American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 340: Allen performs exorcism on Barry's family

"Who is Barry?"

Bruce leaned closer to the newspaper and saw a piece of news on it.

It tells the story of a family of three who are facing a supernatural event and seek help from relevant experts.

"He is the Flash in another multiverse and has the speed to catch up with time." Allen said honestly.

Unfortunately, Bruce did not believe in the nonsense of the multiverse at all, so he did not ask any more meaningless questions.

After finding out the information above, Allen decided to find out.

Supernatural events, in his opinion, are easy to deal with.

The main reason is that until now, no way to provide experience has been found.

"This should be the work of an exorcist. Do you have the ability to exorcise demons?"

Bruce had already wanted to retreat. Before meeting Allen, he had maintained a sneer attitude towards the supernatural.

Now it seems that he would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than to die recklessly.

"Just have hands."

Alan has a priest profession. Whether it is a ghost or a demon, a failure humiliation ray will be enough.

He turned to look at the sign on the wall.

Broadway Theater

"First, get dressed."

Alan pried open the back door of the theater with his bare hands, and took Bruce to find a set of clothes suitable for an exorcist.


Night fell.

In the suburbs of Los Angeles.

In a mansion.

The Barry family stayed in the living room nervously and dared not sleep.

"Henry, why don't we move out."

"Nora, we don't have extra savings to move out."

"I'm really scared, the house is full of abnormalities."

"Don't worry, I'll always be with you."


Barry curled up on the sofa, watching his parents communicate with each other, feeling helpless.

Not long ago, the whole family moved to Los Angeles and was surprised to see a mansion with a surprisingly cheap price. Father Henry bought it without hesitation, and mother Nora liked it very much after just moving in.

And he was very satisfied with the layout of the new home, and with the internship opportunity of the police forensic doctor, he felt that the family could settle down smoothly.

Good days did not last for more than three days, and bizarre things happened frequently.

The torture made the family nervous and nervous, and they were afraid to fall asleep at night, worried that they would wake up lying on the lawn outside the house.

"Barry, why don't you stay in the police dormitory for a few days and come back after the exorcist takes care of everything." Henry suggested.

"No, father, I don't want you to be in danger."

Barry shook his head and comforted: "You sleep in the living room first, I will be responsible for the night watch, and I can sleep for a few hours at work during the day."


Outside the house, a strong wind blew without warning, making the windows bang.

"Don't be nervous, the window is not closed tightly."

Henry comforted his frightened wife and closed the unlocked window.



Suddenly, the house fell into darkness.

His wife Nora couldn't help but hold her head and scream.


The next moment, a lightning flashed across the night sky.

Suddenly, the family of three hugged each other in fear, their eyes kept looking around, as if there were many invisible evil spirits hiding in the darkness.


The door opened.

All they could see was black.


As another flash of lightning flashed by, two black figures appeared at the door.

However, a flashlight shone into the room, followed by the voice of a strange man.

"Don't be nervous, we are exorcists."

Hearing that they were exorcists, the Barry family felt much calmer.

The visitors were Alan and Bruce, who came according to the address in the newspaper.

The flashlight was shone in the house.

Alan locked the location of the switch box and walked forward to check calmly, while Bruce was hesitant to step into the house.


The switch was turned on.

The light was restored immediately.

The Barry family saw the visitors clearly. Both of them were wearing long black robes, which gave them a sense of mystery in the supernatural field.

"The circuit breaker tripped."

When Alan turned on the switch, he pulled out the insulating ceramic on the push rod.

He never looked at the undead next to the switch box.

It is worth mentioning that this undead is the isomorph of Quicksilver.

Tate blinked, looked at Alan, then looked at the copper plate on the switch, his expression was dull.

The dead are afraid of electricity. If he touches the copper plate with his bare hands, he may be annihilated on the spot.

"In this room, I can feel a very terrifying spiritual pressure."

Alan's eyes swept across the hall. The chairs, sofas, tables, stairs... were full of dead people watching him.

Of course, it was meaningless to expose them in public.

"Father, please help us."

Nora seemed to grab a life-saving straw, and anxiously grabbed Alan's plea.

"Ma'am, please rest assured, exorcism is my job."

Alan did not forget to remind: "And I am not a clergyman, but a wizard who graduated from Hogwarts."

As he said that, he took out a wrinkled certificate from his arms, flashed it in front of Nora, and put it away.

"As long as they can exorcise demons, wizards don't matter."

Henry stepped forward and grabbed Alan's hand, vowing: "As long as you can help us solve the ghosts in the house, I will definitely pay you."

"Everyone sit down and talk."

Alan let the couple hold his hands, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Waiting for everyone to sit around the sofa, Bruce was very reluctant to enter the house, and his eyes were furtively observing the surroundings.

"Did you encounter something strange?" Alan asked knowingly.

How could a room full of undead live in peace?

However, if you have to go through the relevant procedures, it will appear more professional.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Wizard, our family has not been able to live a peaceful life since we moved in. When we go to bed and wake up in the yard, things are often moved inexplicably, and sometimes we hear strange noises..."

Nora kept recounting her experiences.

Behind the family of three, a group of undead stood rolling their eyes.

It's just a harmless threat, but it scares people into confusion. If they really want to get some serious information, they will be frightened to the point of mental breakdown and become a madman.

"I can confirm that there is a demon hiding here."

Allen was talking seriously: "The characteristics of demonic invasion are divided into three steps. First, by creating various fearful things, the target's spirit will be weakened. Second, by gradually increasing the frequency of appearance, so that the target is always in fear. Third, once the mental breakdown occurs, It’s the stage of demonic possession and taking away the soul.”

"Fortunately, you are at the first step and the problem is not big." Allen gave the solution: "Your family will temporarily live outside until I expel the devil and then come back."

"What, it turns out he is a liar."

"I can't tell the difference between the undead and demons. I thought I really met an exorcist."

"I can't wait to make him cry and run away."


A group of undead people were discussing each other, and they didn't notice a hint of cunning flashing in Allen's eyes.

Only Allen could hear their conversation, which was mainly the effect of the omniscient spiritual skills of the mage profession.

Unless the undead take the initiative to make themselves visible and audible to ordinary people, they are just like air.

That night, Barry's family of three packed up and went out, deciding to find a cheap motel to stay for a few days.

"Master, is there really a demon in this house?"

There were only two people left in the house.

There is a trace of Bruce calling him master, and it is basically reflected when he asks for help from Allen.

"There is no devil in the world. Just believe in science."

Allen took off his drama costume and explained matter-of-factly: "Gods and ghosts are all made up by religion to deceive people. You can do this."

After a long silence, Bruce asked: "How do you explain yourself?"

"Of course I'm human. Have you ever seen a god who eats hamburgers and Coke?"


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