American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 271 Allen is secretly supporting friendly forces

"Sir Allen."

Santiya pointed to the thousands of armed forces in front of her and introduced: "These are the most elite soldiers of the rebel army, who are willing to devote their lives to complete their mission."

The soldiers with solemn expressions were not only equipped with firearms, but also had heavy firepower similar to rocket launchers. A very few of them carried explosive packs and were already prepared to die.

The rebel armies deployed in various cities were tasked with raiding sweatshops and rescuing more slaves.

The true intention is to be the first to attract the attention of the Supreme Evolution.

Then, the armed forces launched a surprise attack on three military bases on the satellite, striving to surprise and defeat threats from outer space.

In the end, they invaded the high-tech center in one fell swoop and overthrew the rule of the Supreme Evolution.

"When to act?"

Allen looked calm.

If he were to rescue his teammates alone, it would be difficult to successfully do so.

The main supreme evolution can concentrate its forces to encircle and suppress them at the first time. At that time, they will face the dilemma of being unable to do anything at all.

What's more, you can't figure out what kind of high-tech weapons the other party is equipped with, and you will fall into an irreversible situation if you accidentally fall into it.

If the warrior profession reaches its full level, Allen will start seeking death without hesitation.

After all, if you can't beat it, just choose to return to the main timeline.

"Now we have to wait."

Santiya took out something similar to a tablet, kept an eye on the news, and explained: "We have to wait for the rebels to take action."

If the rebels launch an offensive, there will definitely be heavy casualties if there is a firefight.

However, in order to change the fate of mankind, necessary casualties are inevitable.

Sweatshops located outside the city are erected with metal wire fences and high-voltage electricity is maintained around the clock.

Moreover, the orc soldiers patrol continuously to prevent millions of slaves from escaping.

There are hundreds of similar sweatshops all over Windagore, imprisoning hundreds of millions of humans and squeezing their labor force day after day.

On the watchtower, the lion general was smoking high-end tobacco and sipping luxury drinks, looking completely bored.

In the Orc Knight Legion, lions and tigers generally serve as general commanders.

Leopards, werewolves, and elephants are middle-level leaders.

The soldiers at the bottom are generally rabbits and ratmen.

In the biological world, carnivores and large animals generally have weaker reproductive capabilities than herbivores, and the same is true in orc society.

In particular, Rabbits and Rats are the main force in fertility.

A fox adjutant came to report: "Chief, 322 slaves died today."

The lion general slowly blew out a smoke ring and said nonchalantly: "Throw it into the boiler and burn it, and then apply to the breeding farm for a batch of 500 young slaves."

"Five hundred heads?"

Fox Heart smiled understandingly and said, "I'll do it right away."

"Remember not to talk nonsense and follow the old rules."

The lion general did not forget to remind him and closed his eyes leisurely to rest.

If the animals on Windagore become intelligent species, then there will be no livestock for meat, and the top military officials responsible for supervising the sweatshops will often overreport slaves in the name of supplementing slaves, thereby privately slaughtering slaves for food.

Fortunately, there are not many carnivorous orcs. Otherwise, human slaves will become meat animals and eventually be eaten out.

In today's orc society, there are synthetic protein meat products. Although they come in many flavors, the flavor of the meat is modulated and cannot be compared with real meat. As a result, there are frequent murders of carnivorous orcs attacking herbivorous orcs.

If it weren't for the supreme evolution secretly ruling, the orc society might have split into two camps.


Suddenly, a rocket hit the watchtower.

The deployed rebels launched a fierce offensive.

Heavy weapons took the lead in demolishing the wall, giving the mobile troops the conditions to advance.

The flames of the explosion engulfed the enjoying lion general, causing chaos in the orc army that suppressed the sweatshop.

In fact, in frontal combat, the rebel army is no match for the orc army.

The strategic goal is to contain the enemy with a surprise attack and give the elite troops time to act.

In this battle, the human side is destined to pay a heavy price, but if it can win, all the sacrifices will be worth the bloodshed.

News after news reports of attacks on sweatshops.

Almost all news platforms promoted it immediately.

This is one of the supreme evolution's methods of controlling public opinion, and it is intended to make the orcs hate and hate humans.

In Allen's opinion, it was a signal to attack the satellite military base.

Raising his hand, three portals were formed.

Inside the portal is a metal wall.

"Explode!" Santiya ordered.

Following the order, several soldiers quickly installed high explosives.

Allen has never entered a military base, so naturally he cannot pass the portal directly to the inside, so he can only destroy the gate.

Once installation is complete, close the portal immediately.

After calculating the explosion time for ten seconds, Allen opened the portal again.

This time, there was a gap large enough for several people to pass through.

"Commanders, go to war!"

The moment they received the order, the heavily armed soldiers rushed into the military base without fear of life and death and quickly occupied the landing position.

In fact, the orc army in the military base can only exert its true combat power by driving fighter planes and spaceships. Being in a closed environment, it cannot reflect its true value.

Not even as good as the military stationed on the planet.

What's more, most of them are drivers, and their frontal firefighting capabilities are not as good as ordinary infantry.

"Suppressive fire."

"Use the bazooka!"

"Destroy the hatch."


Occupying the entrance to the military base went surprisingly smoothly, simply because the opponent was caught off guard.

Allen's chicken-thief's portal is located on the side instead of the main entrance.

Prevent the orc soldiers from closing the entrance chamber and prevent elite troops from being trapped in the vacuum environment and suffocating to death.

Puff puff……

Intense energy rays prevent the elite troops from advancing.

"Yo..., Gauss rifle."

Allen was still in the sewer base camp, but there were several big screens in front of him that were live broadcasting the battle.

The squad unit has a camera that can transmit battlefield information at all times.

As for why it should be shown to Allen, the reason is that he is responsible for fire support.

Although the orc soldiers in the military base have poor personal qualities, they have genuine cosmic civilization-level individual weapons in their hands, which can easily suppress the invading enemy forces.


After that, Allen picked up the rocket launcher and loaded a rocket.

In a flash, a teleportation array was opened behind the orc soldiers.


The next moment, rockets fell in the tactical formation of the orc soldiers.


Allen blew the rocket launcher and said arrogantly: "If you can die in the hands of my Gotham Artillery King, you will have no regrets in this life."

"Come and try Sa's happy double cannon."

With a rocket launcher in each hand and a rocket launcher on his shoulder, Allen immediately supported the next battlefield.

Anyway, there are rows of rockets piled up next to him, enough for him to use his strength to destroy.

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