American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 345 Allen scares away the ghost nun

Under the white cloth is an oil painting with a very period feel.

The content is a portrait of a nun.


Allen touched his chin and looked at the oil painting.

I feel like I've seen it before, but I still can't remember it.

"If you don't have talent, don't come out and embarrass yourself."

Allen crossed his hands and reached into his armpits, took out a set of cosmetics, and raised a proud smile on his lips: "It seems that it needs some touch-up by the abstract painter in my soul."

As for where the cosmetics came from, they were dug out of the master bedroom last night when they were tricking the undead.

The specific situation last night can be said to be an unbearable memory for the undead.

While Allen was drawing graffiti on the nun's portrait, a figure walked out of the shadows in the corner.

Due to the light, only the lower body of the figure is visible, while the upper body itself has been hidden in the shadows, silently walking towards the position of the oil painting.

However, as he was immersed in artistic creation, Allen was unaware that the danger was approaching.


After a while, the oil painting took on a new look.

"Looking at it this way, the artistic content is as high as three or four stories high."

Allen raised the oil painting with satisfaction, and the approaching figure suddenly stopped. This is because oil painting is a medium that reflects reality, and it must be overlapped and integrated to achieve the effect of interfering with reality.

After Allen's artistic processing, the nun no longer looks dignified, but has an extra layer of festive elements.

A pair of flaming red lips, like round blush on the face of a paper man, especially using an eyebrow pencil to add a lot of freckles on the eye sockets, the eyelashes are particularly centered, and very thoughtfully, air bangs are drawn on the forehead.

If you see the oil painting at first glance, you will feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Now, there is an inexplicable joy from every angle.

"I am an abstract painter who studied under the leadership of the Führer. I will definitely be able to sell it for a big price in the future."

When he thought that he was someone who could do great things, Allen did not hesitate to put his signature on it.

Greek painter, Lun Ai Dashi.

Put the easel back on.

Finding nothing suspicious, Allen prepared to exit the attic.

He casually walked to the door and twisted the doorknob, but it didn't move at all.


Allen studied the door handle and said with a strange expression: "It was still possible to open the door just now."

At this moment, the shadow coincides with the position of the oil painting. A pair of pale and cracked hands grasps the edge of the frame. Vaguely, a body is trying to break away from the shadow and come to reality.

"There is a situation."

Suddenly I felt a hint of coolness behind me.

Allen suddenly looked back and saw a figure wearing a nun's black robe, holding an oil painting as a substitute for his head and looking at him.

It's just an oil painting that has been artistically processed. It's not scary at all.

"Ghost nun!?"

Suddenly I was reminded of a high-scoring horror movie.

Among them, there is exactly one scene with exactly the same plot.

But the problem is that Allen never watches serious movies, and the adult horror action film and television area is also an area of ​​intensive cultivation.

For example, the five-part series that is still fresh in my memory revolves around the humiliating experience of the ghost nun’s ‘uh-huh’.

It is worth mentioning that Allen gave his comments very seriously.

The actor received negative five stars.

The costumes are starry.

Seeing the ghost nun approaching slowly, Allen leaned against the door and slowly raised the lipstick in his hand.

At this time, the ghost nun stopped in confusion, staring at the other party with a pair of golden eyes, thinking about what he was up to.

Ellen pouted her lips like chrysanthemums and applied Death Barbie pink lipstick.


Purse your lips to spread evenly.

"Come on, Beibei."


Allen pouted, his upper lip raised high, and his eyes kept casting flirtatious glances, looking extremely expectant.

Once upon a time, I could only stare at it through the screen.

Now that the person involved is in front of him, Allen wants to challenge his weakness.

Seeing this situation, the ghost nun hesitated.

You are crazy.

I am a devil after all, can you respect me a little bit?

Allen raised his head and signaled to hurry up, without caring about the ghost nun's feelings.

However, the ghost nun finally backed down and was actually preparing to slowly retreat into the shadows.

"Don't run!"

Female ghosts and stuff, I like them the most.

After finally seizing the opportunity, how could Allen let it go.

Last time, he was courteous to Ah Zhen in every possible way.

A man was running as fast as he could, rushing towards the oil painting.

The ghost nun quickly retreated, and in a blink of an eye the oil painting was back on the easel, and her body disappeared into the shadows.


Allen held up the oil painting and shouted with an unwilling face: "Sister Sister, come out, I am a sinner, I have sins, I need redemption, I need purification, I am not serious, give me a chance to be a new person..."

Unfortunately, no matter how much I begged, I never got a response.

At the same moment, Rowling, who was giving a lecture on supernatural phenomena at the University of Chicago, suddenly felt dizzy.

Her husband Ed, who was in charge of showing the slideshow, immediately stepped forward to help his wife.

They are the famous exorcists Warren and his wife, the only exorcists recognized by the church.

He has solved hundreds of supernatural incidents and has a warehouse full of supernatural items.

"Lowling, do you have a premonition?"

"That's right, Ed."

Rowling closed her eyes, pressed her temples with her fingers to relieve the symptoms, and explained: "I sensed the appearance of an ancient and evil demon."

In the audience, the students who didn't know what was going on felt that the husband and wife team were just pretending.

After all, all of us are college students, and we can be regarded as educated people to some extent. How can we not believe in science and become superstitious?

“In Los Angeles, we have to go.”

"I'll arrange it right away."


Alan walked out of the attic with a look of regret.

The eyes of the dead twitched, because the pink lips were too eye-catching.


Alan hooked Uncle Ben's shoulder and said with regret: "I almost killed the horror on the spot."

"What did you see in there?"

The dead pricked up their ears, very curious about what was hidden in the isolation.

"Black silk nun."


Hearing this, the dead did not believe it. They had stayed in the haunted house for so long and had seen more than one owner go in and out of the isolation without any problem, so they became more curious.

However, the dead had all lived in the haunted house before, but once they died here, their memories of the attic disappeared.

The dead did not believe it, and Alan was too lazy to explain too much. He just went into the master bedroom to sleep and reminded him: "Call me when it's time to eat."

The dead looked at each other and had no choice but to obey.

Fortunately, this guy was not the owner of the house, otherwise he would enslave them like slaves.

Dinner time.

Bruce was devastated, and sat at the dining table with a dull expression like an Alzheimer's patient.

"Lusi, cheer up."

Allen fed him a spoonful of food, held his chin with one hand, helped him chew, and said casually: "It's no big deal, the master can do it to a woman over 5,000 years old."

Of course, the woman over 5,000 years old is Wonder Woman.

Bruce's eyes regained a little spirit, and he wanted to hear the follow-up.

"She is a demigod, and her life is eternal youth. I just blindly put my warm face on a cold butt."

Allen fed him the food and kept recounting his glorious deeds.

Demigod, eternal youth.

Bruce fell into despair again. The real old lady Gu Xi, whom he asked for a kiss, was completely incomparable.

"Although I put my warm face on a cold butt, in a few years, hum..." Allen's tone became disdainful.

"In a few years, how about it?" Bruce couldn't help asking.

"When I'm strong enough, I'll chase her and lick her ass."


This is still a dog licker, but it's a hard licker.

He doesn't even care about his face.


The landline rings.

Alan put down the spoon, picked up the phone and asked: "What the hell, I..."

"Master, save me!"

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