American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 270 Allen contributed to the uprising process

"You know magic!?"

A hint of curiosity flashed in the eyes of the old woman leader.

Allen made a hand gesture, with a halo of magic lingering in his hands, and said proudly: "I not only know magic, I can also use magic."

Seeing the unfamiliar magic system, the old woman restrained her momentum and said very cautiously: "Elder of the Elemental Clan, Santiya has met you."

"Hello, Human Mage Allen."

Obviously, Allen cannot be an enemy.

When the supreme evolution encounters a creature proficient in magic, it will definitely choose to capture it and study it so as to master the ability to use magic.

She herself is a perfect example.

"Anselway, Mr. Allen and I have something to discuss. You should guard outside the door."

"Okay, leader."

Santia dismissed her men out of caution, not out of distrust of Anthaway.

How could she not tell that the existence of the rebel army was caused deliberately by the Supreme Evolution.

Orc society is a whole. If there is no external goal to release pressure, internal chaos will inevitably occur, which is obviously not in line with long-term rule.

"How long have you been here?" Santiya asked.

"I just arrived today."

Allen said calmly: "I am a bounty hunter. I am on a rescue mission. My teammates were captured by the Supreme Evolution before they were ambushed. I am worried about how to save people."

"Rescue mission?" Santiya asked in confusion.

"There is a sixth man who calls himself Colin, the Priest of the Universal Race, and offers 100,000 energy coins to rescue the princess of their race."

Allen spoke frankly about the content of the mission.

We are both destitute people from the end of the world, why should we be so intrigued by each other?

Furthermore, Allen wants to use the information possessed by the other party to figure out the location of the supreme evolution.

"You should be fooled."

Santia was very sure: "The Universal Clan is a barbaric race that has just entered the universe. They often sell their fellow tribesmen to earn energy coins. It is very likely that the so-called princess was betrayed by them themselves."

ah! ?

Allen was shocked and couldn't help complaining: "How poor you are, you can sell your own princess."

"The universe is so big that all kinds of races exist."

Santiya said contemptuously: "In front of money, they can betray the king."

"It must be the conspiracy of the Kryptonians, a biological and chemical weapon called Blackwater, and it takes so much effort."

At this moment, Allen concluded that the Kryptonian civilization was behind it.

Santiya agreed with this conjecture.

In the universe, the Kryptonian civilization is also not a good bird.

Civilizations belonging to the second echelon have been trying to join the Fourth Empire and have committed many murderous crimes.

If it were not for the Green Lantern Corps to suppress and maintain the order of the universe, it might be possible to kill all living beings to plunder the resources of the ecological planet.

The Green Lantern Corps, known as the city management of the universe, has the strength to compete with a universe empire.

Of course, the Green Lantern Corps has other allies of the Lantern Corps, so it is not an existence that the Universal Empire can handle.

"My home planet of the elemental clan was destroyed in a war a long time ago, and the surviving clansmen collectively joined the Shi'ar Empire."

Santia was an army commander of the Shi'ar Empire. During the war against the Kree Empire, she was unfortunately captured and sold to the Supreme Evolution.

Fortunately, one of the abilities of the elemental family can transform between reality and reality, so he escaped from birth and avoided the fate of becoming an experimental subject.

"Sister, the rebel army you organized is probably no match for the Supreme Evolution."

Allen said bluntly: "To be honest, I guess cannon fodder is not even considered."

"I know."

The weapons of the rebel army are all firearms. It is simply wishful thinking to fight against a cosmic civilization-level opponent.

In Santhiya's eyes, it was as primitive as burning a fire stick.

"The purpose of the rebel army is to rescue humans in sweatshops. The real core force against the supreme evolution is the orc scientists who share the same beliefs."

Orcs are not inherently evil creatures either.

In particular, the orc scientists who serve the Supreme Evolution know very well how so many different kinds of orcs came to be on the Windagor planet, so they have secret compassion and hope to build a planet where intelligent races can coexist.

In fact, the sweatshops that exploit humans can be completely replaced by robots.

No rational creature can bear to look directly at the cruel acts of the Supreme Evolution.

"Unfortunately, now is not the time."

Santia sighed and said: "There is an army of orc knights stationed on Windagore, but it is not the key issue. The most troublesome is the deployment of fighter planes, spaceships, and a starship in outer space. The only problem we face is how to Landing on a military base on a satellite."

In the war within the planet, the rebels and the orc allies can handle both.

But the main enemy is in space, how can they get there.

Strictly speaking, once the Windagore planet is out of control, the Supreme Evolution will not mind bombarding it from the outer space level, and it will not be difficult to bulldoze it and build an orc planet.

Therefore, the rebels only have one chance, and they can only succeed but not fail.

"That's not easy."

As soon as Allen raised his hand, a portal appeared.

And on the other side of the door is outer space.

As soon as he touched his temple, the oxygen mask film solidified, and Allen walked through the door in one step.

"It's amazing. It's actually space magic. Can you teach it to me?"

Santiya transformed into an elemental body and followed. She couldn't hide her shocked tone, but realized the rudeness and hurriedly changed her words: "I'm sorry, I was rude."

Different systems of magic are the trump cards for races with magical talents to settle down and survive. How can they be easily taught to other races.

"no problem."

Allen put forward a condition: "The premise is that you must help me rescue my teammates."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Hearing this, Santiya was overjoyed. A piece of space magic is so valuable, no less valuable than an artifact.

The two of them traveled to many places in space and clearly observed the locations of various military bases.

At that time, the teleported army can land on the satellite and capture the base, thus eliminating the threat from space.

"Sir, I will contact my allies immediately, please wait for my news."

Santia couldn't wait to save Windagore. At the same time, she longed to return to the Shi'ar Empire and reunite with her family.

As long as she contacts the Shi'ar Empire, she can help Windagore apply to join a satellite state and obtain asylum from a cosmic empire.

at the same time.

In the exclusive laboratory of Supreme Evolution.

"What a perfect masterpiece."

The Supreme Evolution looked at the golden girl in the petri dish, as if looking at a flawless work of art.

Beside him, the orc scientist used his peripheral vision to look at the experimental subject that had been dismembered into pieces.

“On the road to evolution, there must always be sacrifices.”

The Supreme Evolution was dissatisfied with the mercy of his subordinates and said casually: "No. 1 is the most perfect product. I plan to appoint her as the Queen of the Supreme Clan."

The surviving experimental subjects were naturally renamed. After all, many defects were improved and they were different from the despicable Universal Clan.

"Select some experimental subjects and sell them to the Kree Empire nobles as playthings."

"Okay, Master."

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