must obey the king's orders. No one can interfere with the orders, otherwise they may be executed on the spot.

"Follow me to meet the enemy."

Finally, King Arthur of the Sea no longer needed to listen to the nagging of a group of old antiques. He raised the golden trident and flew away from the throne.

The simplest and crudest fighting was his favorite way to solve problems.

The members of the Council of Elders looked at each other, and their eyes showed helplessness.

In a short period of time, it was impossible to get involved in the army again, and they could not do anything in the war.

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