American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 368: Rescue of Nanavi in ​​Progress


After taking back the buckler, and when Allen was about to leave, Bucky shouted to stop.

He and Falcon are trapped here, and it is not an easy task to escape from the siege. He wants to use this opportunity to escape from the predicament through connections.

"Kiba, what a coincidence."

Seeing an old acquaintance, Allen waved hello. Regardless of the army's impatience, he walked up to the two of them with a swagger. "Kiba is so free and traveling with the black Batman. I can't tell that you like men."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm a normal person." Sam immediately retorted: "Bucky and I are tracking down the super serum."


Allen's eyes lit up and he asked, "Does it make you feel stiff after drinking it?"

"It's a re-optimized product of your previously improved serum." Bucky explained.

"How boring are you, looking for such worthless things?"


It is worthless?

Now on the black market, a serum can be sold for millions of dollars.

However, in Allen's eyes, it is nothing worth mentioning. If necessary, you can rub it out with your hands.

Of course, for him, the super serum cannot provide an increase in strength, seventy-two times that of a normal human body, and any current serum medicine will not be effective.

Moreover, Allen doesn't look down on the little power brought by technology at all, just like the dead muscle of technological fitness is flashy.

In fact, Kunkun could no longer lift his head out of fear that the bell would shrink.

"With the proliferation of serum, there are many more superhumans in the world. If not controlled, the harm will be immeasurable." Bucky said seriously.

"Let me take a look."

Allen looked at the criminals hiding in the building and ran towards them as fast as he could.

The sound of gunfire subsided, and then figures flew out.

Allen was seen walking out carrying a password box.

For a moment, the officer's pupils shrank, and he raised his hand to signal the soldiers to be ready to fire.

The purpose of their trip was to steal the serum. With the target item in front of them, they naturally paid special attention to it.

Injecting super serum to gain superhuman strength, who can resist the temptation?

The military officers in their prime even thought about taking the opportunity to overthrow the warlords and rule a country by themselves once they had the power.

"Friend, can you give me the serum?" the officer asked.

The lockbox was opened with bare hands, and three serums were embedded in sponges to prevent collision damage during transportation.

However, Allen did not respond. Instead, he broke off a tube of serum and smelled the liquid.

"It stinks!"

There was an unpleasant and pungent smell that made Allen throw it away in disgust. At the same time, his eyes turned pitiful towards the criminals.

Sure enough, the serum was defective.

"gave it to you."

Putting down the password box, Allen raised his hand to cast the portal, looked at Bucky and Sam and shouted, "I'm going home, do you want to come with me?"

In response, Bucky and Sam made eye contact and immediately followed.

Seeing this, Walker, the new American team, shouted: "Wait, take me with you."

As a result, the portal suddenly closed without any intention of bringing him along.

The next moment, Allen and the three of them had returned to America.

As for how to locate the new American team and retrieve the buckler, Unita only needs to invade the network and call up the surveillance to know the whereabouts.

"Why give away the serum?" Sam asked in confusion.

Allen said mysteriously: "This thing is a failed product. Men who have been injected with it can't make others laugh, they can only be cheered by others. Women who have been injected with it want to make others laugh."


No wonder…

Bucky and Sam remembered that a group of men on the other side had unusually smooth faces, with no beards at all, while a few female criminals looked particularly burly.

Look at each other and smile.

The sudden serum is useless.

So what if you are given great power? If you can't do it, you can't do it, no matter how fierce you are.

"By the way, where is this place?"

Sam looked at the closed corridor, which looked like a secret military base.

Toot toot…

In an instant, eye-catching red lights flashed and a harsh siren echoed.

"Oops, my whereabouts have been exposed."

Allen said confidently: "I have a plan B."

They suddenly realized that they had been transported to a secret military base.

However, Sam calmly said: "I can intercede."

After all, he has an official background and can speak some words, so there is no need to go to war.


Allen's eyes questioned: "Nigger Batman, is your face really that good?"

"I'm Falcon. Don't call me Batman. If you mention the word nigger again, I will sue you for racial discrimination." Sam said angrily.

"Okay, nigger Falcon."


Knowing that Allen was mentally ill, Sam had no choice but to forgive him.

It’s difficult to fight again and again, but not listen after talking...

There was a sound of footsteps.

Heavily armed guards were approaching.

"Guys, don't be nervous, I'm Falcon, an active-duty Air Force major..."

There was a mysterious confidence in Sam's tone, as if he was telling his origins, and the guards opposite him must be respectful.

Bang bang bang...

“Gift crab…”

A barrage of bullets came in response, forcing the trio to retreat around the corner.

Sam, who refused to give up, stuck his head out and shouted a reminder: "I am Major Sam. I know Colonel Rhodes. We are all our own people."

Unfortunately, intensive firepower suppressed it.

And Bucky patted his shoulder, and Sam subconsciously said: "Don't comfort me, there must be some misunderstanding."

But Bucky pointed to the words on the wall and stopped talking.

What came into view was the Lex Group Employee Standards Manual.

Sam's dark cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

It was a misunderstanding after all this time.

It turned out that he had broken into the research base of Lai Tu.

At this time, Allen stretched his tibia, swung the round shield in his right hand back and forth, trying to find the feel.

Suddenly, he threw it to the guard who was maintaining a tactical formation on the opposite side.

Without even a glance, Allen retreated to the corner.

"After my precise analysis, the angle of throwing the shield just now, through the trajectory of the rebound, basically completed the clearance." Allen said very confidently.

Indeed, the suppressed gunshots no longer sounded.

The three of them leaned out along the wall to observe the situation.

In fact, the attack failed, and the round shield was deeply embedded in the wall.

And the reason why the guard stopped shooting was actually to shock the opponent's strength.

The research base located underground was originally built to resist nuclear bombs. Any wall was filled with a lot of steel bars to withstand the bombardment of howitzers.

Luther, who was in the command room, looked at the monitoring screen and ordered: "Retreat, don't make meaningless sacrifices."

Another screen showed data analysis.

The attack power of the round shield just now has been calculated to determine the lethality, so it is concluded that no matter how many guards there are, they are all sending themselves to death.

Although Luther's family is big and he doesn't care about such a small pension, he doesn't want to lose people after all.

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