American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 344 Bruce is ruined

Second floor.

Allen was close to the door of the guest bedroom, eavesdropping on the movements in the room.

The ghosts looked helplessly at the sneaky psychopath.

Overnight, the darkest moment came, and the ghost life was hit hard.

As a permanent resident of the haunted house and a feared earthbound spirit, he was bullied last night. It was simply the most unsuccessful night since he became a ghost.

Allen's face was full of smiles, and he did not forget to describe himself: "Why do I feel like the cuckolded male protagonist in the educational film who came home from get off work and found his wife cheating on him."


The angle of this description is very tricky.

He is clearly the persecutor, but he is described as a victim.

At this time, Allen took a step back and looked ready to kick the door in.

Of course, the ghosts were looking forward to the episode between Bruce and Moira.

After all, Moira's reputation was not very good, and she often seduced the new male owner of the resident. In fact, everyone did not want to contact the old lady Gu Xi, whose life was not simple.

Although she was 30 years old when she died, she is now a 70-year-old woman and still likes to talk about other people's families.


Kick the door open.

Bruce and Noila Mo were entangled in bed. When they heard the sound of the door breaking, they immediately pulled the quilt to cover their exposed bodies.

"You are sick."

Bruce roared angrily: "I have tolerated you for a long time, don't force me to turn against you."

Good things were messed up by others, and anyone would be furious.

Especially when you are in high spirits, a sudden shock can easily make you impotent for life.

Allen said earnestly: "Lusi, I don't want you to make a mistake."

"I told you not to call me Lusi, I am Bruce, Bruce Wayne." Bruce corrected angrily.

"Okay, Lusi."

Alan perfunctorily said, "I'm here to show you the truth."

And Noila Mo held the quilt tightly, close to Bruce's back.

But in the eyes of Allen and the undead, an old woman leaning on a young man in his early twenties is simply a moral decline and a distortion of humanity.

Fortunately, Bruce couldn't see the undead crowding the guest bedroom to watch the show.

But the next scene may be a painful memory he will never forget.

"What truth?"

Bruce said angrily: "You are a psychopath, a complete lunatic, I don't believe anything you say."


Alan responded lightly, and he didn't want to waste his words.

Just raising his hand, a white light burst out from his fingers and fell on him.

Priest skill, cleansing light.

Can dispel any negative effects and be immune to any negative effects for five minutes.

Bruceston felt warm all over. He looked at himself and found that he had not changed. He did not forget to reach out and gently stroke Noila Mo's hand, comforting her: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Something is wrong! ?

Noila Mo's hand, which should have been smooth, suddenly became wrinkled and rough.

Subconsciously turning his head to observe, he suddenly saw a face with gray hair and loose skin that showed his old age. Due to the loss of collagen, his eye sockets collapsed, and his eyes were covered with a layer of gray like cataracts.

"Who are you?"

Bruce's expression froze, and his brain seemed to be down.

"Bruce, I am Noila Mo, you said you would protect me for the rest of my life." Noila Mo always showed a pitiful and compliant attitude.


After a few seconds of overload, Bruce finally regained his sanity.

"Fuck you."

Kicked the dusk lover over with one foot.

Bruceston felt his stomach churning, and the memory of Fang Ke and the two desperately asking for a kiss surged into his heart, and an uncontrollable feeling of nausea swept over his brain.


A burst of nausea and dry heaving.

Unfortunately, I hadn't eaten anything in the morning, so my stomach was empty and I could only vomit out a little stomach acid.

At the same time, Bruce saw the dead in the bedroom, looking at him with strange eyes.

To die in public.

Killing people and destroying their hearts.

At this moment, Bruce felt that he was naked and people saw him naked.

The bad news was that he was naked.

The good news was that the people who saw him naked were not human.

"Lusi, think about it, you didn't suffer any loss anyway."

Allen comforted: "Think about it in a positive direction, others get happiness by doubling the number, you at least get three times the age and get three times the happiness."


With a wow, Bruce couldn't control his emotions anymore, and cried bitterly with his head in his hands.

The seventy-year-old old lady was older than his grandmother.

"You are a child, please stop watching."

To save Bruce's face, Alan drove away the ghosts who were joining in the fun, and did not forget to tell Noila Mo: "You comfort him like his grandson."


Bruce cried even louder, pulled off the quilt to cover his whole body, trying to escape the reality that hurt him.

Back to the first floor.

Alan summoned the ghosts.

Supernatural events must be solved, but they did not do anything excessive, and it was a bit too much to put them to death.

So, Alan planned to eradicate the problem of the haunted house.

"Who can tell me about the situation of the haunted house?"

Faced with Alan's inquiry, the ghosts looked at each other and nominated the reluctant Uncle Ben to explain.

In fact, none of them could explain it.

They could only provide one clue, that if you die in the haunted house, you will be trapped forever and cannot be reborn.

"There is a problem with the attic."

Violet said bluntly: "We can't enter the attic. It seems that there is a mysterious force that blocks outsiders from entering. Living people can enter without obstacles. You need to explore the specific situation yourself."

"Okay, I'll go into the attic to find out."

Alan got up and went straight to the attic, and the undead followed nervously.

To be honest, they hope to be free, rather than being trapped in the haunted house day after day.

It is obvious that no one sets foot in the attic on the third floor on weekdays, and the escalator is covered with a layer of dust.

In front of the attic door, Alan looked back at the undead who crowded the stairs and stared at him.

"Everyone come closer, I feel more at ease with you at the door."

The undead shook their heads decisively and refused. They had died once, but they were unwilling to risk their lives again.

So, knowing that there is a tiger in the mountain, don't go to the mountain.

"I am the protagonist of this book. I am not afraid of even the stupid author, but I am afraid of the NPC in the book."

Turning the door handle decisively, Alan walked into the attic.


Suddenly, the door slammed shut.

The ghosts were frightened, as if a heavy hammer hit their hearts.

"Are you scared?"

The door opened again, and Allen poked his head out and said, "I just want to adjust the atmosphere."


Sure enough, worrying is unnecessary, and we should worry about the horror in the attic.

The door closed again, and the ghosts waited patiently for the result.


Allen touched the light switch next to the door frame.

The energy-saving lamps emitted dim light, which made the isolation particularly depressing.

As far as the eye could see, there were old furniture and daily necessities piled up in the house, which seemed to be used as a storage room.

"Oh ha yo..."

Allen said to himself, "I am a soft and sticky boy who can be salty or sweet. Is there any scary monster bullying me?"

Naturally, no one responded.

Touching his chin, Allen thought: "It seems that my aura is too strong, which frightened the evil spirits."

"The first step of the A-style exorcism is to open the curtains."

After that, he walked to the window and opened the curtains, allowing the light from outside to fully shine in.

At the same time, the layout of the house can be seen more clearly.

In short, it is nothing more than a dusty piano with no tables, chairs or benches.

The only feature that meets the characteristics of a horror movie is the picture frame covered with white cloth.

Alan, who was uncomfortable all over, did not hesitate to pull off the white cloth.

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