American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 367: Captain America Free Falls

"Winter Soldier, Falcon, if your willful behavior leads to the failure of my mission, I will definitely send you to the military court." The new Captain America Walker threatened loudly.

Walker, who became the spokesperson of the American military, has a very powerful background.

Indeed, once something goes wrong, the military will favor him both emotionally and rationally.

In a large sense, the birth of the new Captain America is out of political show considerations.

After all, the reputation of the Avengers is getting higher and higher, and there is already a momentum to suppress the official.

"Who are you scaring?"

Sam's black temper was ignited, and he retorted: "Wearing a drama costume and holding a shield, you really think you are Captain America. I am also from the military. If you have the ability, arrest me."

The main reason is that he has a good relationship with Colonel Rhodes, the war machine, in private, and his identity and background may not be worse than the other party.

"Falcon, are you sure you want to go against me?"

Walker's overbite chin protruded more obviously, and he was vaguely impatient.

This investigation of the serum mission is the debut of the new Captain America, which is equivalent to raising the recognition, hoping to take this opportunity to replace Steve as the Captain America in the hearts of the people.

The significance is self-evident.

At that time, you only need to support the presidential candidate, which will inevitably change the people's voting choice.

But the problem is that the Winter Soldier and Falcon repeatedly obstructed the process, which led to the unsuccessful progress of the matter.

"You are right, we are coming for you."

Sam did not give any face at all, and kept signaling Bucky to join in the fight.

Bucky, who has always been taciturn, still chose to respond with a cold look.

In fact, they are not targeting Walker, but sincerely investigating the source of the serum.

Bucky has been injected with this kind of original serum, and he really wants to find out which force deliberately sells it on the market.

Of course, this serum is the most perfect version injected by Steve.

All because it came from Allen's hands. When Hydra took away the single serum, it was far inferior to the mixed version of the double serum, and the formula data has never been cracked.

This makes the injection effect of Red Skull and Bucky not as good as Steve's overall improvement.

After decades of technological progress, the serum has been optimized again and again, which is a fairly stable result, and it does not need to be integrated with instruments.

However, during the three-way exchange of fire, the country's army blocked the city and surrounded them with armored vehicles.

Black eating black!

The biggest customer of the serum is the warlords of various European countries.

This transaction is naturally the dictator of Gigonia. At this time, the army showed up, and you can guess what the reason is.

Not only did he take the opportunity to obtain the serum, but he didn't need to pay US dollars, which was simply killing two birds with one stone.

As for whether to offend the seller, he may rely on the army in his hands and be so blindly arrogant that he doesn't take it seriously.

In fact, many dictators are short-sighted and rely on ruthlessness to get to the top, and they will not consider the power of the interest groups behind the serum.

"Everyone listen, put down your weapons and surrender. The consequences of not obeying the order will be regarded as spies of the enemy country and killed without mercy."

As an officer shouted through the loudspeaker, the three parties in the exchange of fire quickly fell into the bunker.

"I'm Captain America, representing America, and I'm calling on you to arrest criminals." Walker shouted confidently.

Among all countries, America is undoubtedly the strongest, and small countries must give face in the past.

But he was responded with machine gun fire.

A burst of dense firepower shot the wall where Walker was hiding into a hornet's nest.

"This is Gigonia, I don't know any Captain America, surrender immediately." The officer said coldly.

All three of them are from foreign countries. Even if the matter gets out of hand, America is at fault, and at most she can find an excuse to retaliate afterwards.

The reason is that the international order must be carried out through the United Nations.

Besides, the United Nations in the world has the support of the Justice League and the Avengers, not the international organization in Allen's hometown. It is completely like an activity room for the elderly and has no practical significance.

"Damn it, I should be basking in the sun in Hawaii, and I am so cheap to get involved in this matter."

Sam observed the weapons equipped by the army through the drones dropped in the sky.

Once they dare to take off and fly, dozens of missiles will be guaranteed to chase them closely.

On the ground, the armored vehicles all had heavy machine guns. Even though they had serum enhancement, they still couldn't resist bullets with their bodies.

"You are dark, don't get sunburned." Bucky said suddenly.

Sam said angrily: "Man, what time is it? Black humor, now you should think..."

While thinking about getting out, Sam's goggles showed a familiar figure.

"Captain America?"

It should be the second Captain America.

The new Captain America is still hiding behind the bunker, and the suddenly appearing Captain America is on the roof.

Before the real Captain America Steve left, the whole Avengers held a farewell party.

According to the time estimate, in his mind, Steve has lived from World War II to now, and he may be an old man wearing diapers.


At the same time, the soldiers looked at the source of the sound.

Allen put his hands on his waist and said proudly: "Captain Lao Deng, come to see you."

After that, he jumped from more than ten floors high.


Free landing, lying directly on the ground.


The soldiers were stunned with shock.


Why did he jump off the building?

I wanted to hold it in, but ended up with a loose stool.

"Sorry, I didn't adjust my naked posture properly."

Alan jumped up, with no sign of injury. He wanted to land like a hero, but unfortunately he landed on his face first.

Fortunately, the six full-level professions, 72 times the physical strength of ordinary people, just like a slight bump.

"You... what's the matter with you?"

The officer naturally realized that the other party was extraordinary. It was fine to fall from such a high place. If it were a normal person, he would die on the spot. Suddenly, he realized that the visitor was a superhuman, and his words became much more friendly.

"Obviously, I am Captain America, come here to find your shield."

Alan strode towards Walker behind the bunker, stretched out his hand and said as a matter of course: "Give it to me."

"I can't give it to you, it's national property."

What a joke, he is the successor of the new Captain America, and he went out to do a few days of missions, and lost his job. Will he come out to mix in the future?

"It seems to make sense."

Alan asked calmly: "Are you willing to sacrifice to protect national property?"

"Of course..."

The word "willing" almost came out, and Walker immediately realized the meaning of the words.

Seeing Allen holding the concrete wall with both hands, like pinching tofu board, a cold sweat broke out on his back.

A wall that not even a bullet could penetrate, coupled with a superhuman physique, he couldn't help but wonder if he could take a punch from the other party.

"Here you go."

He offered the round shield with both hands very tactfully.

"Be philanthropic, you can't be Captain America without a butt chin."

Alan cast an approving look and weighed the round shield.

As expected, it was no longer adamantium, but should be made of 100% vibranium.

He had come into contact with round shields during World War II, which were at least five or six times heavier and much worse in performance.

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