American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 185 Alan’s new guard Geralt

"The witchers are all liars, we cannot let him go."

"Damn witcher, defrauded us of our savings."

"Catch him and let the king execute him!"


The demon hunter Geralt looked at the residents surrounding him with doubtful eyes.

This was his first time in Temeria. As soon as he settled his horses, he was immediately surrounded by local residents.

On the continent of Europa, the Demon Hunter Order was glorious for a while, but due to the competition between different forces, it eventually split into different schools.

The former hostile forces took this opportunity to spread rumors about the witcher, causing its prestige to plummet.

People who are illiterate naturally blindly believe it.

Of course, among the demon hunters, the Cat School, Bear School and Viper School have followed the path of profit-seeking and have long abandoned the purpose of their respective schools.

Geralt, on the other hand, belongs to the wolf school and has always adhered to the concept of neutrality and moderation, chasing monsters on the continent to continuously improve himself.

Facing the angry people, Geralt was speechless.

He was very aware of his current situation, and anything he said would be regarded as quibbling.

With his martial arts skills at his side, he was naturally not afraid of ordinary people taking action against him. He was just worried about the safety of his long-accompanying horse, Carrot.

As for why he came here, Geralt received a commission and needed to accompany and protect important people as a guide and guard.

At this time, a circle of sparks appeared in the sky, which shocked the people and made them shut up.

Such extraordinary power must come from the hands of a mage.

On the continent of Europa, the status of mages is equivalent to that of nobles, and generally speaking, they are not something ordinary people can afford to offend.

If it is an evil mage who has committed a crime, the Warlock Brotherhood will usually issue a wanted order in various countries and use the public as informants to search for the target location.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

Allen rode Agatha out of the portal, and wanted to follow Ancient One beside him.

When he saw the people gathered in front of him, Allen said shyly: "Everyone doesn't need to welcome me. They are all busy with their own business. Don't spread the word about me going on tour incognito."

Who are you?

You speak so arrogantly!

Due to his status as a distinguished mage, he did not dare to speak out in public.

"Sir, they are targeting me." Geralt explained.

"Big Super!"

Allen turned his head and was shocked at first, then said confidently: "Don't think that if you grow your hair long and dye it grandma gray, I won't recognize you. Your sexy butt chin betrays you, Superman Clark."


Geralt was confused when he heard this. He already realized that the other party was the entrusted target who needed to be dealt with, but he looked a little abnormal.

Allen pointed at the angry people and asked: "Are they asking you for a photo?"

Agatha reminded impatiently: "You are stupid. It can be seen from their angry eyes that they are obviously seeking revenge on him."

"A generous gift crab."

Allen immediately shouted: "We don't know him, you can do whatever you want."

"Master Master, please seek justice."

An old man walked out of the crowd and begged: "There used to be a demon hunter who defrauded employment money and did not complete the commission. Now the whole city is shrouded in fear of werewolves..."

The old man explained the current situation clearly and hoped that the strange mage could support him.

"Da Chao, I didn't expect you to be such a superman."

Allen looked at Geralt with disdain, and the latter explained helplessly: "I am Geralt, a demon hunter of the Wolf School. I will never do anything like cheating. And I am your contact person. Are you Master Allen from Karma Taj?”

"Wait a minute!"

Allen came back to his senses and said: "There are a lot of stitches, and the Witcher plot has come in."

Before leaving, the veteran mage said that he had hired a guide, but he did not elaborate on the characteristics of the guide. The employment scroll in his hand could prove his identity.

In fact, Kamal Taj did not name anyone when he hired him, and it was not clear who the Wolf School would send to respond.

Allen jumped off Agatha's back and vowed to the people: "I will solve the werewolf problem for you, everyone can leave."

"Mr. Master, how can you guarantee this?" the old man refused to give up.

" dare you question me."

Allen's expression changed and he said sadly: "How about I turn you all into werewolves, so you don't need to be afraid of werewolves."


If you can't beat it, just join.

If the problem cannot be solved, solve the problem directly.

I'm afraid he's not a dark wizard!

Everyone's anger turned into fear, and for a moment they thought of the evil wizard in fairy tales who likes to turn princes into frogs.

He was about to leave in a hurry, but there was a sound of armor metal rubbing against each other.

Only the armor-clad royal guards were seen surrounding King Foltest on horseback.

Seeing the king's personal arrival and the presence of his army, the people seemed to have a backbone and were waiting for a reasonable result.

From beginning to end, Gu Yi was too nervous to speak.

She was originally from a mountain village and had never seen a big scene. Even though she had become a member of Kama Taj, she still could not fully adapt to the change in status.

Foltest got off his horse and said in a very sincere tone: "Your Excellency, could you please take a moment to speak."

I was originally worried about how to solve the werewolf problem.

As a result, sleepiness comes to the pillow.

Geralt is undoubtedly the best person to solve this problem.

"Do you want us to solve the werewolf problem?"

Allen said bluntly: "As long as the money is available, I will capture the werewolf, clean it, and put it on the bed in the position you like."

"This is not good."

Foltest was embarrassed with a hint of expectation. As a king, he had never tried anything, whether he was a man or a woman, but he had never tasted the taste of a female werewolf.

"There's nothing wrong with it, I just love my right hand so much." Allen raised his right hand with a sweet expression on his face, and almost started to chew it affectionately on the spot.

"Let's talk about werewolves."

King Foltest pointed to the distance, which was a high mountain, and a castle stood on the top of the mountain. He said with lingering fear: "The werewolves are hiding in the castle. At night, they come out to harm the people. There are already more than thirty of them. If you die at the hands of a werewolf, as long as you solve the problem, I am willing to give you two thousand gold coins as a reward."

"Don't ask too much."

Allen asked mischievously: "What posture do you like?"

"Later..., ahem..." King Foltest said seriously: "I didn't mean that."

Allen gave a look that any man could understand and said quietly: "I will do it very secretly, and you just stay at home and wait."

King Foltest noticed that Allen was different, so he randomly found an excuse to withdraw his team back to the palace, fearing that if they talked a few more words, the taboo shackles in his heart would loosen.

When the people got the results they wanted, they stopped pestering the demon hunter Geralt and dispersed to do their own business.

"I need to check the contract."

Geralt took out a roll of parchment and waited for Alan to take out the same contract.

In ancient times before mobile phones, identity was generally confirmed through contract documents and badges.

The necessary identity verification cannot be omitted. If you mistakenly escort the person, resulting in a breach of the contract, you will need to pay liquidated damages.

The witcher who seems to be earning gold coins seems to be very rich.

In fact, this is not the case. Expenses such as equipment manufacturing and maintenance, regular inspections of horses, and crucially various potions to enhance combat power, etc., make the wallet always dry.

I checked the contract scroll and found no problems.

Geralt asked: "Do you really want to get involved in the werewolf issue?"

"There are no werewolves at all." Allen said with a mysterious smile: "There are just vampire birds..."

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