American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 198 Allen joins the Church of Hermes

[Character]: Allen (4/10)

[Occupation]: lv10 mage


Spell comprehension: Through the principles, you can comprehend new magic, professional level +5, spell slot +1.

Arcane Talent: Any existing magic can be easily mastered.

Elemental affinity: As the level increases, the affinity of various elements increases by 100%.

Spell prompt lv0: As the skill level increases, the time for reciting the spell will be reduced by 10% one by one, and the percentage of mental consumption will be increased accordingly.

[Time]: 1524, Kama Taj.

[Requirement]: If your current career reaches level 120, you can return to the original timeline.

Allen, whose head was covered, took advantage of his free time to check the career panel.

It is found that there is one spell slot at the beginning of spell comprehension, and with one added every five levels, there are already three spell slots.

But so far, Allen has not created a spell.

After a while, the hood was taken off, and the environment of the castle came into view, with several old men in front of them.

They have different professions, including mages, wizards, and shamans. They are like a temporary team gathered together.

"Are you serious about joining us?"


Among them, an old man asked, and Allen responded calmly.

Immediately, the old man nodded and sensed through his ability that the other party was not lying.

That's right, Allen sincerely wants to join this force, and he doesn't just say it casually.

"You don't regret what we have done, even if we are enemies of the world?" the old shaman asked.

As he spoke, a poisonous snake emitting green light appeared in the old man's hand. It was spitting out a letter and looking at Allen. With the slightest sign of regret, he launched a fatal blow.


Allen spat on the ground disdainfully.

For a moment, the three old men looked stunned and were about to severely punish the arrogant people.

As a result, Allen changed the topic and said with great indignation: "This world full of filth and filth should have been destroyed long ago. All of them died, all of them died, all of them died..."


Brother, calm down.

We are a villain organization with ideals and ambitions, and we are not so obsessed with destroying the world.

"Ahem... please calm down your emotions. Destruction of the world is not our ultimate goal."

The old wizard interrupted Allen's cynical words and said seriously: "Destruction is never the end, but the beginning of new life."

"Warrigood, I very much agree with your statement."

Allen felt the same way, as if he had met a confidant who agreed with him, and said very excitedly: "Those idiots rule the world and treat the struggling living beings as idiots. I have wanted to go on a killing spree for a long time. I have to reshuffle the cards." To reshuffle the cards, we mages should lead the people of the world to establish an ideal country where everyone can practice magic and everyone can become a god."


The three old men were suddenly shocked.

This person's ideas are exactly the same as theirs.

"I'm sorry, I'm very extreme sometimes. A passionate and angry young man is one of my labels."

Allen sat on the floor and said angrily: "I don't think the villain must do evil things. It's just that the idea touches the interests of the inherent forces and deliberately promotes it as an evil force to protect his own rights and interests. In fact, it is out of selfish desires. It is an even more unforgivable crime to fool all sentient beings.”

The three old men looked at each other and felt that Allen was a talent.

"please continue."

"In the process of change, bloodshed and dedication are needed in exchange for a new dawn. As long as the goal is achieved, it is a just matter. Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters."

"The forces that claim to be righteous are all accomplices in persecuting all sentient beings..."

For half an hour, Allen was like an angry young man who sprayed everyone from the royal family to the beggars before giving up.

The three old men who conducted the test couldn't help but feel that this boy was too crazy.

But those who downgrade the inherent forces to hypocrites and elevate them to the true and kind people who pursue the truth have decided to give them some time to observe.

Allen took a breath, pointed at the three necromancers, and said with high emotion: "Why do you say that necromancers are evil? The necromancers eat your rice or pull your cabbage. What is evil? It looks square. , it’s still rectangular, and evil is just a non-existent concept.”

The three necromancers who accompanied Allen were deeply moved.

Necromancers exist in the world, and they have always been street rats who shout to be beaten and killed. Even within the organization, their status is extremely low.

"According to my opinion, necromancers are rare talents. They can control the undead to do many things, such as farming, mining, transporting... and doing many and many heavy tasks. The undead do not need to rest, will not become emotional, and can There is no need to pay wages, they are cash cows that can continuously create wealth." Allen said seriously.


For a moment, everyone present was silent.

This guy not only wants to cause harm to ordinary people, but also targets the undead.

However, after thinking about it, it makes sense. The undead doing hard work seems to be very promising.

After passing the preliminary test, Allen was allowed to stay in the castle for a month of observation.

"I am Jiawen, an elite necromancer."

The undead female mage who Allen had visited made a temporary arrangement to answer the questions.

"I have a question in my mind, what organization should I join?"

From the beginning to the end, the three old men had never met their respective factions. Allen was alone in the whole process, and he kept yelling without giving anyone a chance to introduce them.

"The organization we belong to, the full name of which is the Church of Hermes, has up to thirteen presidents, and is divided into many groups. We have been preparing for the arrival of the final day, but we can't reveal too much to you now. You will understand when the time comes. ." Jiawen said with a smile.

"It's so mysterious. When the final day is named, it must be a big event."

Allen didn't take it to heart, but thought more about it.

Allen's disappearance immediately attracted the attention of the veteran mages of Kama Taj.

Evanora helped contact and informed that a group of mages immediately rushed to the town of Red Wine Barrel to investigate.

As the undead have retreated, the town has become a dilapidated and uninhabited scene.

"I'll give it a try using vision backtracking."

Karma Taj has a collection of many spells, which naturally include time-travel spells.

The scene was traced back from the hotel to the street, and then Allen's figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Why is the person missing?"

"He learned the invisibility spell?"

"It's going to be troublesome this time."

"I'll do some divination."

A veteran mage who was proficient in divination performed a divination ceremony on the spot. As the magic flow continued to flicker, it made everyone's hearts pick up in their throats.

After finally meeting the perfect candidate for the Supreme Mage, it is unrealistic to look for another similar candidate.

"Ellen's life is not in danger, but there is strong magical interference in the place where he is, and I can't lock the position."

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