American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 188 Allen is half a step closer to the conspiracy

Not long after, Gu Yi came back with a pile of books.

"so many?"

Allen looked at different books in confusion, and they were all written in unfamiliar characters.

Today, in the continent of Europa, although the writing system is based on letters, there are more or less changes between countries.

"I don't know the words." Gu Yi said awkwardly.

She is a girl who came from a mountain village. It is already very good to have enough food and clothing. It is unrealistic to expect to learn how to write.

Furthermore, no one in the village is literate, so there is no way for self-study.

Of course, in the future, if Ancient One stayed at Kama Taj for a long time, he would naturally have the opportunity to become literate.

"Mei Yao, I will teach you the knowledge spell later."

Allen cast a knowledge spell on himself, looked through it and found a diary.

Suddenly, Auster shouted angrily: "Put it down."

Many of his secrets are in his diary.

Allen said with a proud look on his face: "Let me just say, whoever keeps a diary can write down his or her inner thoughts in the diary. What is written can be said to be despicable."

Auster was about to take action.

Ancient One unfolded the fan magic weapon with both hands. Geralt had already drawn out the sword and reached for the potion bottle at his waist with his other hand.

Seeing the formation of two mages and a demon hunter, Ostite did not dare to lose his temper.

He is just a warlock, not even a mage.

He only masters one or two impractical magics and some potion formulas, and can escape even low-level monsters head-on.

"Jiejiejie... I found it."

Allen turned to one of the pages in the diary, which recorded Ostweet's criminal evidence, and showed it to the king, who roared angrily on the spot.

"Damn bastard, it turned out to be your conspiracy."

Foltest's eyes when he looked at the vampire bird had become gentle and sad.

"Dachao, come and see if the content above is very exciting."

Ellen's diary was shown to Geralt, and Agatha couldn't wait to gather a piece of truth.

Gu Yi's curious eyes were helpless because he couldn't understand the words on it.

"Yao Mei, let me tell you the general content, I promise it will be very exciting."


Ancient Yi was looking forward to waiting for Allen to tell the reason.

"Ostu came to work in the palace and fell in love with the king's sister. Oh yo... this girl is really good-looking. She is totally worthy of the handsome me. This warlock allowed you to get me, but in the end, you didn't have time to make a move. I found out that I have a leg, and I thought to myself, you have one leg, and I have nowhere to put my third leg. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and the angrier I became, the more I thought, you two are shameless things, I can’t make it easy for you, and then, with They used a confusing potion to trick the king into executing the princess on the pretext of safeguarding the dignity of the royal family. Ostlet was not going to let them go easily and put a curse on the princess, turning the unborn baby into a vampire bird, which would bring disaster to the entire country in the future."

Allen tells it with emotion and emotion, and the content is consistent.

Gu Yi completely understood the content. The real murderer was jealous and used treacherous tactics to persecute them, even the unborn babies. It can be said that they have evil hearts.

However, the eyes he looked at the king and the warlock were full of disgust, and he felt that they were not good things.

The four of them ate two melons at one go, and they couldn't relax at all.

"It's very in line with the style of the royal families of various European countries, highlighting the fact that one kiss leads to another." Agatha commented.


Geralt was used to it. In his travels, he had seen even more outrageous things.

"Now that you guys have discovered it, I have nothing to say."

Ostote faced it calmly and reminded him bluntly: "But you have no right to deal with me. You can only leave it to the Warlock Brotherhood to judge."

After hearing this, Foltest desperately looked to Allen and others for help.

According to the charter concluded by the Warlock Brotherhood, countries have no right to deal with erring warlocks privately.

"We didn't say we were going to kill you."

Allen said righteously: "The Ostite warlock fulfilled his duties and sacrificed heroically in the process of eradicating the evil werewolves."

Foltest's eyes lit up and he quickly echoed: "Yes, yes... Mr. Ostet and the evil werewolf died together."


In an instant, Ossie’s Twitter was no longer calm.

Frame the blame on a non-existent monster, and then die without any evidence.

"Alan, take a look."

Agatha selected a magic book from a pile of books with a cover that looked like dried human skin.

The title of the book is written on the first page.

"The Book of Cytorak!"

Allen knew it was a dark magic book without looking down.

Cytorak, the master of the Crimson Universe, is a very powerful demon, second only to the four gods. The magic involving this demon is not unpowerful.

"It seems you are hiding a lot of things."

Allen looked at Ossie's Twitter and asked, "Do you need me to use some means?"

It is very unreasonable for a warlock who is neither a high achiever nor a low achiever to possess a powerful book of dark magic. There must be some shady behavior in it.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Oskar's eyes evaded on Twitter and he said firmly: "My secrets have all been discovered by you, and there is nothing left to hide."

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin. Hold him down and take off his shirt. I'm going to torture him."

Allen gave an order, and Geralt and the three of them rushed forward.

"Don't come over here!"

Unable to withstand the overwhelming numbers, Ostlet's robe was stripped off, and the king was involved.

The vampire bird, who recovered from the fright, became the only spectator at the scene. She could not understand that humans who usually regarded as food would hurt each other.


The toilet plug was pressed on the left side of Ostweit's chest, and Allen pressed him: "Say it or not?"

"No, really not, I didn't lie."

"Dare to be tough."

Bo! Bo!

Allen pulled out the toilet plug, pressed it on his right chest again, and said, "I'll give you one last chance."

"I really don't, even if you kill me, you won't."

Ostweet regained his composure and his expression became calm.

At first he thought it was torture, but it turned out to be a painless method.

There was just a red mark on the chest, no real damage at all.


Allen pulled out the toilet plug and ordered: "You hold him down while I prepare a truth-telling potion."

Within a quarter of an hour, Allen turned back, holding a bowl with dark liquid in his hand.

Gu Yi brought back a pile of books and roughly saw a lot of relevant medicinal materials and potion knowledge. Allen guessed that this person was good at potion, so he found the alchemy room and made a simple version of the truth potion.

Allen smiled and said: "Da Lang, it's time to drink medicine."

Forced into Ostweet's mouth.

Within a minute, the whole person became delirious.

"Tell me your secret." Allen asked again.

"I'm He..."

Suddenly, Ostweet's expression froze, blood flowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and his eyes were wide open as if he was still dead.

"Poisoned to death?"

Allen said doubtfully: "The potion is not poisonous. It will stay dispersed for three days and three nights at most."

Agatha saw the clues and guessed: "He has the shackles of truth on him, and once touched, his soul will be annihilated."

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