American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 377 King Kong Barbie Little Morgan

"Damn it, Na Ma!"

Allen looked at Morgan in front of him in shock.

At the same time, everyone else had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Grandpa Allen, I feel full of strength."

Morgan is very pleased with the physical transformation.

The originally petite and cute little girl has turned into a two-meter-tall King Kong Barbie with bulging muscles all over her body.

However, the head still remains the same, looking very uncoordinated, like Nezha from Ji Shi Leng.

Moreover, the tight-fitting sports suit on her body highlights her clearly defined muscles. It is estimated that the world bodybuilding champion will be ashamed to see it.

In fact, Allen gave Morgan his powers based on Shazam's transformation.

The source of power is the temple of the gods, which is similar to the effect of blessings from the gods.

The medium of transformation is the Staff of Silence.

From then on, Morgan only had to hold up the toilet seat and shout Saipan, and he would immediately transform into a devilish muscular man.


Allen looked slightly embarrassed and said: "Morgan, you need to explore your own strength. Grandpa can only help you so much."

"Okay, Grandpa."

Morgan looked at several Extremis fighters, clenched his fists slightly, and the veins on the back of his hands were squirming like earthworms, and shouted: "Superheroes, Shark Knight is going to fight the bad guys."


One step of running was like a cannonball shooting out.

Allen had a troubled expression on his face.

It’s hard to imagine the expressions of Tony and his wife when they saw the good-looking apple of the eye of Stark Industries turn into a muscular King Kong.

"How about I sneak away first."

Allen whispered to himself, worried that Tony and Pepper would put on mechas and hunt for him all over the world.

At this moment, Morgan showed strength to overwhelm him, and even managed to keep up with one to six.

Of course, a six-year-old girl's combat skills are very poor, but the three hundred and sixty-six righteous gods have blessed her with terrifying physical fitness, and she can't feel pain even after a beating.

"Morgan, throw them into the pit."


Following Allen's command, Morgan casually threw the Desperate Warriors into the pit.

The four people who wanted to escape naturally couldn't escape Morgan's pursuit. They caught up with them after a few steps and threw them into the pit with their hands raised.

In less than a moment, the battle will be over.

The pit was already crowded with people, like loaches in a basin, struggling and rolling in an attempt to escape, but being soaked in lubricant made their bodies smoother and smoother.

"You have the ability to let us out and fight head-on."

Jack roared angrily: "What kind of hero are you using tricks to calculate?"

"That makes sense."

Allen nodded seriously and said calmly: "I'm not a hero."


For a moment, the armed robbers and desperate soldiers were speechless.

Yes, Allen has been pretending to be a superhero and has never really regarded himself as a superhero. Therefore, the moral code of superheroes cannot kidnap him.

At this time, Allen dragged out the metal box hidden in the jungle and found two water guns.

"Morgan, let's punish them."

Each person uses a water gun to press the air pressure enough to spray out the lubricant filled inside.

Two people, one big and one small, squatted on the edge of the pit, spraying thick lubricating fluid on everyone in the pit.

"Shoot them in the face."

Allen grinned and exposed his gums, with a mean expression on his face, and said excitedly: "Taste the taste of facial cumshot."

"Bad guys, taste a facial cumshot."

The water gun sprayed out lubricating fluid, and everyone in the deep pit had no choice but to raise their hands to protect their faces.

What a shame.

Might as well have a good time.

The bullying finally stopped.

"Little Morgan, you go to the beach and wait for me. Then we'll go catch dolphins."

"Yeah, catch the dolphins."

When he heard that he was going to catch dolphins, Morgan danced happily, and several running figures disappeared from sight.

He stuffed the water gun back into the metal box, opened a portal, and kicked it back to Arkham Fortress.

"What do you want to do?"

Everyone in the pit watched in horror as Allen unbuttoned his pants, feeling that something was wrong.

"Stop, you've had enough."

"Damn guy, I will never let you go."

"Damn it, I must take revenge, ugh..."


Hot drinks at 37°C and a half were sprinkled on everyone's heads, which was truly unforgettable for them.

Not only did he shoot them in the face with a water gun, he also peed on their heads.

It's so bullying.

After all, they are a villain organization that wants money and people.


Allen suddenly put on his pants and said without forgetting: "A fool and a mute, let him die."

His words are extremely arrogant, and he has the aura of a bully who bullies the boy who practices the Tathagata Palm in the Xingye movie.

The words fell.

Allen turned and chased Morgan.

Not long after, we met at the beach.

With the endless sea level, except for the sun as a reference object, it is really difficult to determine the coordinate direction.

However, Allen couldn't help it.

Visualize a yacht through the lantern ring.

The two of them started galloping on the sea, sailing completely aimlessly.

At this moment, Avengers is immediately targeting the target and taking action.

Future Pharmaceuticals was the first location searched.

The company's headquarters is in America.

In the laboratory, Tony concentrated on the problem of cracking the virus.

"Here is the stabilizing potion that was just prepared."

Dr. Banner took back a light red potion and injected Pepper in his arm.

For a while, Tony couldn't solve the defect problem smoothly.

Even though Killian, who created the Extremis virus, made slow progress over the years, Tony needed to rebuild the model, and it was estimated that there would be results in a year and a half.

Of course, saving Pepper's life was not a problem.

"Fortunately, the super serum and the Extremis virus are elements that exist in the human world."

Tony said solemnly: "If I really want to mix alien substances, I will never start."

Human technology is all based on existing materials and scientific rules. Tony dares not to make a conclusion about elements beyond the scope.

Suddenly, the display screen connected to the picture.

"Tony, the target was not found."

In the picture, Natasha said solemnly: "Future Pharmaceuticals Company cashed out through the listing of stocks a year ago. The only clerks left at the headquarters are just to maintain product sales. As for Killian, he hasn't shown up for a long time. He only remotely controls the company's operations through video conferences every month."

"I understand."

Obviously, Tony has been mentally prepared.

Dare to confront the Avengers head-on, Killian must have made many arrangements. How could he sit and wait for death in the company?

Now that his wife is back and Alan has rescued his daughter Morgan, Tony is not so anxious.

Moreover, the authorities immediately stated that Killian and his organization were listed as terrorist organizations. Many bombings were analyzed one after another, many of which involved the Extremis organization.

If the Extremis organization had not surfaced, many suspicious bombings would have been classified as terrorist attacks.

Now it seems that it is very likely that the Extremis virus went out of control and caused accidental injuries.

This is because there is no motive pattern for such cases, and they are completely random.

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