American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 184 Allen wants to make Europa everywhere

The corpse of a young mage with a miserable death condition was placed in the middle of the hall.

The veteran magicians of Karma Taj gathered around the corpse in spirit form to observe.

"There is a dark aura left in Griffin's body, and the murderer is a fallen mage!?"

One of the veteran mage drew out a wisp of black energy with his finger, and said solemnly: "The dark energy is very pure, I prefer monsters in the dark realm."

"Griffin is already an elite mage. Normal monsters can't kill him. I conclude that he should be at the level of the Demon God's Favorite."

"Could it be that the dark multi-dimensional realm can't stand the loneliness and wants to take action on the human world?"

"Since you dare to take action against Kama Taj, other forces must also be in crisis."

A group of veteran mages kept discussing.

In fact, Kamal Taj has lost contact with the Supreme Master Agamotto for a long time, but before leaving, he made arrangements for his successor and other matters.

They were just following orders and completing Agamotto's instructions.

Kamal Taj cannot remain without the Supreme Master, there must be a leader to take charge of the overall situation.

After testing the existing mages one by one, we came to the conclusion that the upper limit of growth is far from the expected level, and we do not want the supreme mages to be inferior to each other.

At this time, the veteran mages became quiet and listened to the latest report.

Naturally, it’s about Allen.

In their eyes, no matter how chaotic the world is at the moment, it is not as important as Allen.

After all, before Agamotto became the Supreme Mage, he was not born with the terrifying talent of a mage.

"What is this guy thinking? He is wasting his God-given talent."

"In one month, I learned a bunch of useless spells."

"The most active person is when he eats every day. During training, he makes an excuse to cultivate immortality. I want to give him a beating."


Everyone hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

With a little effort, Allen was actually promoted to be the reserve supreme mage, but he rode in Agatha's cafeteria to report all day long.

"I have a suggestion."

A mage with a beard hanging down to his waist, the old god said: "Take this opportunity to arrange for Allen to go to the continent of Europa for some experience on the pretext of pursuing the murderer of Master Griffin."

Immediately, someone expressed concern: "Isn't it too dangerous? Allen has not learned practical magic. A natural mage may not be born for tens of thousands of years. If something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret."

"I think it's feasible."

Another veteran mage explained: "Our people are building a sanctuary on the continent of Europa, which can provide timely response. Secondly, we travel with you secretly. If something unexpected happens, everyone will arrive as soon as possible."

"Yes, Allen has been staying at Karma Taj. Without any sense of crisis, it is difficult for him to grow into a qualified supreme mage."

"Then according to the voting resolution, those who agree will raise their hands."

With more than half in favor, Allen had to embark on a trip to Europa.

"Bold, the rats dare to harm the elders of this Immortal Sect."

Allen, filled with righteous indignation, came towards the mage and promised: "As a member of the Immortal Sect, I will definitely use the forbidden staff to penetrate the soul of the murderer."

"Alan, don't be so excited. You are only responsible for the investigation. If you really encounter the murderer, remember to crush the communication stone. We will rush to deal with it immediately. Protecting your own safety is the most important thing." The veteran mage warned seriously.

"Please rest assured, Elder Taishang, I will not let Elder Ibuprofen die in vain." Allen said solemnly.

"It's Elder Griffin..., no, Master Griffin." The veteran mage corrected helplessly.

Alan repeated: "I will not let Master Ibuprofen die in vain."

Forget it, you can call me whatever you like.

Everyone is dead anyway, so what opinion can a dead person have?

"You can bring two companions." The veteran mage reminded.

"Do you still need to think about it?"

Allen said without hesitation: "I brought my mount with Yao Mei. How can I travel without a ride and a maid? It's not my face that's being embarrassed, it's the face of our Kama Taj. It doesn't matter if I feel wronged." , but we cannot wrong the sect.”


Why don't you show off your face and ride someone else's girl when you go out?

Kamal Taj has completely disgraced you.

Agatha was practicing archery when she felt a heavy weight on her back. She realized that Allen had jumped up again, and said coquettishly: "Don't make trouble, I'm training."

"It's too late to explain. There are organizational tasks and Europa needs to go on a business trip."

Immediately, Allen shouted to Gu Yi: "Yao Mei, follow me, go out and take a look at the blond foreign devils. Witch Knight Allen wants to restore the Ming Dynasty and kill all the ghosts and beasts in Europe."

Ancient Yi's expression was confused: "I want to stay at Kama Taj to practice."

"Why are you still practicing? You are destined to become the Supreme Mage. Can you please stop being so pretentious and give others some breathing space?"


Under Allen's coercion, the two women reluctantly headed to the undercurrent of Europa together.

Temeria, one of the bulk kingdoms on the continent of Europa.

Europe has always lived a sparse life, and a fierce man from the sky can declare the establishment of a country by urinating in a circle. As a result, the princes and princesses have become popular, so the story of the princes and princesses going into exile and counterattack is very popular.

Perhaps, you are drinking a glass of malt juice in a tavern, and the sloppy woman sitting at the table opposite you and smelling of sweat may have been a princess in the past, but the kingdom the size of a town couldn't do it and the village next door was destroyed. You can remember it through alcohol. The fine clothes and food of the past.

The Kingdom of Temeria, with a population of over 10,000, is considered to be in the middle of many kingdoms. Moreover, it is most proud of having a powerful and luxurious royal guard of 500 people.

Not only can it suppress riots, but it can also serve as a deterrent to neighboring countries.

The key, of course, is that King Foltest of Temeria chose to submit to the Brotherhood of Warlocks.

The Warlock Brotherhood is a veteran force that has been operating in the continent of Europa for a long time. By supporting the royal families of various countries and expanding its sphere of influence, it extensively searches for young people with magical talents and brings them into the magic academy established under its command for training, so that a steady stream of new blood is added.

At this time, Foltest devoured the sumptuous food on the table, but his face was full of sadness.

Recently, terrifying rumors of werewolves have spread in their own territory, and many people in the territory have died because of it, causing panic throughout the country.

The king had no intention of caring about the lives of civilians. The problem was that a demon hunter who passed through Temeria not long ago led the people to raise three thousand gold coins and asked him to destroy the werewolves.

As a result, the witcher disappeared with the gold coins, most likely absconding with the money.

After learning that they had been deceived, the citizens were extremely angry and frequently asked the king to send out the royal guards to eliminate the werewolves.

Foltest was not willing to sacrifice his precious escorts. He was just worried that riots caused by dissatisfaction among the people would lead to the overthrow of the royal power. After all, this was how he got his position as king.

Asking the Royal Warlocks stationed in the Warlock Brotherhood to take action is an even more unrealistic idea.

The Master Master's famous red envelope was not received, and it did not guarantee his life.

The Warlock Brotherhood has never cared about the change of monarchy, only caring about whether the original rights and interests are recognized.

"Your Majesty the King, there is another demon hunter in town!"

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