American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 189 Allen sacrifices himself

Things in Temeria were over, and Allen and his team set off for the next target location.

Foltest and his daughter were reunited. The king was filled with guilt and joy, and secretly vowed to spend his life making up for his mistakes.

The princess, who had lifted the curse and returned to normal, was like a blank sheet of paper, terrified of the unfamiliar environment. She curled up on the bed and looked at the king and maids warily.

Foltest felt distressed and helpless, so he could only teach his daughter slowly, hoping to return to normal life as soon as possible.

"You will accompany the princess at night and report to me immediately if there is any situation."

Foltest gave the order casually, but received no response immediately. He turned to look at the maid in confusion.

As a result, I suddenly found that the maid remained humble and stayed where she was, as if frozen on the spot.

"Who are they?"

At this moment, two mages in black robes suddenly appeared at the door.

Foltest suddenly felt a chill in his heart, thinking that the other party had bad intentions.

The palace is protected by the royal guards, so it is impossible for outsiders to set foot quietly. Moreover, if the other party comes quietly, there must be some unknown secret.

"Os Twitter is really a piece of waste. A small part of its layout failed."

"It doesn't matter. We have arranged many links. The vampire bird is just a backup plan. It's a pity that the crimson book is missing. It seems that the person who intervened took it away."

"It doesn't matter, the final day is destined to come, and no one can change the fact."

The two mages were chatting among themselves, obviously not taking the earthly king seriously.

At this time, they all looked at Foltest.

Foltest said wisely: "Please don't hurt my daughter, I am willing to cooperate with you."

He already knew in his heart that the other party was not a good person. He was completely different from the lawful camp mage who abided by the rules and treaties on the mainland. His true identity was clearly an evil mage.

"It's very good. It saves you having to use some tricks."

The two mages asked about the process of lifting the curse, and Foltest told them everything.

When they got the answers they wanted, they didn't kill them, they just erased the memories of the king and princess.

Hidden in the dark, nature works extremely secretively, and it can be said that there is no leakage.

Not long after the curse was lifted, the person involved disappeared, which would definitely arouse suspicion, so erasing the memory was the best way.

Any mistakes in details may lead to the failure of the entire huge plan.

In the jungle, a group of people gathered around a campfire.

"The next target location is the Oak Grove Monastery in the Principality of Princeton."

Allen pointed to the next location on the map and looked at Geralt.

After traveling around for so many years, Geralt can be called a living map of Europa.

What's more, the customs and customs of each country are different, so it is necessary to clarify the matters in advance to avoid violating local taboos.

"The Principality of Princeton is on the northern edge and is one of the first countries to convert to religion. As long as it does not do anything that offends the local religion, there is basically no problem. Oak Grove Abbey should be a religious institution that takes in orphans. The daily operations are maintained by nuns. It must be Keep your distance to avoid misunderstandings," Geralt said.

Demon hunters usually do not deal with different religions. Once the Demon Hunter Order was a religious-like organization, it was inevitable that there would be friction with other religious forces.

The current fragmented situation makes the witchers cautious, fearful of setting foot on once hostile territory.

"Master Ibuprofen is visiting the monastery. Could it be that his concubine is a nun?"

Allen smiled knowingly and said, "Sure enough, men have no resistance to uniforms."

They had no interest in exploring Master Griffin's private life. Ancient One and Agatha accompanied the investigation, and Geralt acted as a guide, not considering so many trivial matters at all.

Leaning on the tree trunk, the three of them prepared to take a rest before setting out on their journey early tomorrow morning.

Allen took out the dark magic book and patiently read the magic on it.

Doctor Strange has a crimson chain spell, and the source of its power is Cytorak. It can lock Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, which is quite impressive as you can imagine.

It is recorded in the magic book.

"No wonder Ostweet is such a weakling and doesn't dare to practice the magic above."

A total of two spells are recorded.

Crimson Chains and Crimson Fear.

The former is a control spell, and the red energy tentacles imprison the target.

The latter is a spiritual spell that causes the target's soul to fall into endless burning as long as there is fear in the heart.

However, how can you lend the power of the top demon god to you at will? The gods of the lawful camp may not respond easily.

Forcibly borrowing the power of Cytorak will cost you your life. The more you use it, the faster you will die, unless you are as powerful as Doctor Strange and immune to the backlash caused by the spell.

Of course, the magic book records how to borrow power without loss.

Through the sacrificial ritual directed at Cytorak, once the sacrifice satisfies the other party and responds with the Beloved mark, the person can borrow the power of the Crimson Universe at will.

Regardless of whether they are demons or gods, they all have their own territory in the multi-dimensional universe. Within their respective domains, they are naturally omnipotent, just like gods in their own kingdom.

The power borrowed by the mage group is actually the power of the multidimensional universe.

Allen glanced at Ancient One and Agatha, who were sitting quietly meditating, and then looked at Geralt, who was holding his sword and closing his eyes to relax.

"Agatha is my mount, Yao Mei is my little brother, Da Chao looks worthless, who should I choose as a sacrifice?"

Allen rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

Then, an idea flashed.

Suddenly, Allen's eyes lit up and he whispered to himself: "I will sacrifice myself. Old Sai will definitely be moved."

Just do it.

Draw a magic circle with both hands in the air.

The scarlet lines outline one symbol after another, forming a whole under the magical framework.

"It's quite simple."

The magic circle was above Allen's head, and in the center of the magic circle was darkness, as if it had been connected to multi-dimensional space, and then there were clusters of light, like star clusters scattered throughout the universe.

Among them, a group of scarlet light kept flashing, as if sensing Allen's ritual call and responding.

The next moment, Allen suddenly felt his head being pulled upwards, and an invisible hand was tugging at his soul.

When I lowered my head subconsciously, I saw him sitting motionless.

"My soul is out of body!"

There was no trace of panic on Allen's face. Instead, he shouted smugly to Gu Yi beside him: "Mei Yao, wake up, Master Tao is going to become an immortal."

When Gu Yi woke up from meditation, he looked at Allen, who was sitting quietly, as if telepathically, and observed the scarlet magic circle with wide eyes.

"Agatha wake up, Alan is in trouble."

"What trouble could he get into?"

Agatha opened her eyes impatiently and immediately said in shock: "Damn, he is such a talent. He sacrificed himself. Quickly crush the communication stone and call the mages over..."

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