American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 197 Allen defected to the villain again

"One knife makes a little Karami, one punch makes a Yingying monster."

Allen takes care of the undead creatures along the streets.

Now the whole town has become dilapidated, as if the disguise has been removed and restored to what it should be.

It was obvious that he had already fallen into a trap from the very beginning when he entered the town of Red Wine Barrel.

‘Kill the undead monster corpse, experience value +100. ’

‘Kill the undead monster corpse, experience value +100. ’

‘Kill the undead monster corpse, experience value +100. ’

"Is there a forbidden magic realm here? Why can't I use magic?"

Allen kept killing the undead one after another, trying to change positions through the portal, but found that the spell he had picked up at his fingertips did not respond at all at this moment.

The magic failed, and Allen turned invisible to avoid the sharp edge.

Evanora led the witch group and moved outside the hotel.

Her white magic domain creates a range for free use of magic, and she still has the ability to resist when faced with the vast tide of corpse-like undead.

"Get your little lover back quickly."

Evanora urged Agatha angrily. If she didn't want to escape with the extra people, she would just teleport within a range and there would be no way to waste time.

The longer you stay, the more you can feel the rapid passage of mana.

Thinking of enemies hiding in the dark, arrange magic circles in advance to set traps.

Even though she is half as powerful as a Crown Mage, she is worried that she will fail here.

"I told you, he and I are simply the same family." Agatha responded angrily.

No one can get out of the boundary at all, and the number of countless undead creatures is increasing.

At this moment, the phantom of the crown on Evanora's head has appeared, and she is trying her best to maintain the barrier.

Ancient One, Geralt, and Agatha were anxiously calling for Allen.

But there was still no response, as if he had been killed.

"Use the communication stone." Agatha reminded.

Gu Yi took out the communication stone from his arms and crushed it in his hands.

But nothing changed, just like crushing an ordinary stone.

"There is a white magic prohibition circle here, and it is impossible to communicate with the outside world."

Evanora looked at the endless killing of undead and made a decisive decision: "Evacuate now, we can't bury everyone because of one person."

The next moment, Evanora opened her hands, and white-blue light covered the people in the barrier.

In an instant, everyone was teleported to nowhere.

The Necromancer stays outside the town and uses sight spells to spy on the situation in the town.

"It's such a shame that they got away."

"Evanora is on the hunting list. Her talent and potential are indeed extraordinary. She has actually reached the threshold of a crown mage."

"It doesn't matter. The target we want to kill seems to have disappeared."

"Maybe it was torn into pieces by the undead and swallowed."


The Necromancer group is very unpopular on the continent of Europa and is regarded as evil mages who desecrate the dead.

However, the ability to control the undead army is indeed very scary.

Furthermore, natural and man-made disasters often occur on the mainland, and there is never a shortage of corpses of the dead. There is a cemetery outside the town of Red Wine Barrel where the residents of the town have been buried for generations.

Therefore, it is easy to form a terrifying combat power.

"It's such a shame that Evanora and Agatha escaped."

Suddenly, there was an unfamiliar voice, and the three necromancers looked at Allen, who was shirtless and wearing a pair of wet hospital pants, and said with regret: "Otherwise, I want to experience the mother-in-law sandwich, tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk" …”


No, who are you?

Brother, we are not in the same group, can you give me some face?

The necromancers just received the mission and didn't know the identity of the target at all. What's more, they didn't care about the name of the dead person at all.

Under the dark mage's robe, the necromancer stretched out his hands as dry as tree branches, holding the human bone staff tightly, and looked at Allen with great solemnity and vigilance.

"Brother, don't be nervous, we are all our own people."

Allen flipped his wet hair indifferently and said calmly: "I am an undercover agent who infiltrated Kama Taj, and my boss is Cytorak."


This time, they were even more confused.

Cytorak, the Lord of the Crimson Universe, is a very powerful being in the field of black magic. Of course, the spells directed at this demon are too harsh and few are willing to intercept the power.

"How do you prove yourself?"

Empty words cannot make them believe it.

If he is really the one favored by Cytorak, he must consider recruiting him into the organization.

"Since you ask to see my real side, you are showing your shame."

Allen raised his hips and shouted: "Come out, Subian Hezi."

The crimson chains extended out, waving in the air like tentacles.

As he spoke, Allen quickly approached a necromancer.

"What do you want to do?"

This undead mage's twin peaks tower into the clouds. The mage's robe fits perfectly and outlines her graceful body. Although the hood hides her face, it cannot be seen that she is a very attractive woman.

The remaining two necromancers were about to take action.

All they saw was that Allen was supporting the tree with one hand, holding the undead female mage in the wall, and shaking her wet hair.

The water droplets swayed and scattered in her hair. The female mage closed her eyes and turned her head away to avoid splashing on her face.

"Woman, you have my attention."

Allen imitated the tone of the boss and said, "I want to conquer you with my hot eyes."

In his eyes, scarlet light flowed out of his eyes like fire.

This is naturally the second black magic that Allen has mastered, Crimson Fear.

"go away."

The undead female mage who pays attention to maintenance used her delicate hands to push Allen away. The breath of a strong young man hit her nostrils, making her a little short of breath.

"You can't even win this."

Allen raised his left hand, put his armpit against the other person's face, and said confidently: "I want you to be addicted to my manhood."


The curly armpit hair stuck to her face, and the undead female mage felt nauseated.


Allen dodged and jumped back, and said in shock: "I didn't expect that you are prone to pregnancy, and my armpit hair can make you pregnant."

"You make me sick."

The undead female mage breathed heavily to calm down the discomfort in her heart.

"I was scared to death. I thought I had awakened the ability to stare at someone's pregnancy." Allen said with lingering fear.

It is indeed the power of the Crimson Realm, and they have lowered their guard against Allen.

After all, Kamal Taj claims to be in the righteous camp and does not allow mages to get too involved in black magic to avoid going into darkness.

Seeing Allen using crimson magic unscrupulously, and without any negative effects of life loss, it is generally certain that he is the favored one of Cytorak.

But whether the organization is willing to accept Allen must pass a test, and it is not something they can decide in one sentence.

"I can't wait to be a villain."

Allen said helplessly: "After all, I bow to fate."

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